"Damn it, is this rice dumpling noodles? ? Was it thundered when it left the factory? ?"

"God: Brother Tangyuan, are you satisfied with the BGM I gave you? ?"

"Tangyuan: Well, it’s okay. I’ll let you take care of it for a few more days!!"

"God said I was so scared at that time!!"

If they didn't know that what they were watching was a live broadcast, the audience would have thought it was a movie.

Because when the glutinous rice balls appeared, the moon was obscured by dark clouds in the sky, and then a bolt of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky.

And the glutinous rice balls, When he made his debut, the light of lightning made his cat face look like a ghost in the dark night.

There was no doubt that the special effects and lighting effects were perfect.

At this moment, those two were guarding the slop bucket. As soon as the tabby cat saw the six cats appearing, it howled miserably.

"? ? ? ? What the hell is going on? Suddenly started screaming?"

"Damn it, even if the special effects are terrible, it won’t scare you into such a bad behavior, right? ?"

"I'm afraid there's something hidden inside!!"

The audience couldn't help but ridicule. At this time, they naturally didn't know about the battle between these cats. They also didn't know that the reason why the two tabby cats meowed was because they saw the cat who pressed them to the ground and rubbed them and almost caught fire.

Not to mention Dahei.....

Screaming so pitifully at this time is also one of their cruel tricks.

Because after they screamed miserably, a woman's rough voice suddenly came out in the alley:"Damn it, you still dare to bully my precious sons Jinjiao and Yinjiao!!"

After hearing this With a human cry, the audience in the live broadcast room combined with the swill bucket they were looking at in the glutinous rice dumpling scene just now, suddenly seemed to understand something.

"return? ? ? ? Why do you say return it? ?"

Live broadcast room audience [I love cats】:"I see! This swill bucket is food for these stray cats!"

"And these two cats relied on their own owners and refused to let them eat!!"

"No, cats fight and humans come to help fight. How is this different from when cats couldn’t fight and called their dad to help fight? ?"

"This woman is too boring. She took her cat away."

"Besides, why are your pet cats fighting for swill with wild cats? ?"

"Pet cats don’t eat these stinky things, they are probably just looking for trouble!!"

The audience in the live broadcast room combined the scenes they just saw with the look of Dahei complaining in Tangyuan’s room before, and immediately thought of this possibility.

Otherwise, how could a pet cat bring its owner here in the middle of the night to cause a conflict with a group of wild cats?

Could it be that the pet cat ate���Are you used to fresh things, but you like to eat them from swill? ?

This is obviously unreasonable, and the fact that the owner is following us so late is obviously a conspiracy.

Moreover, from what the mistress of the two tabby cats said just now, it was obvious that this was not the first encounter between her and these wild cats.

All I can say is that cats have sinister hearts!!

Seeing this scene, Professor Wang was startled, but he also reacted and explained:"Yes, there have been cases like this before. It is possible for cats to have this kind of exclusive reaction. This is a turf war!"

"It's a fight between cats!

But when he said this, Professor Wang got a little offended and muttered:"But what is the purpose of the mistress of the tabby cat showing up?" ?

Nuannuan guessed:"Is it possible that she is here to help her cat fight?" ?"

Wang Kun was speechless after hearing these words.

He could barely explain the cat's behavior. After all, he studied cats.

But he couldn't explain the strange behavior of humans.

These cats are looking for a place to fight. If this kind of thing is true, then he might not be able to help but want to say:"You idiot!"

At this time, the six stray cats all looked at Tangyuan respectfully, as if they were following Tangyuan's lead!

"Knew it!! Tangyuan is the boss of these stray cats!"

"Damn it! In other words, Dahei really asked Tangyuan to vent his anger on them just now? ?"

"In other words, the Cute and Dangerous cats we just guessed are not entirely wrong!!"

"You can't say that. Tangyuan is helping his men regain their food territory and defend their dignity."

"Damn, these two tabby cats are a bit sinister! He actually asked humans to come!!"

"Damn, does anyone know the address here? ? Can I take a taxi there now and touch my lovely glutinous rice balls? ? I can only hit you, the cat-like woman!!"

"Yeah!! I can't stand alone anymore!! Not to mention a beast! Tell me where! If it's too far, I'll fly there!"

The audience was filled with righteous indignation.

After all, no matter what the reason for the fight between cats, as a human being, a being who far exceeds the power of cats, should break up the fight, rather than help bully the weak!!

This really makes them I’m a little angry.

Besides, the glutinous rice balls are still so cute!

"Meow!"Tang Yuan raised his head, and his cry was firm.

He raised his head and looked at the two tabby cats. There was no fear or concession in his big watery eyes.

The next moment, except Dahei, the other five cats directly Rush up!!

The five big cats jumped up like five lightning bolts across the sky!

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room was dumbfounded.

"Do we have any misunderstandings about cats? ?"........................................................................................

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