In an ordinary neighborhood, a girl with long hair and an exaggerated figure stood there.

Crescent Moon eyes shouted softly with a bit of smile:

""Tangyuan, come here!"

As the voice fell, a cute little white cat suddenly appeared. The cute white cat has a pair of big watery eyes, looks harmless and has average IQ. It gives people a furry and soft feeling, which immediately attracted a large number of cat lovers in the live broadcast room to play with it.

"What a cute little white cat"

"Your little cutie suddenly appears"

"This cat is so cute! Is it called glutinous rice balls? So cute!"

"Ah, why are other people’s cats so cute!"

"Tangyuan, let me suck it!!"

Qin Zeyu squatted down, rubbed the white cat's head, and then carefully fastened a small necklace on the white cat's body.

At this time, the white cat's eyes widened instantly.

Seeing him Put something on his neck.

Tangyuan immediately started to roll around and said nothing.

At this moment, Jiang Wen, who was reborn as a cat, was angry!

Didn't he say that he didn't want to wear a collar?

It's very uncomfortable! And it's not good for the neck.

Although he doesn't know if his short cat neck is real, but when he thinks about it, Qin Zeyu feels that it must be very uncomfortable. With such a cute look, the beautiful silkworm laughed instantly and said along its fur:"Tangyuan, be obedient. I will give you a chicken drumstick every day from now on. Can you please wear this obediently?""

Seeing the girl's sincere pleading look.

Jiang Wen hesitated for a moment. They all said that cats can't stand being coquettish. This royal sister's coquettishness is also unbearable for cats!

Then he meowed and stopped resisting.

Qin Zeyu With a satisfied smile, she rubbed Tangyuan's cute little head and put the collar on.

She didn't know from which day her Tangyuan suddenly became like a cat.

Before that, she always felt that her cat was stupid. Ji, she knew it would cause trouble for her.

But from someday on, she felt that her cat was like Kai Zhi.

He would not eat cat food or intestines, so he followed her every day and ate whatever glutinous rice balls she ate. Just like a human being.

After all, she had never seen a cat like eating sweet and sour pork ribs before.

Moreover, now she used a laser pointer to tease glutinous rice balls, which she had been stupidly scratching at the photoelectric glutinous rice balls on the wall. , now I just don’t bother to pay attention to her, and sometimes even give her a look, as if to say, are you a fool?

This makes her even doubt life sometimes, because she feels that her IQ is not as good as a cat..

As for sleeping, I don’t remember since that day, Tangyuan never slept in the cabin made for him. Instead, he slept in her arms every night, rubbing his little head very sensibly.

However, Qin Zeyu found out. , I seem to like this cute white cat in my home more and more.

After all, who can't like the smart, cute and non-mischievous little white cat?

At this time, the live broadcast screen changed, and the main live broadcast room appeared..

A female host introduced:"Hello everyone, I am your host....Nuannuan! The program you are watching now is"Cat's Eyes on the World". Our program provides viewers with a different viewing experience through the perspective of cats."

"A total of fifty cats participated in this show, and the most popular cat will be selected by final voting."

"By observing the lives of cats, see which cat's life is the most attractive. The cat with the highest votes will receive a reward of 300,000 yuan."

The rules of the show are very simple, and the audience in the live broadcast room can understand them instantly.

It is to watch the lives of cats, and then observe which cat's life is the most interesting, and the audience will vote for them.

In other words, through the live broadcast room, you can see A day in the life of a cat.

This is undoubtedly a spiritual enjoyment for people who like cute animals.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room is also growing rapidly.

"Great! There is finally a live broadcast of cats"

"I wonder who will be the cutest cat among cats?"

"Hahaha, cats can only be cute? Can't it be fierce?"

"I saw that the little white cat just now was very cute"

"What does it mean to be cute? Is the fried chicken spicy enough? 0.o!!"

At this time, Tangyuan didn't know the rules of these programs, and he didn't know that the collar he was wearing had a camera and that his daily life was being broadcast live.

When he was collared just now, he thought it was just an ordinary collar. That's it.

After putting on the collar, Tang Yuan jumped directly into Qin Zeyu's arms, coquettishly enjoying the moment of tenderness.

Qin Zeyu smiled gently and rubbed the glutinous rice balls in his arms. He was so coquettish about the cute little glutinous rice balls. Even though the royal sister is full of style, she is still a little unable to resist.

"Damn it! I don’t envy mandarin ducks or immortals, I only envy glutinous rice balls every day!"

"Worse than a cat!!"

"If I had such an owner, I would also want to become a cat."

"I'm so envious."

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