However, just a door can't stop a cat full of wisdom.

Tangyuan was not discouraged at all. He had long been accustomed to the cat's light body. As if he had practiced Qinggong, he lightly jumped onto the balcony.


"Damn it!! What does this mean? ?"

"Is the cat committing suicide? ?"

"Be a good boy, you are such a hot-tempered cat."

"Tangyuan, come down, the goddess will definitely sleep with you next time!"

"Those upstairs, put on your silver bracelet and come with us!"

"Please stop joking around at this time, Tangyuan is in danger now!!"

Seeing Tangyuan's action, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but get nervous.

Although Tangyuan was only on the second floor at this time, if he fell down, he might still get hurt.

They didn't want such a cute kitten to have an accident during the live broadcast.

Otherwise, who would he pet the cat with in the future!!

The barrage in the live broadcast room actually persuaded Tangyuan to think more positively at this moment.

But Jiang Wen is not a stupid cat. He feels disappointed that he can't sleep with the mistress.

But if he can't sleep, he will go and seek death directly. Bah, isn't this a hooligan?!!

Tangyuan walked out of the balcony window with light steps.

Then, he jumped lightly on the small railing outside the window very skillfully.


The cat's body landed next to the window of Qin Zeyu's room. The landing movement was so perfect that the island country's cataract referee did not dare to give random points after seeing it.

"Damn it! What a show!"

"Is this what a cat does?"

"Mom too, so scary"

""Don't mess around, Tangyuan."

The audience was amazed at Tangyuan's actions.

But they were still very nervous, after all, they were at such a high place.

The most important thing was that Tangyuan showed them a first-person perspective, which gave them an illusion that it was not Tangyuan who jumped over, but them.

The audience with acrophobia had already begun to feel weak in their legs.

However, Tangyuan had just landed.


Qin Zeyu directly closed the glass window and pulled the curtains.

Jiang Wen:"……"

"Meow meow meow meow meow!"

After a period of ineffective protest, Jiang Wen had no choice but to go back the same way and returned to the living room.

For a moment, Jiang Wen felt that the night had suddenly lost its color.

Moreover, because Qin Zeyu was there, Jiang Wen did not dare to turn on the computer, so he could only Lying on the sofa, looking at the moon outside in boredom, the time passed by like this.

It was obvious that he was destined to sleep alone tonight.

It was quiet and the audience in the live broadcast room had dispersed. It was almost there.

It was late at night, so there was not much to see, and it was getting late. Many viewers just fell asleep watching the barrage. They were chatting together.

The glutinous rice dumpling in the picture was still looking up at the moon alone, singing an old song in his heart.

Mao Sheng is just a stinky cat, who can really do it. I care about you.

Why worry about me being sad?

I will try to let go of the past, no matter how beautiful it was.....

I will also try not to think of how you once surrounded me with"love", this sad feeling....


Suddenly, a meow came!

This cat meow is much richer than glutinous rice balls!

Hearing this sound, Tangyuan also made a gentle"meow" sound.

The two of them seemed to be exchanging secret codes.....

After a while.


A big cat appeared on the balcony of Qin Zeyu's house!

That cat is twice the size of glutinous rice balls!!

The glutinous rice balls in front of him were like marbles in front of billiard balls. The difference was really big.

When Tangyuan saw the big cat coming, he didn't seem to panic.

Instead, he calmly jumped to his rice bowl, and then pulled out the leftover food that he had not finished.

When the big cat saw this, he immediately came over and started eating.

This movement immediately broke the originally quiet atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

A large number of viewers who fell asleep while watching the live broadcast were awakened from their sleep


"Damn, it’s so big....s cat!!"

"Where did it come from? ? What's going on? ?"

"Damn it! Is this the eldest brother of Tangyuan?"

"Tang Yuan was bullied? Can this horse-riding man endure it?"

"Good guy! Does bullying exist in the cat world?"

Seeing this huge cat that was much larger than Tang Yuan, and was still eating something from the rice dumpling bowl, the audience in the live broadcast room were all angry.

Such a hateful bullying phenomenon actually exists in the cat industry!!

And , still bullying such a cute dumpling!!

Damn it, it’s so disgusting!

That cat is really big compared to the dumpling, and now he is eating it happily! Holding the food in the glutinous rice ball bowl, the glutinous rice balls on the side looked so weak, helpless and pitiful.

"oh!! My poor glutinous rice balls、"

"All the food was taken away by other cats, how pitiful!!"

"No wonder he tried so hard to sleep with his master just now. It turned out that he was afraid of the coming of night."

"It's so pitiful. I want to cry."

"Can anyone tell me where the address is? I'll take a taxi there right now and throw this big cat out!"

"Alas, the gap is so huge that Tangyuan doesn’t even have room to resist. It’s so pitiful."

Seeing this scene, the audience was extremely heartbroken.

Facing cats with such a huge difference in size, Tangyuan could not be his opponent.

Being robbed of food seemed to be expected.

At this moment, the audience was I felt very sorry for the poor and weak Tangyuan, and felt aggrieved for him.

However, at this moment...

I saw Tangyuan walking up to the big cat, and then......He raised his little paw and headed towards the big cat's head.

"Damn it!! Tangyuan is going to resist!!"

"No, Tangyuan, you will be bitten to death by him!!"

"Danger, glutinous rice balls!!"

"It's over, Tangyuan will be bitten to death!!"

When the audience saw this scene, they all opened their eyes in horror.

If Tangyuan resists now, he will definitely be attacked by this big cat.

And in the face of such a battle with such a huge difference in body size, Tangyuan has no chance of winning. It

's impossible to win!....

What no one expected was that

Tang Yuan's claws did not attack.

Instead, they slowly placed them on the big black cat's head........Then, Mosuo back and forth...

It feels like... petting a cat? ? ? ? ?

Audiences in the live broadcast room:"??????"

What the hell is he talking about? ?

What about the promised resistance? ? What the hell do you mean by"licking someone's face"? ?

Moreover, you meow meow is also a cat!!............

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