
There was a loud noise, and the door was slammed shut.

Qin Zeyu's leaving figure was so graceful but so ruthless.

Tangyuan looked at the small half bowl of egg fried rice in his cat food box and fell into deep thought.

"What's going on with this little girl? ? Didn't he just get in there and take a nap? Why is it so abnormal?...."

"yes! I Tangyuan went to bed without taking a shower, but isn’t that because I am upright? ?"

"but....It's not like he's so angry."

Tang Yuan let out a helpless sigh. She really didn't know what happened today.

If it were the past, the hostess would only stroke him lovingly when she woke up.

But today, not only did she not stroke him with warm palms, but He picked up the pitiful little ball of flesh on the back of his neck, lifted him up and almost threw him out.

"Oh my God! Has Tangyuan ever been wronged like this? ?"

Tangyuan cried out in his heart.

Since last night, the hostess has been abnormal.

She locked him out again, took it out on him in the morning, and now she reduced his food intake.

Could it be that? ? ? She... has her period.....Si!!

It seems like I need to go out to avoid the limelight. aim!

Damn it, why am I talking about what’s on my mind?...

At this time, after the director and Qin Zeyu confirmed that everything was ready, they opened the live broadcast screen again.

After just one day of accumulation yesterday, the number of viewers of Tang Yuan is already very large.

The live broadcast has just started, and a large number of viewers have poured into the live broadcast room.

When they came in at this time, what they happened to see was Tangyuan sitting in front of the half bowl of egg fried rice, looking thoughtful and aggrieved.

"It’s finally airing, checking in on the daily life of Yunlu Cat, the next day!!"

"drop!! Cute card!!"

"ah? ? What happened to our glutinous rice dumplings? ?"

"Who made our glutinous rice balls sad? ?"

"If Tangyuan doesn’t cry, I will kneel down to the bad woman!!"

"The glutinous rice balls are too cute, and the resentful little expression is so funny, hahahahaha!"

There is no way. Although Tang Yuan has a resentful expression at this time, his big round white head and his big watery eyes look so cute.

The audience in the live broadcast room also felt distressed.

After eating the fried rice, the glutinous rice balls still looked listless.

The reason was simple: there was too little food and he was not full.

But Qin Zeyu had already left and had nothing to eat.……

"Look at meow meow meow! (Women during their menstrual period are really scary!!)"

Tangyuan's two cute kitten paws were beating on the pillow.

If I had known better, I would have slept by myself yesterday.

Now I am in a state where I can't even eat breakfast. Field.

And what’s even more terrifying is that Qin Zeyu plans to starve it of its lunch meal!

"Ah, look...."

Tired from beating, the dumplings lay helplessly on the pillow.

What flashed through those big watery eyes were all the beautiful memories of Qin Zeyu's past.

"Wow, what a pitiful little dumpling."

"Kitty, I have chicken legs here, do you want to come with me?"

"It seems that he is hungry. How could he not give such a cute little dumpling something to eat?!"

"Bad woman, come back!! Isn’t it just that if someone sleeps with you all night, you won’t give them food? ?"

"Upstairs, we suspect you are driving. Now take these silver bracelets and come with us."

At this time, the host and guests in the main live broadcast room were also in place.

Seeing this scene, the female host Nuannuan turned her head and asked Wang Kun:"Professor Wang, if you can't eat glutinous rice balls, what will you choose to do? His owner, Miss Qin, didn't seem to prepare enough food for him."

Professor Wang smiled and nodded. This kind of thing is easy to explain. If you don't eat enough, you must go outside to find food. This is the essence of all living things. He said calmly and confidently in a professional tone:" The essence of living things is to look for food to survive better, so glutinous rice balls should go outside to find food. Cats are creatures that seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and are very likely to steal."

Nuan Nuan nodded lightly. It's not unusual for a cat to eat outside.

It can even be said that it's very common, otherwise there wouldn't be that saying.

"That makes sense. Are we going to witness the thief of glutinous rice balls today? ? ?"

"I'm curious about what Tangyuan would steal to eat?!"

"What are you talking about? ? My glutinous rice dumpling is a good, law-abiding cat."

"That’s right, my glutinous rice balls don’t steal anything."

At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room inevitably started to quarrel.

They were not trying to smear anyone, but it was a very natural phenomenon for cats to secretly eat glutinous rice balls when they were hungry, so they felt that glutinous rice balls should also be secretly eaten. As for The part of the audience who objected felt that glutinous rice balls were different. They really liked glutinous rice balls too much and felt that cats would not do such a thing.

After all, eating cats is a natural phenomenon and does not rise to the level of morality. Condemned.

But from a human perspective, the word"steal" is not a good word, because these viewers who like Tangyuan do not want Tangyuan to be slandered by them.

However, while they were arguing

, Tangyuan suddenly appeared in the scene. He jumped up suddenly and jumped to the landline phone on the table.

Then... the cat's paw gently moved the phone to the dialable state.

At the same time, Tang Yuan carefully used his cat's paw to enter a number.


"Damn it? ? ? What is this for? ?"

"What are you doing on horseback?!"

Brother! Do you still remember that you are a cat???


What the hell!

Professor Wang!! Please explain what is going on!............

——Small Theater -

Tang Yuan stood high on the wardrobe, with a look of despair on his face

"Tangyuan, come down!"Qin Zeyu was so anxious that he almost cried. It ran to the wardrobe and couldn't get off.

"Meow meow meow!"Tangyuan's face showed grievance.

"Are there other cats outside? Meow!"

"You won’t give me any flowers or monthly passes, meow!"

"Meow meow meow meow meow!"

"Okay, okay, I'll give you all the monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation votes, all for you!"Qin Zeyu coaxed.

Tangyuan:"That's pretty much it, meow!"

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