"What's going on? ? Holy shit!!"

"No big brother, is this normal behavior for cats? ?"

"Impossible, is this a coincidence, or does Tang Yuan really want to make a phone call?"

At this time, Tang Yuan picked up the landline phone, carefully pressed a number, and even pressed the dial button.

All these operations made the audience in the live broadcast room not think that this was just a coincidence.

On the contrary, They feel that Tang Yuan has long been accustomed to this kind of operation.

In other words, this cat has long been accustomed to making phone calls?

But the problem is again, this is just a cat!

She was so confused that for a moment, she couldn't tell whether Tangyuan was a beast or they themselves were beasts.

Nuannuan was also confused, and she, who had always been calm, was a little tongue-tied at this moment:"This cat... is on the phone? Something doesn't seem right!!"

No! This is wrong.

How can a cat make a phone call?"

Nuan Nuan hurriedly looked at the feline professor Wang Kun aside, wanting to get the answer from him, and asked:"Professor Wang, a cat Call, what's going on? ? Is this a rare behavior in cats? ?

Professor Wang's hands trembled, but he still nodded calmly and analyzed:"Don't be too surprised, this must be accidental, this cat must have been beaten randomly!""

"After all, in daily life, we have also seen cats accidentally typing a sentence while typing on the keyboard. This is normal!"

At this moment, the professor was not panicking. He was holding a book in his hand - Cat Behavior.

He firmly believed that the reason why he could not explain all the behaviors of Tangyuan yesterday was very simple. It was because of himself. His knowledge is not rich enough.

He doesn't believe that cats' behavior can go against science. Otherwise

, wouldn't his reputation as a professor of cat research become a joke?

If it's based on science, doesn't this science become pseudoscience?

So, today he is well prepared.

Today is also his battle to rectify his reputation!

"It seems reasonable to say so."

"Indeed, after all, my cat often touches it like this"

"If you want to put it this way, the last time my TV suddenly turned on, I thought it was a ghost, but it turned out that the cat in my house turned it on."

"Upstairs, your cat may be possessed by a ghost. It's hard to say."

"roll roll roll!! How far do you have to go before your cat is possessed by a ghost?"

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also thought that this was probably a random fight.

After all, Tangyuan is just an ordinary-looking, cute white cat at best.

If they believe that a If a cat makes a phone call, then who should it call?

After all, it’s impossible for a person to call another cat, right

? In an instant, a voice came and shocked everyone.

"Meow meow!"A little girl's voice came!"You are here!""

The little girl's voice has a milky sound!

"Are you kidding? I'm super punctual, okay?"

Tang Yuan said. Of course, at this time, he could only make a meowing sound, and naturally he couldn't speak like the little girl.

However, this was enough to make the audience in the live broadcast room feel incredible.

In other words, Tang Yuan didn't press the button randomly just now, but......

I really thought about who to call!!

It can be heard from the little girl's words that it seems....

This is not the first time they have agreed on a time to call each other!!


"Damn it, am I still awake?!"

"Wait! What the hell is going on here!"

"Really got through?!"

"Really got through? ?"

"Is this reasonable? Is this appropriate?"

"There's something wrong with this horse riding!"

A little white cat that looks harmless to humans and animals actually made an appointment with a human cub to chat on the phone.

This cat's behavior is a bit unacceptable!!

Professor Wang! Please explain!

And this At that time, Professor Wang looked at the picture on the screen with dull eyes.

Originally, he had worked overtime overnight to absorb a lot of theoretical knowledge about cats that he had never been exposed to, and at the same time, he studied the"Comprehensive Science of Cat Behavior" in his hand. 》

Even, I was afraid that I might not remember some theoretical knowledge well, so I kept holding the book in my hand, ready to check it at any time.

But at this moment, looking at the picture of Tangyuan meowing at the phone, the other human cub seemed to understand. general answer.....

He was completely dumbfounded.

He felt as if an atomic bomb suddenly exploded in his brain, shattering all his neurons, leaving a blank in his mind.

Now, shouldn't the cat go out to steal food? ?

Then the explanation was that it was the nature of animals.

But now it stopped to call a human cub, what the hell was he aiming at!!

Wang Kun's hand trembled... picked up the book"Cat Behavior Comprehensive".

He opened the cover with violent trembling.....

But before he opened it, he was suddenly stunned.

Turning over the book to explain the behavior of glutinous rice balls? ? ?

For some reason, a question suddenly appeared in his mind that even he himself didn't know why.

Yes, I, Wang Kun, am a professional! To explain a cat's behavior, smile and open an encyclopedia to explain.

Yes, turn it over... turn it over for you! What a stinky cat! Woohoo!

Professor Wang directly threw the thick book on Feline Behavior into the drawer.

At this moment, Professor Wang felt that his more than ten years of research had been in vain.

There is a cat here, and he meows like a cat!!

Nuan Nuan on the side was startled.

Professor Wang was... being killed by a cat.....

The whole defense is broken....

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