The trees in this forest are tall and big, and the canopy is like a huge umbrella that shades the sky. The rays of light from the sun can only be sprayed through the gaps in the branches and leaves in the forest, unable to disperse the darkness. A decadent smell from dampness. The mottled light spots are intertwined with the shadows of the trees, constantly changing with the shaking of the branches, always disturbing people's sight. When the eyes begin to adapt to the changes in forest light and shadow, people's perception and alertness have been reduced invisibly.

The distance in the dim woodland is actually a tide of darkness. This is the Black Forest where the unknown horror is hidden. It will confuse people's minds.

Brandon squeezed the long sword and shield in his hand, watching the darkness beyond several hundred meters, breathing deeply, trying to suppress the sudden fear. Perhaps it was because Ms. Fugure jumped off the dragon lizard and took out the exaggerated giant axe blade. Her cautious posture enabled the young Knight to finally get rid of the illusion of the Black Forest, reconsolidate the spirit willpower, and see the forest clearly. The black tide of baring fangs and brandishing claws.

The eerie horror that followed gave Brandon a trace of shame.

As the left-wing scout commander valued by His Royal Highness Randal, he should always be vigilant in the unfamiliar primordial jungle, and should not ignore the potential dangers in the Black Forest because of adapting to environmental changes like ordinary warriors.

This way, they went so smoothly, they hardly encountered a decent opponent, even if they encountered an ordinary wild beast, they were the prey to be sent to the door. In fact, in order to preserve strength, Victor bypassed most of the monster gathering places. The orc tribe also don’t dare provoke the powerful Randal expeditionary force. The ferocious beasts in the forest have keen intuition and will avoid scouts in advance. Team, so that Brandon trekking thousands of kilometers in the Black Forest is like a hiking trip, unconsciously losing his sense of crisis.

However, he now clearly realizes that if he encounters a danger, it is definitely not an ordinary danger, and he must deal with it calmly.

The second squad of the left-wing scout has a total of 6 people. Under the leadership of the elite guard squad, they alternate stealth and escape into the depths of the Black Forest with the help of a large tree.

The others were not idle either. The Origin Blood militia took the supplies from the dragon lizards to liberate their fighting ability. This silver-tier war beast strong as an ox, with strong skin and strong claws, possesses extraordinary regeneration innate talent, and equipped with High Level armor is the best meat shield. Even in the face of a powerful ogre warlord, they have the power to fight; The four craftsmen in the scout team used tenacious sharp thorium spider silks to tie between the trees, and sprinkled some iron essence spikes on the clearing ground, setting up some simple and insidious traps. Intuitive monsters may not be hit, but traps can at least limit their range of activities. Soldiers make full use of these traps to contain monsters, and can save their lives at critical times.

The fierce warrior Red Wolf and his sword-wielding maid are busy applying paralytic poison to more than thirty thin-blade throwing knives. This guy’s flying knife skill is already Major Perfection. He has achieved a hundred shots and a hundred hits within 40 meters. He can even hit the target with his eyes closed. He can even use the flying knife from behind while running without affecting his movement speed and flying knife performance. Quasi-head.

Brandon suspected that the Red Wolf worked hard to practice the flying knife skill to make it easier to escape.

Feeling Brandon's gaze, the Red Wolf turned his head, grinned at him, and continued to poison his hidden weapon.

Brandon retracted his gaze, curled one's lip disdainfully, and handed the adamantine long sword to the maid blankly, saying: "We also put some poison on it... well, those poisons are used The time limit is wasted."

About two quarters of an hour later, a source blood militia who went out for investigation returned from the Black Forest, and the outpost immediately stood up from behind the tree trunk to serve as a coordinate to prevent him from colliding. The trap just laid out.

"Commander, four kilometers to the left of the woods, we found a lonely unknown giant humanoid monster. It also found us, chasing the second squad scout in the woods." Scout Xiangbu Langdon Report reported: "Visually, it is about 3.8 meters tall, bulky, powerful, slow moving, and has a rare and extraordinary innate talent. We lost a bear dog, monstrous almost able to hold it with our eyes, and then capture it. Hug the bear dog and suck it into a mummy with physical contact."

"The captain leads people to deal with the monster, and he said that he can lead the monster away and ask me to come back and request the commander’s order. "

The expeditionary force scout team is powerful, not only performing security tasks, but also eliminating some threats and collecting monster information. A single giant humanoid monster is also a slow-moving type. Brandon has the confidence to destroy it, and even if it doesn't help, he can escape with the scout smoothly.

He decisively ordered: "Bring it over, and the others will implement the third plan."

The scout made a military salute and turned back on the same path. The elite guards and craftsmen of the scout team respectively climbed up the big tree hugged by the three with bows, arrows and heavy crossbows, lurking in the high canopy. They are all monkey militias, with 12 physiques, 10 spirits, and 15 perception attributes. They are far more powerful than ordinary elite soldiers. They are more agile than apes. They can leap freely on the canopy, and they are especially proficient in shooting skills with long-range weapons. The monkey militia used the powerful thorium bow and thorium heavy crossbow with formidable power to shoot and kill the ant-man leader of the silver rank. They are now condescending, taking advantage of large-scale monsters that are cumbersome, and are able to maximize long-range attacks.

Level 3 source blood militia remained on the ground, choosing to throw spears and iron essence lances over 6 meters long to fight. Their strength is comparable to that of a 1800-pound big male bear. The spirituality attribute is 3 points higher than the monkey militia, and the perception attribute is 1 point higher, which means that their actions are more vigorous and their attacks are more precise. They are truly almighty warriors.

Javelins, crossbows, lances, and hounds are the standard equipment for mountain people to hunt and kill big male bears. The big male bears weighing close to one ton are powerful and tenacious. The mountain hunters adopt hunting tactics for their large size and insufficient agility. Several hunters with the strongest strength use long spear to hold the male bear's body in different directions from front to back and left to right. , Restrict its movement, and then release the hound bites to attract its attention. The other hunters use bows and arrows to shoot from a distance, so that they can hunt the big male bear without damage.

The original blood militia, the alchemy war mastiff, and the golden dragon lizards cooperate with each other, copying the bear hunting tactics of the mountain people can even kill the violent ogre leader.

The focus of this tactic is no damage.

However, the preliminary investigation results of the second squad show that the unknown monster has extraordinary innate talent, and can kill the target through physical contact. Brandon asked the sword-wielding maid to retreat back with the dragon lizard and war dog. The war beasts of the Randal Family are very precious. If conditions permit, the war beasts should be preserved as much as possible.

The alienated rats cultivated by Imerson wizard can act as hunting dogs. They are about the same size as wild cats, but they are weaker than they are in number. Brandon's left-wing scout team has more than 30 alienated rats, which can be used as cannon fodder.

Monster's extraordinary innate talent has to be limited by energy, impossible and unlimited use. Brandon made up his mind and prepared to consume the Innate Ability of the unknown monster with a worthless alienation rat.

Brandon's arrangement can't fault it, but he ignores the fact that how can ordinary large monsters take the initiative to attack the scout team with the dragon maid?

Three quarters of an hour later, accompanied by heavy footsteps, the unknown monster walked over from the Black Forest. Brandon and the Red Wolf both had incredible expressions. The young Knight Commander even Roughly shouted: "What the fuck, is this a walking mushroom monster or a moss monster?"

It is about 3.8 meters tall and has a stout body like a thick city wall, basically walking upright. It’s human-shaped, but its body is covered with dark green moss and large and small mushrooms. It looks very sick. It has no palms, soles, mouth, nose, and ears. It has only a pair of strange eyes on its bald face and its eye sockets. Two pale flames were beating.

Obviously it is not an animal, is it a plant?

In short, monster is right!

The captain of the second squad led the monster to the ambush circle. It seemed to be more excited, and its moving speed suddenly increased, reaching 18 meters per second. Its actions only seem to be slow and clumsy, but in fact it is surprisingly fast, and it rushes in the direction of the alienated rat group.

The ferocious alienated rats uttered a scream, all scattered in the opposite direction of the monster. They seemed to have encountered a natural enemy and turned around and fled. Even the source blood militia who was in charge of commanding them blew their whistle vigorously. it does not work.

At the same time, the fierce warrior red wolf ran away. He chased the alienated rats and quickly ran into the Black Forest.

Brandon was furious and was about to swear, he heard the guard beside him shout: "Commander, look at it!"

The young Knight turned his head, his eyes almost stared. drop down. The unknown monster had already broken into the trap area. The thick legs without soles stepped on the triangle spikes, but they didn't notice it, and rushed to the taut thorium spider silk at a constant speed. Its body was strangled by the sharp and tenacious thorium spider silk, and then it passed through the thorium spider silk unharmed.

Brandon sucks in a breath of cold air, and the thorium spider silk is painted black with dye. The naked eye is difficult to identify, and it can still be seen if you look closely. He didn't intend to kill the monster with Thorium Spider Silk in the first place. Even if the monster's body is tenacious to the point of breaking the thorium spider silk, he will not be so surprised.

However, the giant monster passed through the Thorium Spider Silk Trap in the most unreasonable way. Its body was like silt, and no blood flowed from the part where the thorium spider silk had been cut, and it was automatically bonded together again.

What the hell is this? !

Brandon asked for help from Fulgari beside him with a horrified look.

The dragon maid, who wears a horned helmet and a mask covering half of her face, carries a giant axe blade as high as hers. She has no intention to fight. Her delicate red lips are raised upwards, revealing an elusive smile. , Indifferently said: "Don't ask me, I also want to see how the commander is going to deal with it?"

Brandon was shocked. It is the duty of the scout commander to solve the unknown monster. He said Fortune Battle Qi, eliminate the negative emotions in your heart, cast your firm eyes on the monster approaching within 100 meters, waved and commanded: "Whether this is a mushroom monster or a Sludge Monster, kill it for me!"

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