"This Li Yaohuo, how could he be like this?"

"This is just a show of force."

"Without You Mingyue writing this script, how could he have the opportunity to make a movie?"

"You deserve to be called Li Yanwang"

"Now the screenwriter and director are at odds, and things are getting difficult."

"If I were those two girls, I would fuck him today."

"I can understand Li Yaohuo. Although Sadako doesn't have many scenes, she is a very important role in this movie. If she fails to play the role well, the consequences will be disastrous. If I were the director, I would not let a newcomer play the role."

"This is a difficult situation. Do you support the director or the screenwriter?"

"I choose screenwriters, after all, they have great reason"


After the breakup, the actors and staff in each room talked behind each other's back.

They did not gloat over the misfortune.

Instead, they were worried.

Although Jiaxing Entertainment focuses on the film and television industry, it is mainly in the direction of TV series.

In terms of movies, except for Yang Mi, others have very few resources, including Reba and Zhang Yunlong, who have not yet started their own film journey.

If the small screen is the job of every actor, then the big screen is the actor's dream.

Therefore, many artists actually value this opportunity to act in a movie.

No one wants to see the director and the screenwriter have a conflict.


In the room arranged for the girl,

Zhu Xudan comforted her,"Li Yaohuo is a well-known bad-tempered person in the circle, and is known as Li Yanwang. Don't take it to heart."

Dai Si nodded and said,"I heard that many actors have been scolded and cried by him. You know Zhao Xiaodao, she was scolded and cried."

"I'm fine." Xu Youyue shook her head.

"It's just a security guard. My sister won't be afraid of him."Xu Mingyue smiled sweetly.

Well, with the improvement of her acting skills, Xu Mingyou has risen from asking and answering questions to the point where the two sisters are acting together and showing off their acting skills.

In other words, she really didn't feel anything.

With her current acting skills, she is more than enough to play Sadako, and she doesn't need to show her face or anything.

"Um……"Zhu Xudan hummed softly, and the royal sister's voice made her heart numb:"You guys take a break first. If you have any questions about the script later, feel free to find me and Dai Si, as well as Brother Yunlong. He is a veteran actor, and you can ask him anytime."

In this situation, either the twins give up the role of Sadako, or one of them plays Sadako well. Zhu Xudan got the point.

She was willing to help.

This might be a great opportunity to build a good relationship with You Mingyue.

She even wanted to laugh in her heart: Thank you Li Yanwang for the assist.

The girl blinked and looked at Zhu Xudan in confusion.

Why did she look so excited?


The next morning

《The crew of"Midnight Ring" held a start-up ceremony.

It's called a start-up ceremony.

In fact, it's very simple.

There are no reporters or flashes.

First, everyone held incense and worshipped.

Then the red cloth of the camera was unveiled.

Finally, the producer and director said a few words in succession, which was considered the start-up ceremony.

This is a tradition that originated from the Hong Kong film and television industry.

Originally, there was also a call for the screenwriters, that is, Youyue and Mingyue, to say a few words, but they refused.

There was nothing to say.

Then, the official shooting began.

The first shot was shot in a remote grove outside Liancheng.

The props team set up the scene here.

In the desolate grove, the light was dim, the ground was covered with fallen leaves, and there was only an isolated well...

Before the shooting started, it felt a little creepy.

This is the well that Sadako climbed out of in"Midnight Ring".

Everyone looked to the right.


The makeup artist of the crew was putting makeup on the actors.

The actor was wearing a white long dress, with bare white jade feet, and cold white skin. I just don't know if she is the older or younger sister of the twins.

In the original plot, Sadako's long hair covered her face, and only half of her face was seen when she killed someone at the end, so the requirements for makeup were not high.

At this time, Xu Mingyue's hair was scattered on her shoulders, and her face was not covered with hair. She did not have the scary feeling of Sadako, but instead had a fairy-like feeling, like a fairy descending to the earth.

Many staff and actors were fascinated by the scene and could not take their eyes off.

"This is the most beautiful ghost girl I have ever seen"

"Miss Sadako, please come to me at midnight. I am willing."

"As long as you are brave, Sadako will take maternity leave"

"Beautiful Cry"

"Ahhhhh, why is she so beautiful?"

"Miss sister kill me"

"Suddenly I felt that being killed by her was a blessing"

"We are clearly filming a horror movie, so why does it feel like we are filming a historical drama?"


Even director Li Yaohuo had to admit that You Mingyue had what it takes to be an actor. She was born with a talent for acting.

But unfortunately, she didn't have the acting skills yet.

The acting skills of playing Sadako were not about expressions and lines, but about body language, which was not an easy task for a new actor.


"《The first scene of"The Ring" begins."

When the girl descended into the well, which was only 1.5 meters deep, the script supervisor hit the board and the shooting officially began.

In the camera screen, a pale hand slowly stretched out from the well...

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