

With the anger of the Secret Guardian Speaker, Shadow Knight's body instantly disintegrated into a ball The black mist filled all around and quickly dissipated, and his will was directly expelled from the hall of dreams.

The 12 tall shadow-wing angels are like living creatures at this time. They are guarded all around by the guardian. The white golden eyes are circling around. Wherever they look, a little thin black mist fades quickly. Bring a little residue.

After a long time, the mood of the Speaker of the Secret Guard gradually calmed down, and the shadow wing angel turned back into a lifelike statue, standing quietly on the spot.

A high-backed throne was outlined out of thin air. The Speaker of the Secret Guard sat on the throne, quietly contemplating, compared to the empty and tall hall, it seemed extraordinarily lonely and deserted.

After a while, he sighed, raised his hand to draw a cloud of black mist, and guided it to shape the shape of the shadow Knight.

When Shadow Knight’s eyes lit up with golden rays of light, the Speaker of the Secretman above the throne was condescending, and his voice asked loudly: "Who are you, anyway?"

"Shadow Knight can't explain the identity to the Secret Guardian, and can't ask the Secret Guardian's identity. This is the rule." Shadow Knight still half-kneeled on the ground, bowing his head respectfully as usual.


"The Shadow Knight lineage is the servant of the lineage of the Secret Guardian. The servant is Master's eyes and ears, minions, guards...these all are rules."

"Whose rules?"

"The rules of the Palace of Dreams."

If the Speaker of the Secret Guard has an enlightenment, nodded, look all around the details of the Palace of Dreams. , His gaze finally fell on the bookshelf on the wall close to a hundred meters high, which was filled with simple and heavy books. He extended the hand, showing an ancient book, flipping the pages on his own, and while browsing, he said: "Your answer is as nothing new as before... The Palace of Dreams is a spell, and wizards that use magic to build a spell model can enter. Palace of Dreams. However, they are not the same as the Secret Guard. I can summon Knight of Shadows, expel Knight of Shadows, or even deny access to a certain wizard... I am like the master of Palace of Dreams, they are guests, and Knights of Shadows are servants. It’s true. Is that so?"

With a sound of "Pa", the keeper closed the page, letting the heavy and simple books disappear out of thin air, facing the shadow, Knight asked: "How long have we known each other?"

"Master, it has been 36 years, 11 months and 30 days since we first met today." Shadow Knight replied.

"For so long...I don't remember and I didn't pay attention to this irrelevant issue." The secret guard sighed, and then said: "I entered the hall of dreams for the first time, full of curiosity. , To explore the mystery here, and found the method of summon shadow Knight, and then I summoned you and asked you the same question. Your original answer is the same as today’s answer... It can’t show the identity of reality, it’s the minion of the Secret Guardian. With eyes and ears, obey the secret guard’s orders, and deal with things in reality...this is the rule."

"I don’t believe you, I am jealous of your power, and jealous of you walking freely in the outside world." The secret guard The speaker stared at the shadow Knight for a while, and sighed: "But, I don't have time to pay attention to you... Have you seen the books on the high wall? Those are the spell models, historical secrets, and historical secrets recorded by the speaker of the past. The memoirs of the shadow priest. Only I can read it, read it to the priest who enters the shadow hall, and then record...The important duty of the secret guard is to record, to record the new content and pass it on to the next generation of secret guards."

"By the way, the method of summon Shadow Knight is the first record I saw in the Hall of Shadows. No matter I open any ancient book, summon Shadow Knight is on the front page. Until I summon you , The record disappeared after you appeared in the Hall of Shadows."

The Shadow Knight said respectfully: "Yes, Master. The Shadow Knight lineage is the most important lineage for the Secret Guardian."


The Speaker of the Secret Guard laughed without comment, and asked: "How do you think about the King of Shadows."

"The brilliance brings shadows. The King of Shadows is the other side of the Supreme Lord. Shadows The priest serves the King of Shadows, that is, he serves the Supreme Lord."

The Secretman Speaker nodded said: "This theological theory maintains the faith of the Shadow priests, so that they will not lose themselves and can resist the temptation of whisperers. The shadow priests believe in the Lord of Radiance as the king of shadows, and they use this theory to appease the wizards of the Shadow Council, but the core members of the council know... to be precise It is thought that the King of Shadows is fabricated, and the purpose is to reduce the guilt of ordinary shadow wizards through deception and prevent them from having no desire to improve and falling into the whisperer's control. The Shadow Council is therefore more cohesive, as for the shadow bishop The decoy'Council' wizard thrown at the court, those people are irrelevant. They have nothing to do with the Shadow Council of the lineage. At the intersection, even if tortured by the execution officer of the court, it is impossible to expose our Shadow Council. "

"Is the existence of the Shadow King really just a theological theory?" "

Shadow Knight was silent for a short time, then raised his head and said: "Master, you are different from Shade Bishop, and I am also different from them. Even the shadow bishop, their extraordinary power has reached a level above the golden level, and they have their own knowledge of the world. Is the theory of the King of Shadows true...I think that the shadow bishops of the past and those high-ranking members who entered the hall of dreams will not have any doubts about it. "

"The Trinity of Supreme Lord, King of Shadows, and Lord of Radiance. The King of Shadows really exists. He is not the Lord of Radiance. He is the other side of the Supreme Lord. The extraordinary power I possess is the most direct evidence. "

The Secret Guardian pondered for a long time and decided to talk from another angle: "I have never trusted you...I thought I was the master of the Dream Palace, but I must summon the shadow Knight first." You and I meet in a dream, keep on saying that I am the master, but in the real world, I can’t meet each other, and I don’t even know who each other is. I have reason to doubt whether you are real, your origin and purpose, because you cannot reveal your identity to me..."

"It is the Rule Power of the Palace of Dreams. "The shadow Knight emphasized.

"...the rules. "The speaker of the Secret Guard nodded helplessly, and continued: "Because I doubt you, I basically don't summon you. I spent a long time reading the records in the Dreamland Hall, trying to understand the origin of the Shadow Knight. However, I found many rules, two of which are the most impressive. "

"First, the spell model, historical secrets, shadow bishop, and the autobiography of high-level councilors recorded in the Dreamland Hall only have a history of more than 700 years. I can't open the records from 700 years ago, but they keep hanging on the wall. Compared with the speed of my reading, those ancient books have been recorded for at least 8,000 years, if they contain content...Of course, they may have been empty at first, but are just decorations for the Dream Palace. "

"Second, the shadow bishop entered the hall of dreams. When he was there, I couldn't summon the shadow Knight. This makes me even more suspicious that you are part of the dreamland, and may be the whisperer who invaded the hall of dreamland. "

Shadow Knight's face made of black mist outlines a wry smile, and said: "I can't understand many rules of the Dream Palace, nor can I explain it. Fortunately, the master finally believed me. "

" is limited trust. "The speaker of the Secret Guardian said in an interface: "Twenty-one years ago, a wizard of the Shadow Council was powerful, and it was not enough to be a deputy speaker. He wooed a group of wizard members and wanted to usurp the position of the speaker. Shadow Bishop can't deal with them either, I tried to order you to solve him and his men, you completed the task very well. Shadow bishop therefore believes in my strength. In the next few missions, you did a good job, proving that Shadow Knight is the eyes, eyes and minions of the Secret Guardian. "

"Later, the members of the Shadow Council learned the advent technique, and my will was able to go to the outside world. What I saw and heard basically coincided with your report in the Palace of Dreams. All of these have allowed me to confirm that you are a real person, not a falsehood constructed by the whisperer. "

"Nevertheless, I am still wary of you. It is also because neither of us can disclose our true identity and specific location to each other. On the other hand, I have the Shadow Council in my hand, and I have the descent technique, so I am less dependent on you. Therefore, I don't want to summon you to do things, and I rarely communicate with you. If it were not for fear of the Trigoval family, this plan would not be your turn. "

The Secret Guard is very straightforward. He controls the Shadow Council and doesn’t need to use Shadow Knight very much. Only when he goes all out, does he enable Shadow Knight to participate in his overall plan. Now , Shadow bishop, the messenger, is unclear. The Shadow Council disconnected from the Secret Guard and he had to talk to Shadow Knight.

"Master, I can understand your doubts..." Shadow Knight said.

The Speaker of the Secret Guard waved his hand and said mockingly: "I have never regarded myself as your master. Both you and I are restricted by the rules. In the future, you don't need to call my master, just call it an adult...Today, what I said so much is actually a temptation to test the loopholes in the rules of the Palace of Shadows. "

"In our realm, the test of rules is to understand the rules, understand the rules to master the rules, and finally, become the person who makes the rules. I can't reveal my identity to you, but for the words just now, you can identify the authenticity, make a judgment, and then tell me the result. "

Shadow Knight thought for a while, and said in deep thought: "If Shadow Knight is trustworthy, he can see the shadow bishop and high-level councilors entering the hall, and directly participate in the affairs of the Shadow Council; if the shadow bishop is And high-ranking members are trustworthy, they can summon Shadow Knight... This rule of the Dream Palace is to prevent Shadow Knight from interfering with the wizard organization under the chairman of the Secret Guardian; prevent members of the Shadow Council from challenging the authority of the chairman of the Secret Guardian. This shows that Shadow Knight can associate with the Shadow Council in reality, but the decision is in the hands of the Secret Guard. "

"Yes, that's why I still can't fully trust you. Although you participated in this project, I did not let you know the full picture of the plan, let alone contact you with the core members of the Shadow Council. Each of you only completed part of the plan. "The Secretman Speaker said frankly, and asked with interest: "What else?" "

Shadow Knight then replied: "My lord, you are a devout believer of Lord of Radiance, you may come from a cultivator of painstaking cultivation family, trapped in a mountain monastery in the Al-Erdom, isolated from the world . In addition, you did not have a teacher of the secret guard, but triggered a certain rule and inherited the Dream Palace. The records left by those fallen secret guards are all your teachers. "

Ayre has many monasteries built on cliffs, where cultivator of painstaking cultivation lives in seclusion, regardless of worldliness and theocracy, specializing in theology, divine technique, tempering the soul, and praying day and night. As a system, even the Church Cardinal's understanding of mountain monasteries is very general. These cultivator of painstaking cultivation are the core source of faith in the church. Although the level of divine technique is not high, the spiritual realm is extraordinary, and the understanding and application of divine technique Fine and subtle, as long as the promotion ceremony is held, it is easy to be promoted to the golden priest, or even the legendary, depending on the capacity of the Holy Power pool.

Because of the cultivator of painstaking cultivation, most of the cultivator of painstaking cultivation are extreme and stubborn fanatics. After the pope lost power, the noble priest was reluctant to call the cultivator of painstaking cultivation of the mountain monastery.

The Secretman Speaker had a deep expression and said slightly nodded: "Very well... our dialogue bypassed the rules of the Dream Palace. Both revealed some information. You are by no means a member of the mountain monastery, you can walk outside, and you know so much about the secrets of the church, most likely from an ancient Paladin family. "

"But...I'm not in a hurry to understand your origins. Now, it's your turn to tell me what you can disclose, and I will make my judgment. Remember, this is related to whether I can trust you, and only trust can talk about other things. "

Shadow Knight asked: "My lord, can you give me a general direction?" "

The Speaker of the Secret Guard knocked on the armrest of the high-back throne and said: "The source of the rules... Who made the rules of the Dream Palace?" "

The Shadow Knight lifts the head and said: "According to the inheritance of the Knight lineage of the Shadow, I think the founder of the Dream Palace is the first Pope Enoch Your Majesty. "

The Speaker of the Secret Guard was suddenly moved, stood up from the throne abruptly, and asked sharply, "Which Paladin family is the Knight lineage of the Shadow?" You... Are you Nahtigal? "

Shadow Knight said solemnly: "No... We are the eighth family outside of the seven Paladin families, with no name and no surname, dedicated to serving the shadow side of the Supreme Lord. "

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