Before Jiang Wen could enjoy it enough, Qin Zeyu suddenly put it down.

Qin Zeyu's pretty face blushed slightly. Although she was often rubbed like this by glutinous rice balls, now she knew that it was all live broadcast.

She still knows very well what material she is made of.

And it's time to leave. After all, the live broadcast is about the daily life of the cat, not the daily life of the cat and its mistress.

Moreover, although there are bonuses in the show and his glutinous rice balls are smart enough, Qin Zeyu cannot guarantee that he will win the first place.

Therefore, you still have to go to the classes you are supposed to take.

Putting Tangyuan down, Qin Zeyu put on his coat and carried his bag, then reluctantly knelt down and rubbed Tangyuan's head, and said softly:

"I'm going to work, you stay at home and don't mess around."

If it were before, Qin Zeyu wouldn't have said this, because she knew it would be useless.

But now it is different. She always feels that her glutinous rice balls can understand what she says.

Therefore, she has developed a It’s a habitual request

"Meow!"Tang Yuan opened his big eyes, flicked his seemingly weightless tail, and replied obediently.

Qin Zeyu nodded with satisfaction. Sure enough, his Tang Yuan is the smartest cat.

"What a smart dumpling!!"

"The glutinous rice balls are so cute!!"

"It’s so frustrating. Is this someone else’s meow?"

"It turns out that the owner’s appearance determines the cat’s appearance!"

"I’m curious what the glutinous rice balls will do after the owner leaves."

"Tangyuan: I must be sleeping on my beauty sleep."

The spiritual performance of glutinous rice balls naturally aroused a burst of excitement among the audience in the live broadcast room.

Who wouldn't like the cute and sensible cat?

Think of those big twinkling eyes and the cute round shape. With such a small head, just one look at it makes people want to take advantage of it, okay!

Looking at the girl's slim figure closing the door and going out, Tang Yuan put away his harmless look on his face, stretched out and lay down directly. sofa

"Hey, the leisurely meow life...My limbs are all degenerated."

Lying on the sofa, Jiang Wen felt a burst of emotion in his heart.

Unknowingly, he has been a cat for some time.

In his mind, some uncontrollable thoughts were flying around. In his previous life, he was accidentally killed in a car accident and woke up. It turned into an ordinary white kitten when it came.

As for the current hostess Qin Zeyu, she is a very kind-hearted and lovely girl. She brought the injured stray white cat home on a rainy day. And named him Tangyuan.

Although Qin Zeyu looks indifferent on the outside, Jiang Wen, as a house cat, has seen a side of her that no one knows about. Both of his parents have passed away, and he lives on a compensation payment and the house left by his parents.

In addition to attending school and working, his daily life is to take care of him.

It is hard to believe that there are people who are so beautiful but live such a simple life these days. Girl.

It's just a pity that this kind girl has no shelter from the wind.

With her parents, she will always be a child.

If she doesn't want to grow up, she will have to grow up.

I don't know when. It's more like we depend on each other and rely on each other.

"Why does this white cat look so sad? ?"

"The master is gone, can you not be sad?"

"oh! my poor little kitten"

"Yes, yes, my cat is like this too, he cries as soon as I leave"

"Hey, cats are emotional animals."

Seeing Tangyuan's depressed expression, the viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel distressed.

They wished they could appear next to him and rub his head to comfort him.

The poor little thing was abandoned at home by his owner. It looked like he was So sad


Jiang Wen sighed helplessly. He was too tired working 996 in his previous life. He felt comfortable being a cat in this life.

It's okay to lie in the gentle arms of his mistress and live a plain life as a cat.

Thinking of this, Jiang Wen suddenly looked at the computer on the table.

A wonderful idea appeared in his little cat's mind.


It's still early!

Go online first!

Surfing is the best among all the best!

"Meow meow!"

Tang Yuan instantly swept away the gloom on his face, jumped directly in front of the laptop, and then skillfully pressed the power button with his paws.


"what happened? ?"

"A cat... pressed the power button on the laptop?"

"seriously? ?"

"Damn, come back quickly! Your cat secretly surfs the Internet!"

In an instant, question marks flew all over the screen in the live broadcast room.............

The new book is launched, please give me flowers, comments, and all kinds of support!

This is really important for the new book!

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