Liu Yue is one of the dance teachers at Jiaxing Entertainment, responsible for teaching the trainees to dance and choreograph songs.

At this moment.

She was very angry.

Just now, Lin Yan's assistant found her and asked the female trainees to stop practicing the dances prepared for the first stage of the Creation Camp, and at the same time, the original songs had to be changed.

Temporary change of songs?

Temporary change of dances?

You know, the previous songs and dances have been prepared for half a month, and the trainees are already very familiar with them. The task now is to consolidate, consolidate and consolidate again!

Isn't this just a mess!

What's even more outrageous is that according to the assistant, the new songs, new dances, and even new dance costumes were all from the hands of the twin artists newly signed by Jiaxing Entertainment.

Liu Yue knew this pair of sisters. She also learned to dance with other dance teachers these two days.

Although they have not dealt with each other much, they are not unfamiliar faces.

Liu Yue recognizes their strength in composing.

After all, the performance of"Chi Ling" and"Pao Pao" on the music charts in July is obvious to all. Even on the current charts,"Chi Ling" is still number one, and the gap with the second place has widened again, forming a gap-like lead of more than three million downloads.

But choreography and costumes?


It's not that I look down on them, it's just that they are not professionals and don't have that ability.

However, as someone who has been in this industry for many years.

Liu Yue did not choose to go against her leader.

She waited for the twins to come to teach dance later, and then she would find fault.

Hit the point directly.

Hit someone in the face

"You two amateurs, I want to see what dance you can come up with that is better than my choreography.……"Liu Yue suppressed his anger, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.


Everyone didn't have to wait long.


Lin Yan, Xu Youyue, Xu Mingyue, as well as dance teachers, vocal teachers, etc., came to the practice room.

For this Penguin"Girl Group Idol Creation Camp", Jiaxing Entertainment has selected a total of six trainees.

They are Wang Yijin, Feng Wanhe, Ao Xinyi, Cui Meiwenxiu, Xiao Qingxuan, Tian Jingfan... They are all very beautiful, especially Wang Yijin.

She is a typical bright beauty.

The other trainees also have their own characteristics.

Feng Wanhe is sweet and cute, beautiful and pure, and has a pair of long white legs...

Ao Xinyi is youthful and beautiful, and good at dancing.

Tian Jingfan... is responsible for comedy


At this moment, they saw Youyue and Mingyue following the teachers into the room, and they all looked puzzled.

"Is it because they are going to the Produce Camp? So they have to change the dance temporarily?"

It's not impossible.

With the current love of the company's top management for the twins, if they want to go to the Produce Camp, it's just a matter of a word from the twins.

In fact, with"You Mingyue"'s current achievements and popularity in the music industry, if they want to go to the Produce Camp, the program team will send them the quota.

"Strange, two days ago, the two sisters Youyue and Mingyue told me in person that they would not go to Chuang 2020."Wang Yijin frowned slightly. In the past two days

, because the dormitories are very close, the relationship between her and the twins has progressed rapidly. If she is willing to please them, they can be considered friends.

She shouldn't lie to herself, right?

Just when the trainees were puzzled, the girl was also looking at them.

In fact, the girl is also very familiar with these beautiful trainees.

At least she was familiar with them in her previous life.

Most of them are actually Jiaxing Xinyue trainees of Chuang 2020. Among them, Wang Yijin debuted as a group with the third place in the finals and is a member of the Hard Candy Girls group.

At present, among these people, Wang Yijin has the best relationship with her.

She looked at Wang Yijin, and Wang Yijin also looked over. Their eyes met in the air. The girl smiled lightly as a greeting.

At this time,

Lin Yan's assistant walked up to the six trainees and explained the situation.

After the words fell, the trainees looked at each other in an uproar.

"Not only do we need to change the song, but we also need to change the dance?"

"There is only one week, is it enough time?"

"But it is true that the original song and dance did not seem to have any highlights."

"I'm worried"

"Take a look first"


The trainees were talking about this.

This didn't sound right.

It was undeniable that You Mingyue's composing skills were very high, but who among them wasn't better than them in terms of dancing?

Seeing this, Liu Yue's mouth curled up slightly.

The trainees' reactions were just as she expected.

She looked at the twin sisters, and then she would find fault with them.


The girl was too lazy to explain.

She cleared the field, walked to the middle, and one of them started dancing with a folding fan in his hand.

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