At this moment, the dark clouds above the alley dissipated, and the pale moonlight illuminated the world again.

On the eaves next to the alley, several cats were staying absolutely quiet at the moment!!

I saw a fat middle-aged woman with freckles on her face rushing in menacingly, holding a huge stick in her hand.

Looking towards the ground, I found that the legs of my two tabby cats had been bitten.

But the group of cats she took care of last time was not seen around her.

This made her a little confused, and she couldn't help but muttered:"There are no wild cats."......What's going on? Is it possible?...."

This irritable woman kicked each of her tabby cats in the buttocks, and then cursed:"You two little kittens!"

"Actually biting each other!!"

The two tabby cats let out a scream and were about to cry without tears.

The woman couldn't help but cursed:"Damn it, you fell for that country bumpkin's trick! That naughty guy even told me that we are brothers and they don’t know how to fight! Now the bite is so bad!!"

Thinking of this, she lowered her head and took a look at the injuries of the two tabby cats.

She originally raised cats on a whim, but she showed an expression of disgust at this moment.

The blood flowed out, and it was covered with dust on the ground. The beautiful fur of the tabby cat looked extremely dirty.

At the same time, the fat woman also made a small calculation in her mind. If the cat was so seriously injured, it would cost a lot of money to recuperate the two cats. I bought it from a man in the country for less than a hundred dollars in total.

"Forget it, let's fend for ourselves."

After saying that, the fat woman went home directly.

The two arrogant tabby cats were abandoned by their owners.

The two cats looked at their owner's retreating back, meowing and dragging their injured bodies. Her legs tried to catch up, but the hostess' pace quickened as they chased them out of the alley. However

, the two injured kittens finally fell to the ground with tears in their eyes.

They watched helplessly as the mistress disappeared into the dark night.

Cars were speeding by from time to time, but in the eyes of the two kittens, they could only see the blurry figure of the mistress.


"Damn it, what's going on with this woman? ?"

"Isn't this too irresponsible? ? How good and bad this person is!"

"If this happens, then these two cats are doomed!!"

"Yes, Tangyuan and the others will definitely not let this tabby cat go."

"Damn! If you don’t want to keep a cat, don’t keep one! It’s really disgusting to raise one and then abandon it!"

"What do you treat cats as? ? A toy? ? Abandon them when you get tired of playing with them? ?"

Although the two cats are villains, at this moment, the behavior of their owner has aroused the anger of the audience in the live broadcast room.

Cats are also lives. They were calling them baby one second, and then they abandoned them when they saw that they were injured and ugly. This is too disgusting.

Such people who abandon their owners are undoubtedly despised by all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

At this time, the two cats saw their owner disappear into the night.

They instantly collapsed to the ground like a deflated ball.

They stared blankly at the direction where the woman disappeared, meowing softly. How much they hoped that their owner would come back to pick them up.

Although their mistress had a bad temper and would kick them when she was angry. It would hurt them so much that they couldn't help wailing.

But at least, they had a home for the first time. They could eat the leftovers thrown by the owner in a warm house, and they didn't have to go around the world looking for food with an empty stomach like before.

Sometimes, even when the mistress was in a good mood, they could rub their heads against her trouser legs, or......Lying next to her, you don't have to worry about being attacked by wild dogs or cats, and you can sleep peacefully. only......

After the street lights, it was pitch black.

And the figure of the hostess no longer appeared.

Human hearts are always fickle, and so are love and hate.

Humans can't accept abandonment, let alone an emotional cat.


At this time, Tangyuan screamed on the roof.

Dahei turned around and took Tangyuan towards home.

The pots, pans and Xiao Ming arrived at the swill bucket and began to eat the leftovers from the restaurant. In this battle

, even though the enemy cat had powerful human help, Tang Yuanque still relied on wisdom and won the final victory......


"Incredible!! Don't worry, Uncle Li!!"

"Tangyuan can brag for a lifetime, I, Tangyuan! Beat the human race!"

"This is too outrageous! Tang Yuan directly took advantage of human psychology and solved the threat of the two cats!"

"The hostess thought it was the two of them biting each other!!"

"This cat!! How terrifying!!"

In this battle, even if the audience in the live broadcast room wanted to break their heads, they couldn't imagine that the final result would be like this.

On one side, there was a pet little white cat, plus six stray cats!

On the other side, there were two A cat and a strong human being don't look like the one who can win.

After all, how can a cat fight with a human?


Tangyuan still leads Dahei! Bo Ping and Xiao Ming won the final victory!!

Taking back the swill bucket gave these stray cats a chance to survive.

Although the food in the swill bucket was just human leftovers, it was already a waste for the stray cats. It can support them until the last day of their lives.

It gives them hope to live.

From the perspective of cats

, the audience can't help but shake their heads with emotion..


Are you really a cat?

Such intelligence!

From now on, please stop calling me Tangyuan. Call me Zhuge Tangyuan!............

Today will be the sixth update, with more than 10,000 words updated. Tomorrow there will be additional updates of one thousand, two thousand and three thousand flowers, and there will be nine updates tomorrow!

Please give me flowers. I will add a chapter for every thousand flowers!

Valid until release!

Please support!

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