Chapter 4.

The class reunion is over.

Chapter 5.

The old classmate is going back to China, the reunion is postponed, and they agree to travel to Mount Tai together.

Chapter 6.

The nine dragons pull the coffin to the top of Mount Tai, and the ancient five-color altar appears.

Chapter 7.

Everyone is sucked into the bronze coffin by a strange force, and follows the nine dragon corpses to the ancient starry sky road.

Chapter 8.

The 30th person in the strange bronze coffin.

Chapter 9.



""Mars, a glowing fire, a chaotic mess, Mars is Mars." Gu Qingyao read this in one breath, not even blinking. She was completely immersed in it.

Immersed in the magnificent world described by the author.

"If the previous class reunion plot was a bit boring, then the scene after the nine dragons pulled the coffin to the top of Mount Tai was full of high energy, the plot was tense and exciting, and it was on the edge of life and death, making people dare not breathe."

"Moreover, the chapters about the class reunion in the beginning were not just water writing, but foreshadowing. After the Nine Dragons Coffin officially descended, the characters of these classmates actually came alive one by one. This skill in portraying a group of people is truly terrifying."

"Great God, this is definitely a great God's work."

Gu Qingyao murmured to herself.

At this time, it was already late, and colleagues got up to go to the cafeteria for dinner, but she seemed to be unaware of it. She still sat in her chair and clicked on the next chapter.

Chapter 10.

Chapter 11


Chapter 20, terror descends, the crocodile ancestor appears.

Countless divine crocodiles chase the protagonists.

When Gu Qingyao saw this, her mouth was dry, she was extremely nervous, and her adrenaline was rushing.

A terrifying monster appeared on Mars, and the protagonists were on the verge of life and death.


People have died, and many of the protagonists' classmates were killed by the monsters.

She stared at the screen and quickly clicked the next chapter.

But a line of words popped up on the page:"The author is working hard to finish the manuscript~ Please share!"


"Just gone like that???"

"This is too short!"

Gu Qingyao stared, feeling very uncomfortable.

This feeling is like watching a movie at the climax, but suddenly the power goes out.

It makes people feel neither up nor down, and it is unbearable.

At this time.

She looked at the time. It turned out that since she started reviewing this novel, she had unknowingly spent half an hour and read 60,000 words.

"Really addictive"


"Unfortunately, the author has stopped updating here!"

Gu Qingyao let out a long breath. She hadn't enjoyed reading a novel so much in a long time. She felt very refreshed after reading it all the way to the end.

If there were more chapters, she believed in herself that she would definitely skip work today and finish reading this book even if she worked so hard.

"The suspenseful opening makes the readers look forward to the development of the plot.

Then, in the ordinary plot, the nine dragons pulling the coffin are used to keep the readers' appetite.

Finally, after the nine dragons pulling the coffin arrives, the plot is continuously advanced with a hearty adventure plot, forming a big climax.

Then, it enters Mars, and the strange bronze coffin, the ruins of the heavenly palace, the bodhi tree, etc.

, write suspense again.

Then, the crocodile ancestor appears, and the life-and-death crisis is full of expectations.

While the plot is interlocking, it also constantly portrays the character of the protagonist, such as taking care of classmates who are not satisfied with their lives, which reflects the protagonist's sincerity.


Gu Qingyao was summarizing the plot.

Without any hesitation, she clicked on the contract to approve it.

With her many years of experience in reading novels, she could swear that if this novel continued to be written at this quality, it would be a shame if it didn't become popular.

At the same time, her heart was trembling.

This was the first seedling she had discovered since she joined the company.

If it really became a hit, she could also get a high salary.

"If it is really a great author who is using a pseudonym, it should be stable."


, it is hard to say.

Even if it is a great author, there are many unfinished and abandoned novels.

At this time, she clicked on the author's information.

The author will fill in the real-name information when applying for a novel contract. Perhaps it can be used to find out which great author's new book is.

Suddenly, her pupils contracted rapidly, as if she saw something unbelievable.

The information read:

Author: You Mingyue

Age: 18

Identity: Student

Real name: Xu Mingyue


Hometown: Shancheng

Mailing address: Jiaxing Entertainment, XX Road, XX District, Imperial Capital

Contact number: xxxxxxx




At this moment, countless thunders exploded in Gu Qingyao's mind, and her thoughts were strongly impacted, with huge waves in her heart.

"The author of The Great Saint is... You Mingyue!"

"It’s not some great god’s vest!"

"They are really the gorgeous twins who wrote"Chi Ling"! No! To be precise, it is one of the twins!"

"Oh my god!"

Gu Qingyao was stunned, completely stunned.

This shock was much stronger than when she saw the Nine Dragons Pulling Coffin, the Ancient Mars, and the Crocodile Ancestor when she was reading the novel just now.


Such a magnificent and sophisticated novel was actually written by a young girl who just graduated. What's more outrageous is that their main job is to be an artist of Jiaxing Entertainment, not to write novels!

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