The ancient Spirit Emperor has a strict power inheritance system. They are classified according to their unique combat Breathing Technique and ethnic innate talent power, including battle rank and life. Two aspects of the content.

For example, wild elves are Second Rank creatures, sword dancers have three levels of fighting Breathing Technique, and Iluna is Second Rank wild elves, third rank sword dancers.

The lowest level of war dancers promoted by sword dancers is the second rank, and generally speaking can be promoted to the fourth rank; the wind dancer’s inheritance condition is the third rank tree elves, and the start is the third rank. , Its combat Breathing Technique also has three levels, which means that the third rank tree elves can raise the wind dancer combat rank to the fifth rank.

There will be some shocking and stunning generations in the Spirit Emperor Nation. They can break through the inheritance restrictions of the Breathing Technique and elevate their combat positions to a whole new level. Elus Moonsong is a typical example. Her battle rank has surpassed the fourth rank war dancer. The Silver Eagle City Council has been assessed and confirmed that Elus Moonsong is a second rank wild elf, a fifth rank war dancer.

In theory, there is no end to the path of a warrior. But in fact, very few people will be obsessed with the breakthrough battle position restriction. Because the combat position system is closely related to racial innate talent, generally speaking, the combat position is the skill of using the power of innate talent, and the racial innate talent is the core of the combat position system.

Wild elves do not have Wind Travel and blind innate talent, so it is impossible to become a wind dancer. In history, a wild spirit Spirit Sword dancer deliberately blinded his eyes when the promotion channel was blocked, and became a famous sixth rank sword dancer. It is undeniable that this extreme road is getting narrower and narrower. In the end, that powerhouse won the respect of the Elf Queen. The Elf Queen made an exception to hold a Sun Tree blessing ceremony for him, which not only helped him restore his eyesight, but also transformed him into a Tier 5 Moon Elf.

In contrast, tree elves and moon elves, because of the powerful innate talent, they can often work part-time as wind dancers and Wind Travel shooters at the same time.

It is said that the Elf Queen of Elanta is the fifth-rank moon elves part-time eighth rank moon god sacrifice, seventh rank Wind Travel archer, and fifth rank wind dancer.

The ninth rank mentioned by Luth Yuege should refer to the rank of life. In the Kingdom of Spirit Emperor, the Sun Tree of Elanta is the ninth rank life, and there is an ancient and easy-to-understand term for the ninth rank life-Demi-God.

Although Yiluna admires her compatriot elder sister, she also has her own opinions. She shook her head and said, "How is this possible? In addition to the great and warm Sun Tree, there are now absolutely impossible other ninth rank Demi-Gods. "

"Well, I said he is the ninth rank Demi-God. Maybe it's exaggerated... Sit down first."

Yuege moved his leg to one side and let the younger The sister sat on the edge of the bed, paused, and turned to say, "I am also based on what I said... Green Pimlok is dead. While you were tracking the one-eyed wolf, the forest hunter scout observed Green Pimlok’s There were signs of fire in the territory. After they approached and observed, they found that the central camp of Lord Greenskin was attacked by an unknown powerful enemy, and countless orc corpses were left in the camp."

"Silver Eagle City Council is on this. The news was shocked. The Elder of the Wind Song, the Third Queen, and the Prophet of Agra. Longbeard led the elite of the Eye of Secret Realm to the scene of the incident and surveyed the scene... The facts are even more shocking than the news of the Hunter in the Forest. The Greenskin Lord is dead. , Its ogre bodyguard black throat, meat skewers, its pet Saber-Toothed Tiger blood teeth, 11 domesticated demented furbolgs, and its kobold leader brown-tailed are all dead, and more than 3,700 of them were counted at the scene. The corpse of the orc."

The monster's name uttered from Yuege's mouth made Iluna feel a panic. The ogre bodyguard under Green Pimlok and the Saber-Toothed Tiger blood teeth are more powerful than the one-eyed gray skin. Even the demented furbolgs and kobold brown tails are not easy to deal with, at least Green Leaf Village has nothing to do with them.

Now that these monsters that feared wild elves and dwarf villagers are all dead, Iluna feels unreal.

Yuege saw through the younger sister's thoughts, shook her head and exclaimed: "Unbelievable, isn't it? Even Fengge Elder couldn't believe the news brought back by the Hunter of the Forest, let alone you. …I also went to see it a few days ago. Do you know how those monsters died?"

Iluna immediately shivered and said in a dark voice, "Yes, it's frozen. Dead?"

Iluth Moonsong was silent for two seconds, nodded and said: "Yes, just like what we saw in the Bumblebee Valley, the goblins and jackals under Green Pimlok Most people and kobolds were frozen to death; ogre black throat was burnt into coke, and the chest of ogre meat skewers was corroded by a large hole by the highly toxic liquid, and then torn into two pieces by sharp claw; Saber-Toothed Tiger blood The tooth was cut into pieces by the Void Wind Element. Most of its remains were taken away by people. Well, maybe it was eaten, but the remaining parts showed signs of lightning strikes; some of the 11 big furbolgs were burned by flames. It turned into ashes, some covered with frost, and then was killed by some giant creatures. Of course, their wreckage basically showed signs of being eaten... The most puzzling way is the death of the kobold brown tail. It does not seem to have any resistance, the body is relatively complete, but the most valuable heart has been poached. The Prophet Longbeard said it was scared to death..."

Yuege sat upright, said solemnly: "As far as I know, there is a creature that can scare the third-rank kobold leader to death... the dragon."

Like the human kingdom, there are many rumors about dragons in the Spirit Emperor kingdom. The difference is that most human descriptions of dragons are rumors that increasely distort the truth, and Elf Race knows this extraordinary giant beast better. After all, in remote ancient times, Giant Dragon Race used to be an ally of the Spirit Emperor Kingdom, helping them fight the intrusion of the High Goblin Empire and Abyss Demon. Until now, there is still an emerald Dragon Clan in the primitive forest near Elanta. The Dragon Beast cavalry under the Elf Queen is their Dragon Vein species. When necessary, the Emerald Dragon Clan will assist the Elf Queen to fight against powerful invaders in order to protect the Sun Tree. Because the ancestors of Emerald Dragon Clan and Goddess of the Moon concluded a sacred and ancient covenant, they can accept the blessing of Sun Tree and maintain their bloodline and form.

The secret of the emerald dragon, Yiluth Yuege is not qualified to know, but it does not prevent the sisters from gaining knowledge about the giant dragon.

The life level of dragons is not low. Even the emerald Dragon Beast without wisdom is a natural fourth-rank life. The legendary wisdom giant dragon is at least the sixth-rank creature, while the elderly giant dragon-like is Eighth rank, and even ancient dragons of ninth rank. In fact, eighth rank creatures and ninth rank creatures have almost less innate talent power. According to Luna, eighth rank giant dragons can enter into a covenant with "weak" intelligent beings and give them some dragon power.

In the history of the Spirit Emperor Kingdom, Legendary heroes accompanied by giant dragons once appeared. Their statues still stand under the Sun Tree in the Elanta.

Iluna recalled the female wearing a bizarre horned helmet in the Bumblebee Valley, and her heart-holding fear, she couldn't help but tremble and said, "She... is she Dragon Knight? "

Iluth Yuege shook her head with a stern expression: "I'm not sure yet, I can only say that the probability is great. After all, we have never seen a real giant dragon, but there are traces of battles in the green leather camp. It shows that the number of assailants is very small, leaving only the paw prints of five large upright creatures at the scene. Four of the assailants have footprints similar to the kobold lord, but much larger. I think they are super tall. 3 meters, and has the ability to breathe...One is flame, two frost and venom, and the other is the rare breath of wind and thunder. The lord of kobold can only breathe liquid flames, but the flames left on the scene burn The traces far exceed the formidable power of the liquid flame, and even the rocks and soil have been burned to crystallize. If the flames were not extinguished by the breath of frost, the surrounding forests might cause a fire."

"Fire, frost, toxin, and wind and thunder, three breaths, you should be able to think of something?"

Iluna calmed down, wrinkled her slender and straight eyebrows, and said in confusion: "Three This kind of breath, three dragon family monsters, this is unreasonable... Could it be that the red dragon, the green dragon, and the blue dragon go together and each have a dragon Vein family?"

"This is strange The place." Silver Eagle City General shook his head and said: "For Green Pimlok, one giant dragon is enough. Three giant dragons teamed up to attack a group of forest orcs. This is incredible. The most ridiculous thing is that they ransack the green The leather lord used to store food for the winter..." She said, she adjusted the atmosphere with a joke, "For some food, slaughter an orc tribe, the proud and greedy giant dragon has fallen to this level?"

Iluna's tense emotions relaxed a little, and she asked curiously: "You said four Dragon Vein dependents, and the other one is the dependent of the Brass Dragon?"

Elus’ expression became weird, and she shook her head and said: “It seems to be a mutant giant ape about four meters tall, but it’s definitely not a white ape giant beast... Giant dragon will always enslaves some weird creatures, who knows it is. What kind of monster?" She changed her conversation and said, "The good news is that the Agra dwarf prophet has determined that the Dragon Vein monster has left the nearby forest. They are heading west. The Silver Eagle City Council decided not to provoke them, so as not to get angry. Upper body."

"The bad news is that Green Pimlok is dead, and its death broke the balance in the forest. The escaped forest monste r They will fight each other and re-deline their respective spheres of influence. They will also have to worry about food for the winter, and they will definitely attack several villages and towns in the south of Silver Eagle City, including Green Leaf Village. The Silver Eagle City Guards brought by the Sixth Queen will garrison Green Leaf Village until the monster riots are completely calmed down. "

Iluna sighed in relief. She is Guard Captain of Green Leaf Village. Although the position of Captain was arranged by her general elder sister alone, Luna Luye still likes this job very much. , Because Green Leaf Village is her homeland.

Her eyes are full of time, and she asks Yuege: "Elder sister, will you stay in Green Leaf Village for the winter?" "

Iluth Yuege shook the head, and said calmly: "No, I am going to track down the dragons and monsters with some good friends." "

"Are you demented?" ! "The sword dancer suddenly stood up from the edge of the bed, his head hit the ceiling, turned pale in fright: "Their owner may be a semi-Divine Rank giant dragon, he breathes out, and you are dead!" Don’t you always bully the weak? Why go to track down his family members? "

Iruse also stood up. She was a little shorter than Iruse, but she looked down at her younger sister, said solemnly: "I have a reason to go. Unless you go with me, I will tell you some secrets. What I want to say is that you have scars caused by fear in your heart. Only by going to the female dragon can you relieve your inner fear, otherwise you will never be able to advance in this life. "

"Of course, you can also refuse, this thing is really dangerous. However, that Demi-God rescued you. Although your ability is very poor, his kindness to you may be able to let him choose to forgive us weak people at a critical time. That's why I invite you, a little third-rank sword dancer, to go with you. "

"Iluna, my younger sister, think carefully about it yourself. If you don't give me a reply by tomorrow night, I will leave. "Yuege pushed Iruna away and walked towards the stairs below the loft.

As a wild spirit Spirit General army, her situation in Silver Eagle City is actually very difficult. Those backgrounds are strong and competitive. She always set up various obstacles for her. In order to gain a foothold in Silver Eagle City, Iruna Yuesong had to take refuge in the Fourth Queen who was willing to accept her. It was also because of the power of the young Fourth Queen in the Silver Eagle City Council. Only weak, she was willing to recruit youngsters with humble backgrounds and innate talents.

The Moonsong General of Silver Eagle City turned to the Fourth Queen, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the Second Princess. She responded quickly and frequently suppressed them. The forces of the Fourth Queen, and proposed to hold a moon tree blessing ceremony for General Elus Moonsong. This is unacceptable to Elus. Each elf can only receive the blessing once, and what Elus longs for is the Sun Tree. The blessing of the moon tree instead of the blessing of the moon tree.

It happens that the elf queen is preparing to choose an heir from the autonomous city-states, and the youngster around the fourth prince is eager to fight for this rare opportunity for her. This way they can go to Elanta to receive the blessing of Sun Tree.

Iluth Moonsong’s friend Akelow is the fourth rank dwarf prophet, and he found some opportunities for divination. Everyone found Elf based on the clues of divination. Race is a lost sacred relic——Freya’s tears. So, the fifth-order adventurer Bobo and the brother Tiantian steal the relic cane of the great adventurer’s oak barrel and sneak out of the city to find the elf sacred relic.

Yuege and the Fourth Queen are not so naive, they just take Arklow’s divination as a joke. They didn't expect Bobo and Tiantian, two daredevils actually slipped away. Although halfling adventurers are The battle strength is very pitiful. They still have no problem protecting themselves. The key is that it is too difficult to track halfling adventurers, and it is even impossible to find Bobo and Tiantian with Acklow’s divination and interpretation. The fourth queen and Yuege had to give up. Botian brother’s search was when they were out for adventurer trials.

The recent series of events made Elusy Yuege re-realize that Arklow’s fortune-telling may be accurate. Yes, because they have discovered some little-known details one after another based on the clues of the fortune telling. They can basically be sure that Bobo and Tiantian are with the mysterious person.

Their The destination is the lost Yasolta Temple!

Silver Eagle City’s chief fortune-teller Agra. Longbeard has confirmed that the outsiders who destroyed the Green Leather Camp have no malice against Silver Eagle City, and they have already left and will not Come back for trouble in Silver Eagle City .

Such a terrifying powerhouse must be just passing by, and will not be fancy to the territory of Green Leather. But this matter is too serious. In order to guard against the unexpected, the Silver Eagle City Council has already notified Elanta that she hopes that the Queen will send a few powerhouses to visit Silver Eagle City. At the same time, the news will be strictly sealed to prohibit anyone from following them and give it to Silver Eagle City. Cause trouble.

Of course, the fourth prince did not dare to violate the decision of the Silver Eagle Council, but Yiluth Moon Song was wild ambition and planned to quietly follow the Demi-God powerhouse. She and younger sister Yiluna witnessed the power of Demi-God powerhouse with their own eyes, and also personally felt a touch of kindness from each other.

She invited the younger sister to accompany her, just as she said: wild dogs will still chase people who feed on them. Demi-God’s kindness is so precious. Don’t seize this extremely rare opportunity, even wild dogs. Not as good as. Besides, Bobo and Tiantian should also be beside that Demi-God.

Iluth faintly felt that the Demi-God powerhouse passed through the forest near Silver Eagle City was not accidental, and it was unlikely that he was encouraged by Popo and sweet language. Since he rescued Iluna, It can also be regarded as an expression of goodwill towards Yinying City. In that case, I should take the younger sister to see what happened.

There must be a lot of risk in doing so, but Demi-God's kindness is worth the risk!

Iluna Luye does not have the vision and wisdom of Yuege, but believes in her elder sister, and decisively said to her back:

"I will go with you!"



Iruth. Moon Song is right. , Victor freed the wild elves and dwarf guards of Green Leaf Village without any trouble. He was indeed releasing goodwill to the elves of Silver Eagle City. But he has tried his best to destroy the Goblin Lord, and it is not as easy as Silver Eagle City thinks.

Howling winds specializes in restraining weak-minded enemies, but it is very difficult to deal with the group consciousness of thousands of orcs. Weak goblins know that they can get together to keep warm when they feel cold. The body temperature of their companions can inspire their courage and fight against the wind. Heart hurt. Thanks to the four dragon maids transforming into the draconian form and defeating the will of the weak orcs with the fear aura of Dragon Clan, Victor's howling wind wiped out thousands of goblin orcs in one go.

As for the more powerful ogre and furbolg, basically all died under the breath of draconian, and a few orcs were torn apart by Philip II.

Although many orcs have fled into the forest, Victor's record is staggering, which is incredible in the eyes of Silver Eagle City.

For the unmatched unknown powerhouse, the elves of Silver Eagle City are either in fear and guard; or they try to make friends and try hard to succumb.

Victor is actually not as powerful as Silver Eagle City imagined, at least he can't take the entire Silver Eagle City by his own strength. This is self-knowledge, His Royal Highness Randal still has it. In order to avoid irritating Silver Eagle City, he freed a group of wild elves and dwarves and released a trace of goodwill. After all, it is his strategy to rebuild diplomatic relations with the ancient Spirit Emperor kingdom and jointly deal with Ant-Man and Abyss Demon invaders.

In the case of opening up the Great Swamp logistics supply line, Silver Eagle City is of great significance to the Kingdom of Gambis.

Victor did not take out the goblin lord Mlock to show his power, but his team did encounter a shortage of supplies.

The autumn forest is rich in resources and mature wild fruits are readily available. It can be picked up, but the food resources in a small area are also capped, which cannot meet the needs of Randal's expeditionary army. Moreover, Victor didn't have time to stop the team to gather and hunt. They abandoned the bulky carriage and let the soldiers trek through the jungle with the materials on their backs, which increased the physical consumption of the soldiers. After more than 30 days of marching, the food supply of the expeditionary army has fallen below the safety line. Victor simply ransacked the nearby goblin lords to replenish the food reserves of the Randal expeditionary army.

It is always more efficient to rob orc tribes than to gather them by yourself, but this does not solve the problem of food supply difficulties.

As the Randal Expeditionary Army continues to deepen in the endless forest, the scenery of all around has changed greatly. There are old trees surrounded by two or three people, and the orc tribes encountered are more powerful, even if they The leader of's felt the deadly danger of outsiders. In order for the entire tribe to survive the cold winter, their will to resist was very firm, and they did not hesitate to fight Victor to the death.

Victor asked Imerson wizard to come forward and negotiate with the orcs tribe, trying to coerce them to hand over some food, but it often failed.

The Randal expeditionary army ran thousands of miles from Centaur Hills to the endless forest, but it was not here to fight the orcs. It is obviously not worthwhile to waste precious time and soldiers' lives on looting. Victor had to re-plan the team's marching organization, expand the scout team's investigation radius, and try to spread for food as much as possible, thereby reducing the supply pressure on the entire team.

The left-wing scout team led by Brandon and the Red Wolf now has 19 original blood militias, 6 experienced elite guards, 4 craftsmen, and 4 sword-wielding maids. The scout team is equipped with 2 golden dragon lizards, 4 alchemy war mastiffs, and 5 bear dogs. They are 30 kilometers away from Victor's home team.

Although there is a dragon maid, Fulgari, who can determine the distance between the left-wing scout and the home team, Brandon and the Red Wolf can't see the expeditionary army with naked eye. They walked alone in the ancient woods for more than ten days, and their nervousness continued to increase. Especially the Red Wolf, he has the weakest strength among several ferocious warriors, and he is sensitive and suspicious by nature, and he will be suspicious when encountering ordinary coyote wolves. Brandon always feels ashamed to cooperate with this guy.

"Wait, Brandon, things are a little bit wrong." The lean and slender Red Wolf stopped as usual and whispered a warning.

Brandon was riding on the saddle of the Golden Dragon lizard, and drowsily said, "What's the matter? The wolf or the jungle leopard, do you want me to let Imerson's little pet out and let them Eat wolf meat and cat meat?"

The young Knight's taunts, the red wolf has long been accustomed to it, his expression is dignified at the moment, his pupils have shrunk to the size of needles, trying to see the dim forest clearly, said solemnly: "I feel It's dangerous to approach from the left."

Brandon was about to yell, and the corner of his clothes was pulled. He turned his head and looked towards the sword-wielding maid sitting behind him, listening to her whispering softly: "My lord, we walked into this forest for about half an hour, and we couldn't hear any movement."

Langdon listened carefully. Except for the howling of the wind over the treetops, there was no birdsong or beasts. The shadowy dim forest was completely silent. His gaze crossed the charming sword-wielding maid, and landed on the back of the second dragon lizard, on which the mighty Ms. Fulgari was sleeping. She would sleep on Dragon Lizard's back almost all day, and she didn't like others to disturb her.

Brandon relaxed a little, and his sword-wielding maid softly persuaded: "The master once said that Ms. Fulgari will not react to general dangers. Honey, you still Be cautious."

The general danger that Fulgari thinks is a question mark to others. In other words, when the Dragon Maid feels danger, the scout team does not need to hesitate, hurriedly escape is the best policy. .

Brandon is nodded, holding the gold long sword and shield, jumping off the dragon lizard, calling the team to stop, and quickly instructed: "Pass the order, take back both the front team and the back team, stay on guard, Then release the alienated rats and war dog groups to search the surroundings."

The commander’s order was immediately implemented. The source blood militia opened the simple wooden cage dragged by the dragon and lizard, and released all the semi-mature alienated rats inside. When they came out, they automatically dispersed for food, and the alchemy war mastiff and bear dog also began to patrol the surroundings together.

It didn't take long for the alchemy war mastiff to growl in the woods on the left.

"Second squad, go over there to investigate, but don't pick up the enemy. The rest are ready to fight, and call back both the war dog and the alienated rat!" Brandon commanded loudly.

At this moment, Fogrey of alluring beauty finally opened her eyes. The magnificent green eyes have turned into dragon-like vertical pupils. She sat upright and said at a moderate pace: "Left, A big guy is here."

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