At the same time, the book review section of Feilu Novel Network,"Zhatian", became extremely lively at this moment. Although the title of the book was not very popular and was not very attractive, there were always some readers who would click in to read it. And once they saw it... they were completely hooked.

"Ahhhhh, it’s gone! It’s gone!"

"Stuck at the key point, damn, have these authors ever taken classes on how to break a paragraph? How come each one is better at breaking a paragraph than the other!"

"I was watching the crucial moment, but it suddenly disappeared, leaving me in a state of confusion."

"Please update!"

"Come on update!"

"The author will update soon. Flowers, evaluation tickets and rewards are all for you."


"Nine dragons pulling a coffin to show off to me, what a great idea!"

"When I saw the classmates pretending to be cool and getting slapped in the face at the reunion, I laughed. It was another cliché plot. These authors have nothing. When I saw the nine dragons pulling the coffin to the blue planet and taking away the protagonist classmates in one go, I was stunned. Who am I? I was shaking all over!"

"Let me put this aside. If the author continues with this quality and this book doesn't become a hit, I'll eat shit."

"When the author saw one more person appear in the bronze coffin, I was shocked. I thought there really was a ghost, but... it turned out to be a classmate. How bad!"

"Congratulations on discovering me!"

"Author, can your penis be longer? It's not good enough, please update it soon"

"If I were a billionaire, I would definitely arrest the author, lock him up in a small dark room, and make him write to me every day."

"Youming Yue? Could it be the Youming Yue from"Chi Ling"?"

"How is it possible! The two sisters are only 18 years old and have never written a novel. They can't have such a good grasp of rhythm and writing skills. The level of this book is obvious to a great writer who has used a pseudonym."


Gu Qingyao was also reading the book reviews.

The corners of her mouth rose slightly.

It can't be them?

But it really is them, and the one who wrote this book is the younger twin sister.

The truth is in front of you, but you dare not believe it.


She did not post anything to explain for the twins. It is quite fun to watch the book fans guess which martial arts and fairy tale master wrote the book.


The entertainment circle and the online literature circle are two circles after all.

There is not much connection between the two.

When You Mingyue wants to explain her identity, she will say that there is no need for her to meddle.

Now, I just need to keep an eye on the plot of this book, strive not to let Xu Mingyue write it badly, and at the same time, maintain a good relationship with her.

"I'm going to publish it."Gu Qingyao's eyebrows danced with joy. At this time, her stomach was protesting. She just remembered that she hadn't eaten yet. She quickly got up from her chair and went to the cafeteria. When her editor colleagues saw her like this, they looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Did Xiao Gu find the seedling? Why are you so happy?"

"How can it be so easy to find Miaozi? Maybe she is in love."


"You bastard, draw your sword!"


When Xu Mingyou was choosing a pen name, she actually thought about changing her alias and not using the name You Mingyue.

But then she thought about it.

It seemed meaningless.

She was not GHS, nor was she writing dangerous novels, so there was nothing wrong with using a stage name.


The main reason was that she was bad at naming and was too lazy to think of a pen name.

Xu Mingyou was very confident in the quality of"Zhetian". This was a recognized masterpiece of online literature by the flower-growing family in the previous life. A good work is a good work no matter where it is. There is no reason why it would not work in this parallel world.

However, she still felt a little uneasy and nervous. After all, this novel was related to an astronomical amount of Mora (money)!

Conservatively speaking, earning a small goal should not be a problem.

Thinking in her heart.

The girl refreshed the contract status again.

"Zhetian" was now displayed as signed.

The girl's mouth curled up slightly.

"Next, it will be a normal update."

The girl put her phone in her bag and ignored it. She had something else to do in the afternoon. She had to correct the fan dance movements of the trainees. The recording of the Produce Camp was getting closer and closer.


Meanwhile, on Feilu Novel Network, the news that Gu Qingyao had discovered a promising novel spread like wildfire.

This couldn't be kept secret from anyone.

Editors would also scan the books to see if there were any novels that were missed by other editors but that readers really liked.

At this time,"The Great Ruler" came into the sight of an editor.

After the editor's recommendation...

When Gu Qingyao finished lunch and returned to the office, she saw a strange scene. All the colleagues in the office were sitting at their workstations, staring at the computer screens.

The office was extremely quiet.

They were all reading"The Great Ruler".

Ten minutes.

Twenty minutes.

The editors finished reading it one after another, and all of them showed shocked expressions on their faces.

They all entered the industry earlier than Gu Qingyao, and had a deeper understanding of online literature, but in fact, they were all shocked.

"This book……"

"This book……"

Several editors murmured

"As long as it doesn’t collapse, it will definitely be on the heavenly list!"

"This book has the potential to be on the heavenly list!"

"It is unexpected that fantasy novels can be written in this way. If the quality continues to be high, it can be said that this book will redefine fantasy novels!"

"Xiao Gu is lucky."An editor looked envious. Such a hot-selling fairy-tale work is extremely rare in the second group. In a year, there may be only one or two books published.

The probability is no different from winning the first prize in the lottery.

The key is that the editor gets a lot of commission for a hot novel, which is what he envied the most.

"It's not her luck, it's this new guy who's too strong... Wait, You Mingyue! 18 years old! Holy shit! Isn't that the one who sang"Chi Ling"?……"An editor clicked on the real-name information




The editors in the office stared with their eyes wide open, and there was a burst of gasps. The twins on TikTok were so popular a few days ago that almost everyone knew them.

At this time, someone noticed Gu Qingyao who had already walked in.

Suddenly, everyone looked over, wanting to confirm whether this You Mingyue was the same You Mingyue.

Gu Qingyao looked confused, but still nodded.


At this moment, the editors' minds were strongly shocked.

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