The prelude sounded.

With the dynamic ding-ding-ding-ding sound, the two girls raised their right hands and fanned themselves, kicking their legs... Because they were one soul and two bodies, their coordination was even more tacit, and their movements were almost identical.

At this moment, the trainees, the dance teachers, the vocal teachers, the Jiaxing Entertainment staff, and everyone in the practice room were all attracted to it.

Some people even stared at it in a trance.


The dance ended.

The girl's face flushed and she was breathing heavily.

"Damn, my physical fitness is too poor."

After dancing the song, the girl felt like she was about to meet the King of Hell.

Because the original owner swallowed too much sleeping pills, the functions of various organs in her body were damaged to varying degrees.

And dancing consumes a lot of physical energy.

This is also one of the reasons why she refused to go to the Chuangying.

She can't stand the tossing.

In the practice room.

At this moment.

The trainees were extremely excited:

"Just jump to this!"

"Waving a fan is really cool!"

"This dance will definitely be a blast on stage!"


"Absolutely amazing!"

"If we perform this dance on our first stage, we will definitely be the coolest guys in the audience!"

"The song is also nice"


The trainees were discussing excitedly.

All their doubts were dispelled.

The audience's attention would determine the number of votes they would receive in the show.

They could already imagine that when this song and dance appeared on the stage, it would be a big hit, and they didn't know how many audiences would be attracted.

As for the previous song and dance?

The trainees said: What? We rehearsed it before?

The dance teacher and vocal teacher beside Lin Yan sighed:

"Ancient style music + fan dance, this is a great idea"

"It is worthy of being Youmingyue"

"These two sisters are really good at writing ancient style songs"

"The choreography is very innovative."

Lin Yan smiled. She had just experienced the transition from doubt to shock. Then, she looked at another dance teacher, Liu Yue, with her beautiful eyes:"Teacher Liu, what do you think?"

She heard from the assistant that Liu Yue had the biggest reaction to the song change.

Liu Yue looked unhappy.

She wanted to find fault, but she couldn't find fault with either the song or the dance.

Although it was not the best, it was better than what she had prepared before.

She admitted this.

But she was angry in her heart.

Can't you two sisters just be your own artists? Why are you trying to steal our dance teacher's job? You are so damn stubborn!

"Just follow their wishes."Liu Yue sighed.

Although she felt resentful and unwilling, she also knew that this was the best choice for the girls who were about to participate in the Creation Camp.


Qu Dad……

《"Send to the Moon" was written by You Mingyue, and it is a new song by Qu Dae. As long as it is on stage, it will naturally attract attention and traffic. I am afraid that Penguin will give more shots to the Jiaxing girls who are performing on stage for the sake of ratings.

At this moment.

She even wanted to watch the show as soon as possible to see what expressions the trainees from other entertainment companies would have when they learned that the Jiaxing trainees came with Qu Dae's new song.

"Actually, it's a good idea to think this way."Liu Yue forced a smile.


I can only try to have fun in the midst of suffering.


That was how it was decided.

In the next few days, the girl stopped learning acting and dancing, and was mainly responsible for teaching the trainees to sing"Send to the Moon" and do the fan dance.

Thus, she also had the title of teacher.

Wang Yijin and the others shouted"Teacher Youyue" without knowing when."、"Teacher Mingyue".

This makes it a little difficult for the transformed girls to flirt with them.

How can a teacher lay hands on his own students?

Well, it seems that it is not impossible

《The illicit love between a beautiful teacher and a beautiful student》

《Jiaxing Entertainment Lily Blossoms》


However, because she often hangs out with the trainees, the relationship is getting better and better.

At the same time , her side job is not idle.

The script of Xian San has been written.

Considering the system task, the girl plans to take out this script after filming"Midnight Ring".

If"Midnight Ring" is an appetizer, then this script is the real king bomb.

Whether it is for Yang Mi or for herself.

Moreover, her own role has been chosen, and she wants to play Long Kui.

But... for now, her acting skills are definitely far from enough to play the role of Long Kui well.

So I have to make money as soon as possible and improve my acting skills.

As for the novel, after these days of hard work,"The Heaven Covering" has already written 300,000 words.

After all, it is copied from the system, so it is very fast.

The only job is to correct the wrong sentences, typos and so on.

The girl plans to find a time to upload it in the next two days.

Upload it one day earlier, and you can get the manuscript fee earlier.

As for the situation that she cannot update normally due to filming later, the girl said she is not panicking and will take her time.

Delaying the update is a common operation of online writers.

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