At this time, outside the bathroom.

Jiang Wen was struggling...

The sound of bath water inside fell to the ground. It seemed that the water temperature was a bit inappropriate. Qin Zeyu made a soft hum from time to time.

"Meow!! 0.o"

Well, he's having a mental battle.

To be honest.......

As an adult male cat with normal development, it was inevitable that he would be stiff at this moment. If he said he didn't want to see it, he would be lying.

After all, Jiang Wen, who was in his previous life, upheld the principle that the Xiongnu could not make a home until they were destroyed. He kept himself as pure as jade and was only willing to dedicate his purest body and mind to the country! Rejected the pursuit of hundreds of female lickers!

However, he does sympathize with those licking dogs. If someone loves them, who would want to be a licking dog? ?

Of course he was not a licker, a friend of his told him.

And he is a proud one-man show!

At this moment, he also knew very well that as a cat, he was also a handsome man among cats.

As for Qin Zeyu in it, there is no need to describe it. To put it bluntly, even if it is placed in the anime movie Yuan...If you look inside, your figure will definitely crush all women!

What's more, with his current identity as a cat, there is nothing inappropriate about washing his fur with his mistress.

But at this moment, Jiang Wen does not allow himself to do this, or in other words, Jiang Wen's education does not allow him to do this...

I am a serious person! Oh no....Serious cat!!

"Damn it!! What are you hesitating about at Nita Temple?"

"What are you afraid of as a cat? Go! (funny)"

"Welfare is coming, brothers!!"

"Go in!!!"

"You are so wretched, go in and prove that there is nothing in the glutinous rice balls!"

Tangyuan's move immediately caused a large number of gentlemen to come out of the live broadcast room.

There is no doubt that Qin Zeyu's figure and appearance can be said to be like a goddess.

For gentlemen, it is absolutely irresistible to attract them.

At this time, the director of the live broadcast room is ready.

As soon as Tang Yuan enters , he will broadcast the live broadcast and turn off the camera at the same time.

The director simply dismounted.

Looking at the excited audience on the screen, the white-haired old director smiled scornfully:"A bunch of stinky singles.

" But at this moment, the screen suddenly started to move.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw Tangyuan actually leaving the bathroom, then taking a sexy cat walk, returning to the sofa step by step, and jumping on it.

Then, Sitting cross-legged, eyes slightly narrowed, and words spoken, it was like...

meditating, meditating!


"this.......What the hell!!"

"Glutinous rice balls, even gentlemen who are nite seconds can guard against it? ?"

"Speaking of which, why would a cat meditate? ? ?"

"Damn it! You seem to have made a difficult decision. What's going on?!"

"It’s so humane!!"

Seeing this operation, the audience in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

At the same time, they also felt extremely ashamed.

A cat can control its own desires, but they, as humans, are actually talking nonsense on the Internet..


This is worse than Chi Guoguo!

A few minutes later, Qin Zeyu got dressed and returned to his usual state.

He didn't want his mistress to treat him like a human being if he saw her.

No one would laugh at him if he did something stupid. And he always gets care and attention.

There are many things that people will never experience when they grow up. Jiang Wen didn't want to lose it, so he immediately lay on the sofa, looking like he was waiting to be fucked.

It felt so good to be touched by a beautiful woman!

But at this time, Qin Zeyu didn't come over to hug the glutinous rice balls as usual, and then gently touched his furry head. He got up and prepared to go back to his room.

Because he had classes tomorrow and had a part-time job all day long, he was really tired, so he planned to go to bed early.

When Tang Yuan saw Qin Zeyu's expression, he knew that she was very tired, so he followed her. , ready to go to bed early together.

However, when returning to the room, Qin Zeyu suddenly stopped in place. Now that there is a camera on Tangyuan, there are a large number of viewers in the live broadcast room, so he ca n't let it enter his room.

, she closed the door directly.

Tangyuan, who was swaying behind Qin Zeyu, looked so content that he didn't notice at all, and he was so cute that he slammed the door......

Locked out? ? ?

And, this is the first time!!

What's going on! ?!!

Tangyuan got up and wanted to open the door, but he was three inches short and couldn't even reach the doorknob.

Tangyuan was so angry that he puffed up his cheeks and looked at the locked door angrily.

Qin Zeyu, you little girl, you actually locked this cat out!!

Do you have another cat outside?


"Don’t you always pet the cat at night?"

"Meow meow meow meow!!"

Tang Yuan protested for a while.

The feeling of being locked out was too uncomfortable.

It was difficult for Mingmao to accept this cruel reality.

Tang Yuan collapsed directly on the ground and let out a helpless sigh.

It was a long night, and he had to stay alone in the cat bed. How could he fall asleep?

A small white ball that seemed to have no bones completely collapsed on the ground, turning into a fleshy ball.

"Hahaha, Tangyuan Cat is stupid"

"The glutinous rice balls are so cute!"

"Woohoo, if you don’t want to suck it, leave it to me.���!"

"Bad woman! How could such a cute cat be sad?"

Seeing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

There is no way, Maomao's depressed look is so cute.

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