Jiang Wen looked at his six younger brothers with satisfaction.

There was a sharpness in those big watery eyes, which swept across the faces of many good cats.

The cats also raised their heads proudly, looking like soldiers who hoped that they could show a different spirit in front of the worshiping leader.


"Brother, what the hell is that expression on your face? ?"

"If you do this again, I'll call the police!!"

"Damn it guys, do you think Tang Yuan will bring cats to destroy humans one day? ?"

"Then I have to buy a mouse quickly. When humans die, I can use mice to please Boss Tang!!"

"Hahaha, you are all his gods"

"I giao, I will be teased to death by you guys sooner or later."

"So, the one above, you are the one? ?"

Seeing the sacred look on the cats' faces, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

They really couldn't understand where such cute little things got such high ambitions.

It felt like they saw human cubs gathered together to discuss national affairs. It was really ridiculous.

But it must be said that Tangyuan's operation gave some of the audience in the live broadcast room a new understanding of cats wandering on the streets.

"Looking at it this way, don’t these stray cats on the street only steal things to eat?"

"Looking at them like this, they seem to be very ambitious."

"It seems that if I see a suitable stray cat in the future, I can still consider taking it in."

"Yes, yes, these cats are not as cute as pet cats, but they are still very interesting."

Tangyuan's eyes looked at the many cats present.

First of all, it was Dahei.

Dahei suddenly raised his head and raised his face, saying that black cats can also be handsome!!

Jiang Wen nodded with satisfaction.

Dahei is At first, he followed his little brother, who came to his house to look for something because he had nothing to eat. Then he tamed it with food. Then he looked at the other five cats and

Xiao Ming! The five cats were kittens abandoned by their owners.

Under Jiang Wen's guidance, these five kittens were raised.

Their food source was kitchen waste from a restaurant.

Jiang Wen knew very well. My master is not rich either. After he and Da Hei finished eating, there was no other food left to feed five more kittens......

The world is unkind and treats everything as a stupid dog...

In this day and age, for cats, finding food in the garbage is pretty good.

If you can find a leftover fish bone inside, it will make the cat happy all afternoon. If there are a few shreds of meat on the fish bone, it will be a New Year for the cat.

Cats, not every cat will find an owner who loves him


Jiang Wen shouted, and then jumped on Dahei's back.

The eyes of the six big cats in the group all shone with determination.

Then, Tangyuan rode the big black cat and disappeared silently into the vast night. Among them, like a cat.....

The camera in the live broadcast room also turned dark instantly.


"What are you doing? ? What about the picture? ?"

"It's like jumping into the dark depths without light. It's scary."

"So, what are Tangyuan and the others going to do? ?"

"Tangyuan: May I ask you? ? Is it possible that I also want to tell you about the Tathagata Divine Palm? ?"

"Tangyuan: Forget it, I won’t mention what happened in 1999, so as not to scare you humans."

"Is this a group of ninja cats? ? ?"

"Therefore, Tangyuan is the spiritual leader of these cats!!"

"Professor Wang! Please explain it!!!"

Professor Wang:"……"

Seeing this crazy barrage in the live broadcast room, Professor Wang was somewhat unexpected.

He originally imagined that the cat's daily life should be relaxed and comfortable, eating, sleeping, and eating to keep fat.

He has even prepared a lot of professional terms to show off in the live broadcast room.

But now it is obvious that those professional terms are obviously not enough!!

What terms should be used now? ? a block collection.

Plan starts.

It is intolerable and a cat cannot tolerate it.

There is only one Haonan in Causeway Bay, and that is my Tang Yuan Haonan.

Difficult? I think don’t do it. Damn it!.....

All in all, what Tangyuan is doing now, if placed among humans, would be at the level of a social big brother.

As for what Tang Yuan is going to do now with all the cats, Professor Wang said, I’d better not guess.

Professor Wang no longer dares to use words as simple as foraging to describe glutinous rice balls.

A few minutes later....

The screen appears again

"Tangyuan, come and let mom hug you!"

"Look at these cute little glutinous rice balls, they are almost turning into clay figures."

"Tangyuan, what the hell are you doing, she-cat!"

"Play disappearing with the dads, right? ? It's a mystery, right? ?"

"Tangyuan, no pretense!!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was in chaos at this time. It was obvious that the audience had been confused by Tangyuan's various outrageous operations.

At this time, in the picture, several cats came to an alley.

The desolate moonlight , just scattered in the alley.

The wind blew through the cat's fur, blowing the fur all over the body in one direction. At this moment, there was an inexplicable feeling of desolation, a bit like the illusion of the enemy meeting on a narrow road in a costume movie.

"Grass!! You fucking make movies, right? ?"

"sweet dumpling!! No pretense!!"

"By the way, isn't it possible that a villain is about to appear? ?"

"Villain?? Cats have villains?? I punch a little cutie!"

"The guy above, you are a cute killer, right? ? If you have the guts, go and punch James one by one!!"

"That is, it may be cute to you, but to a cat, it may be vicious."

At this time, at the end of the alley.

Suddenly....Two majestic figures slowly appeared there.

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned for a moment, and then they looked closely.

They found two cats with very ferocious expressions standing there, staring at the surroundings with their eyes, and their eyes were still glowing red. At this moment, the atmosphere was extremely tense and ready to explode!!

Jiang Wen's big watery eyes were a bit cold, and there was not a trace of expression on his face. He was three parts disdainful, three parts contemptuous, three parts murderous, and one part careless. He exuded a terrifying domineering aura from head to toe. At this moment, Jiang Wen already knew what happened.

These two cats that suddenly appeared occupied this swill bucket and did not let the pots, bowls, bottles, and Xiao Ming eat. They have been hungry for several days.

The most outrageous thing is that these two cats have owners and food.

They occupied this swill bucket, not eating themselves, and not letting others eat! It's just to show off their strength!

They ate the fresh food fed by the mistress of the house, but did not allow the stray cats on the street to eat a single scrap. This was more infuriating than the capitalists of the 21st century. It was really too much to write down. Dogs could tolerate it, but cats could not!!

Then Dahei stepped in and pressed the two cats to the ground and rubbed them. With a strength that even dogs were afraid of, he took back the swill bucket that had always belonged to pots, pans, bottles, and Xiao Ming.

However, something unexpected happened to Dahei, pots, pans, bottles, and Xiao Ming.

The two sinister cats pretended to be pitiful and howled to attract their mistress. When the vicious woman saw these poor stray cats, she actually picked up a stick and started beating pots, pans, bottles, and Xiao Ming!

Xiao Ming's legs were broken, and the other stray cats were also covered in wounds. Dahei, who resisted the most fiercely, was kicked hard in the stomach by the cruel woman and flew several meters away.

If Dahei had not been thick-skinned, he would probably have lost his life.

When all this happened, the two cats stood behind their mistress with smug smiles on their faces.

The swill buckets would be taken away at six o'clock every morning! This way, everyone would starve!

Dahei and the others had been hungry for two whole days, and finally had no choice but to look for Tangyuan!

My friends, do you think this is tolerable? ?

Your cat eats meat, and I, a wild cat, eat the scraps and I will be beaten!!

Dogs can't stand it, let alone cats!

""Meow!" Tang Yuan screamed fiercely!

In the sky, a dark cloud swept across the moon.

The sky and the earth were pitch black, and bursts of lightning roared in the clouds.............

I have reached 1,000 flowers!

I will add one more chapter today, seven chapters! There are still four chapters to go!

Please give me flowers! Please give me monthly votes! Please give me rating votes! Please give me comments! Please give me all the free data!

Happy New Year to all my readers!

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