In the afternoon of the next day, Golden Eyes Count and his wife leisurely enjoyed afternoon tea on the large balcony of the master bedroom of Nightingale Manor.

Sophia is wearing a loose and comfortable spider silk nightdress, her gorgeous purple hair is sprinkled on her shoulders, and she has an elegant manner. Try a piece of pine nut cake. The snow-white slender feet rested on Victor's knees, and she slapped her husband who was reminiscing about the Yarete Plateau Sher Tea from time to time.

The passionate joy quickly faded away from the strangeness of long-awaited reunion. Sophia regained the feeling of being intimate and seamless with Victor. The difference is that she now enjoys being loved by her husband, who used to be her Spoil your little husband.

After all, Victor is now the Sacred Domain powerhouse. Before coming to see him, Sophia even worried that the changes in realm would cause Victor to no longer like herself. Sword saint Drawin is a lesson from the past. After he boarded the Sacred Domain, he gradually alienated lovers below the golden rank.

Sophia is obviously too worried. Victor is still Victor, but she naturally puts herself in a lower position to please her husband and enjoy his love.

This feeling is very fresh and beautiful.

Eat the snack, and her pink tongue licked her glittering red lips, Sophia asked in a soft voice, "My dear, how does the new sher tea taste?"

Victor Putting down the beautifully shaped silver cup, nodded and said: "It's great, I like it very much."

After pulling her hair to her shoulders, Sophia raised her purple eyebrows and asked lazily and charmingly. Said: "How is it better than me?"

When Battle Qi is not running, she is a fairy...The primordial race of purple-eyed bloodline may have the extraordinary ability to charm powerhouse...Victor muttered in his heart As a soul Sovereign, he interpreted Sophia's current psychological state from a professional perspective.

"How can the taste of snow tea be mentioned on equal terms with my wife?" Victor praised Mrs. Count very "seriously".

"The konjac potion prevents me from being assimilated by the sea of ​​elements, but its taste is not as good as my little Victor." Sophia pursed her mouth, resting her cheek in her hand, and said with crooked eyes: "That ...Andria, how can Gillian compare with me? Whose taste makes you more lingering?"

"Uh...Honey, do you know the source of the purple-eyed bloodline?"

Victor coughed and changed the subject wisely, but Sophia rolled her charming eyes.

"Where do I know the source of the purple-eyed bloodline? Eastern Alliance is the exile of the Knights nobles. There are many, many Knight bloodlines. The Eleanor family desperately collected Knight bloodline in the early days. Described. They obtained the purple-eyed bloodline purely by accident. I am afraid that Suse Kingdom does not know where the source of the purple-eyed bloodline is? Besides, I am not a direct descendant of Eleanor Royal Family, I am just a stubborn wild Knight, luck It's a little better, you ask me, but the wrong person was found." Sophia curled one's lip disdainfully, and her red lips pursed slightly is also very attractive.

Victor said enthusiastically: "I guess the purple-eyed bloodline originated from an ancient race of wisdom. Their bloodline laws are so powerful that they can prevent the purple-eyed Knight from reaching the golden rank. You see, Ah The purple-eyed Knights of Leano Royal Family are all female, and Golden Knight has never appeared. This is because Knight bloodline leads to the sea of ​​elements, and purple-eyed bloodline is the law of the real world. So, you and Elay Like Arnold’s purple-eyed lady, she is born with charming innate talent, but you have resonated with 36 elemental positions, opened the door of the element sea, and reached the semi-golden realm, and your eyes only work when Battle Qi is running. Dark green appears, usually with purple eyes. This is completely different from the normal raging Knight Knight, which means that the purple-eyed bloodline prevents you from going deep into the sea of ​​elements..."

"Sylvia said I have a chance to be promoted to the golden rank...I Believe in Sylvia."

Sophia raised her slender palm to cover her small mouth and yawned to show that she was not interested in the topic, but she shook jade foot under the table and teased her husband.

Victor sighed helplessly and said: "Well, let's talk about something else... You, a big business nobleman, is welcomed by Lord Sasan. Unlike me, even Angie Princess hides from me. , These days, have you received any new news?"

Sophia pretended to be surprised and said: "You rushed from Windbell Town to Nightingale Manor, there is no lord to entertain Stormrage Sword Saint along the way?"

"No." Victor said with a stinky expression: "One of them avoided me... Prince Zieg and Crown Princess Freya sent emissaries to find me, how could I take care of them?"

"My poor little Victor...there was also a day of being rejected." Sophia was full of sympathy, and immediately giggled, as if taking pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Because of the official partnership between Victor and Andrea, the three major lords of Sasan Empire deliberately avoided contact with Stormrage Sword Saint, and the church wanted Victor to get out soon.

The western lord camp headed by the Barcelius family is willing to get close to Stormrage sword saint. His Royal Highness Randal can be used as a trump card to contain the Radiance Knight group to prevent the church from exerting extreme pressure on the Barcelius family. Since it is a hole card, it should not be moved lightly, so as not to intensify the contradiction between the two sides and lose room for maneuver. What's more, His Royal Highness Randal is the high lord of the Southern Kingdom, and the struggle for the throne is the internal affairs of the northern lords. Asking His Royal Highness Randal to intervene, it appears that the Barcelius family is very weak. Therefore, the best way to deal with it is to avoid suspicion. Anyway, Andrea Wimbledon countess is there. Everyone knows that the Barcelius family and Stormrage sword saint have a lot to do with each other.

The central lord of Sasan is watching the development of the situation and kindly invites His Royal Highness Randal to be a guest. There is a suspicion of standing in line with the Barcelius family. It is better not to see each other.

Not to mention the Eastern Lords Group controlled by the Radiance Knight regiment. Like the church, they hope that Stormrage Sword Saint will leave early. The emperor eldest son and Crown Princess contacted a little bit, and saw that Victor didn't respond, so he didn't waste time on him.

Speaking of which, the high-ranking Knight of Gambis is bestowed by Victor by Bronze Halberd City. The Diocletian family does not even entertain the Sword Saint of Stormrage, so it is impossible to invite Gambis’ silver Knight went to Bronze Halberd City for a banquet.

Sophia was happy for a while, a pair of winking eyes returned to clarity, indifferently said: "Sasan Empire's food prices have risen. I guess that this year's fire season, the price of green wheat will increase by 30%."

Victor nodded, said: "This is to use the price of food to urge the freedmen to go to Sidon to open up the collar and accept the reorganization of the tenants of Lord Sasan."

The Sophia interface said: "In the next three years, The export price of green wheat will remain high, and the southern countries should not want to reserve green wheat."

"Gambis is now self-sufficient and there is no problem." Victor shook his head and said with a smile: "Sasan is not in the west. For the production of green wheat, the grain reserves were not enough to recruit a large number of tenants. The Radiance Knight regiment and Blood Wolf Fort only pushed up the price of food, and Barcelius was immediately at a disadvantage. Those vacillating lords in the middle also turned to Frederick’s Imperial Family."

Sophia picked up the silver cup, took a sip of jade green's sherbet tea, and said, "As far as I know, the Radiance Knight group has so far added 6 Highnesses, 19 Silver Paladin. Wife of Tornance, Charlottea Bernardicte was also successfully promoted to the Golden Paladin, and it was the patriarch of Frieze who personally presided over the promotion ceremony."

Compared with the ordinary Knight family, Paladin has an ancient bloodline, With the advantages of the imprint of light and the grace of God, a glorious victory has added several His Highnesses. Howard Tester was even promoted to the Legendary-level Gale Paladin. His realm was lower than Victor. But in terms of individual battle strength, Victor wouldn't dare to say that he could win the big captain. Based on this, the Radiance Knight group offset part of the influence brought by Auroksia’s promotion to Legendary.

The strength of the Radiance Knight regiment advanced by leaps and bounds is far ahead of any force.

However, the secular belongs to the secular, and the divine power belongs to the church. No matter how powerful the Radiance Knight regiment is, as the priest, they cannot simply and rudely interfere in the Sasan Empire's throne struggle.

"Ai, with so many newly promoted Highnesses, we have to prepare many gifts." Victor sighed, and then said amusedly: "Charlotia has been promoted to Golden Knight, and Tornance may be very much in the future. Sad. He is not a high-ranking Knight. He does not need to follow the principle of companionship and was eaten to death by Charlotte."

Sophia covered her mouth and said with a smile: "The first Paladin is famous Fear Charlotte, don’t you know?"

Victor was dumbfounded and said with a smile: "I have never heard of such a rumor."

"Very few people dare to say... His Royal Highness Tornance is afraid of his wife, and it only circulates in the circle of the female Paladin. How about? The news of Mrs. Golden Eye count is very good, right?" Sophia raised her delicate chin slightly, reserved and reserved. Said triumphantly.

"So, what secret information can the beautiful Mrs. Count tell me?" Victor asked with a smile.

Sophia blinked, and after a moment of indulgence, she frowned and said: "I heard a very formal rumor in Bronze Halberd City... it involves the secrets of the Sasan Imperial Family."

"The previous generation of the Sasan Empire emperor had a brief relationship with a female priest of the Testil family. Later, the female priest was transferred back to the Church, and the lover relationship with Emperor Frederick ended, but She gave birth to Emperor Frederick’s daughter in the State of Ayr, named Valerie Frederick."

Victor originally heard with keen interest pleasure, Sophia said of Valerie’s surname , He moved in his heart and asked: "Valerie's surname is Frederick? Blood Wolf Fort recognizes her as Princess?"

Sophia smiled and shook her head: "Blood Wolf Fort does not recognize this Her Highness. the Princess, her surname is Frederick."

Victor said with scorching eyes: "Interesting, keep talking."

"Valerie later gave birth to King Nahtigal. She had a daughter, passed Frederick’s surname to her daughter, went to the monastery to become a female priest, and died twelve years later. She entrusted her to the head of Howard Testier to raise her. "

"The child is now 18 years old, named Elizabeth Frederick, who owns the title of Sasan Empire Princess...and the right of succession to the throne."

Victor stopped massaging his wife's smooth and firm Calf, stood up from the chair, walked to the balcony, frowned for a moment, and sighed regretfully: "This time the Barcelius family has no chance."

The Barcelius family currently does not have the conditions to restore the Iron Mountain Empire. , The reason, the big and small lords under the Griffin all understand. It's just that the Emperor Frederick and the Grand Duke have both fallen, and the lords who are attached to the Barcelius family must make a statement to the monarch to restore the country. This is a statement of loyalty and has nothing to do with the political situation. As the lord, Barcelius must make a firm response. This is an expression of the iron mountain empire's position and has nothing to do with the personal thoughts of the two dukes.

Sometimes, political games are so stupid to make people laugh.

Since things have reached this point, the lords under the Gripen must do their best, and Barcelius is not without a chance.

The strength of the Sasan Western Lords Group is obviously not enough to restore the Iron Mountain Empire, unless they can swallow the entire Sasan Empire and raise the Griffin Emperor flag. The attitude of Tatun dukedom and Sasan’s middle lord was of great importance to both Barcelius and Frederick’s Two Great Families.

The Radiance Knight regiment made a move, and after a set of combo punches, the Barcelius family could not fight back.

Tester’s 1st move: Does Barcelius have food? Without food, there will be no population. What can we do if there is no population to restore the country?

2nd move: The Sidon Khanate has just been defeated, and the army of the northern lords has been damaged. The Radiance Knight regiment is now greatly enhanced. Do you need the armed forces of the church to maintain the territory and consolidate the results?

3rd move: Elizabeth Frederick Princess is the golden bloodline of Nahtigal, and she can inherit the throne of Sasan Empire!

Radiance Knight is the crux of the problem, Sasan, the lord of the west and the lord of the middle know how to choose.

The spread of the golden bloodline has a limit, and the territory of the empire naturally has a limit. The Sidon Khanate and the Sasan Empire are immense and can accommodate two Northern Great Empires. Barcelius shelters under the wings of the Radiance Knight regiment, immersed in the development of several decades, and the Iron Mountain Empire is bound to rejuvenate. Oroxia and Wrynn struggled symbolically, and then they compromised. The Northern Lords united as one, and they all rejoiced.

Of course, the Radiance Knight regiment blatantly interfered with the succession of an imperial throne. But this question depends on two sides. The Sasan Eastern Lord was originally the secular power of the Paladin family, and the Radiance Knight regiment acted on its own people, and no one could say anything.

On the other hand, does Lord Sasan want to get the golden bloodline from Frederick’s Imperial Family? Lord Sasan acquiesced to Elizabeth ascend to the throne of the Empire. External forces could only stare. Even if someone jumped out to accuse the Radiance Knight regiment, Lord Sasan would snort disdainfully, saying that he was talking nonsense out of jealousy.

The key is that everyone is willing to patiently wait and see the bloodline quality of Queen Elizabeth Frederick. Radiance Church has preserved the ancient Knight bloodline for nearly ten thousand years. Paladin can now take out the first gold bloodline and can take out the second one. If the gold bloodline of Nahtigar is stable enough, even if the secular lords cannot raise the bloodline of the family to the golden level through marriage, it is very good to be promoted to the silver bloodline family, which can consolidate a large new territory in the open war.

Furthermore, the Radiance Knight regiment allowed the Iron Mountain Empire to regain its kingdom, which marked the Paladin family’s shift to a neutral camp. On the contrary, it was considered as interfering in secular politics. At that time, it would not be too late for the lords to collectively boycott the Radiance Knight regiment. .

Victor shook his head and sighed: "I finally know why the Patriarch Frieze asked Nahtigal to take action against the Great Khan Centaur... This is to build momentum for Queen Elizabeth. I still want to take advantage of it. When the Radiance Knight regiment wrestled with the Barcelius family, it seemed impossible to do something."

Sophia hugged Victor from behind, her soft chest pressed against his back, and said with a low. smile: "My dear, it doesn't matter... Sylvia's gift is already on the way, and it is personally escorted by Barbarian Elder Harald... You have done such a big thing without telling me, I don't care... How are you going to reward me?"

Victor turned around and hugged Sophia's slender waist and said with a smile: "My dear, what do you want?"

Sophia took a bite Red lips, eat and eat said with a smile: "A child... inherits our Golden Group."

"Okay! We work hard, maybe there will be."


Shadow Council, the Palace of Dreams.

Knight one-knee kneels condensed like black shadows in the middle of the empty hall, said solemnly: "Master, we have failed. The shadow bishop fell into the hands of the manticore, and Ron Paladin who secretly supported him Also disappeared, Trigoval was ordered to purge the shadow priests who were loyal to the shadow bishop, as well as all the decoy wizards of the Shadow Council. Now, no new shadow bishop can enter the hall of dreams. We have lost contact with the members of the Shadow Council. I believe in a few years. In the future, all the shadow councilors you control will find their own way out and take refuge in the secular lords."

"...The lineage of the Secret Guard has entered the dark period, we can only be silent, waiting for the new shadow bishop to enter the dreamland Palace, reorganize the Shadow Council."

Dark period...silence...The Speaker of the Secretman appeared in front of Shadow Knight as an ordinary adult. His expression was heavy and he was maintained by the spell in the Palace of Dreams. , Actually lifelike, it can be seen that he is in a very bad mood at the moment.

Dreamland Hall has recorded a number of dark periods, the shortest 13 years, the longest 142 years, during this period, the lineage can only be silent, except for the Shadow Knight, they and the shadow priests outside After getting in touch, you must wait for someone to practice the Meditation Method of the Shadow Bishop to Level 6, and enter the Hall of Dreams again, before both parties can continue to promote the inheritance of the Shadow Council.

The age of the speaker of the secretaries of this generation is no longer young. As a legendary-level sorcerer, he should enjoy power instead of pretending to be silently obscured. Just like a gutter mouse, no matter how powerful it is, it is still a smelly mouse that dies in the gutter. In fact, at the Legendary level, the blessing without fate is impossible, and the blessing of fate must come from the shoulders.

The shadow priest, shadow bishop, and shadow councilor cannot bear the silence, and the Secretman Speaker is also unwilling to remain silent. He and his companions have been planning for a long time, and even used the unique spell of the Secret Guardian Lineage to promote the aftermath of the big prophecy and make future changes develop in a favorable direction.

But they still failed. The shell thrown by the shadow bishop to the Trigoval family was cleaned. It didn't matter, but the shadow bishop died, and the messenger of the Speaker of the Secret Guard died. The real Shadow Council was completely out of his control. Worst of all, the high-level Paladin Ron, a friend of the shadow bishop, disappeared, and no one can shelter the shadow priest. Trigoval can dispose of the remaining shadow priests at will, destroying the various arrangements of the shadow bishop, including the execution of heirs he valued.

The appearance of the next shadow bishop is far away, and the Speaker of the Secret Guard can't even determine whether the shadow priests will practice the Meditation Method hard.

What if someone can successfully construct the spell model of the Palace of Dreams? In less than ten years, the Shadow Council will fall apart, and the Speaker of the Secret Guard must re-organize a Shadow Council. This may be a matter of several decades later, or there will be no chance.

The promotion of the tenant system will allow the new little wizard to easily fall into the hands of the lord and the church.

The Speaker of the Secret Guard shook the head, muttering to himself: "Why did he fail? Why is Nahtigar unwilling to kill the Centaur Khan? If he gains honor and prestige, he will come forward to mediate , The Barcelius family and Lord Gambis will definitely change their minds and support the shadow priest to come to the front desk. Isn’t Nahtigal unreliable?"

"Nakhtigal’s response is that the Centaur Khan did not go to Tatun dukedom, but went to Wharton Prairie, which did not match the original plan." Shadow Knight said with his head lowered.

"That was an accident! The change of the fate line is elusive, there are always accidents!" The Speaker of the Secret Guard roared, the hall of dreams fluctuated, and the twelve shadow-wing angel statues all turned their heads, as if they were alive. come over.

When the Secret Guardian calmed down his anger and the Dream Palace returned to normal, Shadow Knight said respectfully: "Dear Master, I have a suggestion."


The shadow Knight lifts the head, and the white golden eyes on the black mist face are shining brightly, "Master, no matter how hard we try, it will not help, because we have no reputation. In the eyes of the high lord and the high priest The achievements of the unknown can be deprived at will."

Not to mention the lord, even the lord will deprive the refugees of their property. As long as he does not have a master and does not pay the entry fee to the border post, all can be regarded as harboring. Bandits of malicious intentions. In fact, these people will indeed engage in illegal activities such as poaching and pirating.

If there is no owner, there is no right, and if there is no reputation, there is no power. The universal recognition of the human kingdom has always been this way.

"Master, just because we don’t have a legitimate reputation, Golden Eye count kills me as soon as he sees me, and doesn’t bother to listen to my words; the Barcelius family is just using us to obtain Blood Guard And Shadow Warrior’s secret method, they also won’t really cooperate with us. As for Nahtigal... there is no difference."

"There is no difference?"

"Nakhtigal It is no different from His Royal Highness Randal, the Barcelius family, and the Paladin family! Even if the Guardian of Light gains the right to speak within the church, Nahtigal will treat the shadow priest like Trigoval. Master, there will be no difference..."

"haha, we are eager to obtain a legal reputation, so we have to cooperate with Barcelius, Nahtigal, and Golden Eye count. Because we don't have a legal reputation, they either want to kill us or just deceive us... this There is no solution at all, so that's how it is, so that's how it is......" The Secretman Speaker laughed and shook his head: "It took so much effort to figure out such a simple problem."

Shadow Knight lowered his head deeply, his forehead almost stuck to the floor, said solemnly: "Master, we have only the only way out."

"What way out?" the Secretman Speaker asked lonely.

"...awaken the King of Shadows..."

tone barely fell, in the empty hall, twelve shadow-wing angel statues all turned around, twelve pairs of indifferent white Golden's eyes stared at the shadow Knight kneeling on the ground.

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