At this moment, Nuan Nuan in the main live broadcast room also opened her beautiful eyes in surprise.

He sighed in disbelief:"I didn't expect that cats are so smart! When the battle starts, they know to retreat temporarily just like humans."

After all, as an animal-based host, Nuan Nuan has hosted many animal-related programs. of live broadcast.

But in the past animal hosts, she had seen that as long as a fight broke out among the animals, they would not leave unless they beat the other party to the point of dying or even killed them directly.

Otherwise, there would be no such operations as temporary retreat and psychological tactics.

Although nature is indeed full of many magical creatures.

But in the final analysis, the only ones on the entire earth that can truly be considered advanced animals are humans.

As for the others, they can only be classified as animals.

Wang Kun on the side suddenly became energetic, and secretly sighed in his heart that he had finally reached a field he was familiar with.

Although it was difficult for him to explain the various behaviors of Tang Yuan using science, he had still seen cats fighting in groups at this time.

Wang Kun smiled confidently and said:"Actually, it's like this. Although there is no so-called social system among cats, if their common interests are harmed, they will indeed form a temporary alliance!!"

"This situation is not uncommon!

Hearing these words, Nuannuan said with some surprise:"Professor Wang means that they only bowed to Tangyuan because of their common interests, right?" ?

Wang Kun nodded confidently:"Yes!" That's right!"

"But Professor Wang......So, what is the picture of glutinous rice balls? ? Could it be the leftovers in Tuna's swill bucket? ?"

Nuan Nuan blinked her big eyes with curved eyelashes in confusion.

The smile on Wang Kun's face disappeared instantly.

This time, he was truly speechless.

"Hahaha! I, Professor Wang, can’t be punished"

"What's the picture of glutinous rice balls? ? The picture is sour? Picture cat ugly? Professor Tuwang two hundred and five!"

"Hahaha, God damn cat’s future life, otherwise it will be called a complaining conference from now on."

"Professor Wang's face now has two capital letters of embarrassment written on it."

For a moment, Professor Wang was completely speechless with Nuan Nuan's words.

At this moment, although Professor Wang could barely explain the reason, he did not expect that he had actually dug a hole for himself.

This time, he was I really ca n’t explain the meaning of glutinous rice balls.

After all, for glutinous rice balls, although life is not very rich, at least compared to those wild cats outside, it is pretty good. There were leftovers, and there was a place to shelter from the wind and rain, as well as the warm embrace of the hostess.

So what was he trying to do?

Professor Wang’s little head was filled with big questions.

The cat sent the glutinous rice balls back to the balcony of the house, and then crawled on the ground.

The glutinous rice balls got off the black cat leisurely and respectfully.

"Meow——"The black cat kneeled on the ground respectfully

"Leave, don't let my master find out."

Tangyuan waved his cat's paw and said calmly. Of course, to the ears of the audience in the live broadcast room, it was just a meow.

Dahei was very obedient and jumped directly, jumping directly from the second floor and submerged in an instant. In the vast night, after helping this group of stray cats solve the food problem, they seemed to recognize Tangyuan and regarded Tangyuan as their big brother.

However, Tangyuan thought this would be good, at least let the cats and dogs around him know!

This place belongs to me!

Meow! No, I’m a human. Why am I still meowing?

After the black cat left, Tangyuan came back to the house and ran to the gap in the sofa.

Just stand like this


"What is this for? ? Thinking about your faults? ?"

"What is Tangyuan doing? Why is it standing here?"

"Could it be that this is a part of the cat that we don’t know about? ? ?"

The audience couldn't help but be puzzled. Tangyuan's behavior did seem a bit weird at this time.

But before the audience in the live broadcast room could figure out what he wanted to do, Tangyuan suddenly twisted his body.

Then two claws Open the way, gently push aside the sofa, and poke your head in......The whole cat got directly into the gap in the sofa!


"Tangyuan, you are riding a horse and doing acrobatics!!"

"Damn it, let him pretend again!!"

"Damn it! Cats are indeed fluid creatures!"

"But why did Tangyuan get in? ? ?"

"Could there be a mouse in there? ?"

"Oh my god, is Tangyuan going to show us how to catch a mouse with one hand? ?"

Tangyuan immediately crawled into the sofa, and the screen went black.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned.

Their cats did not have the unique habit of crawling into the cracks of the sofa at night.

At this moment, there was no live broadcast screen, and the audience naturally couldn't help but speculate.

After half a minute, Tangyuan's perspective appeared again.

However, what the audience in the live broadcast room never expected was.....

The glutinous rice balls actually came directly to the bedroom!!

At the same time, it dawned on them.

There is a big mouse hole in the gap of the sofa!

The corresponding location of the mouse hole is the bed in Qin Zeyu's bedroom, so if you don't check carefully, you won't be able to find it at all!

In other words, Tangyuan, as a cat, successfully got in through a mouse hole? ? ? ?

"this.....Brothers, I'm embarrassed!"

"Tangyuan is such a damn talent!!"

"!!! Send your children to study! Can't waste it!"

"Isn't this smarter than me???"

"Otherwise, replace my brain with glutinous rice balls!!"

"Tangyuan: I don’t want pig brains!!"..........................................................

Please give me flowers!! Ask for a rating vote!! Asking for a monthly ticket!! The excitement continues in the next chapter!

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