Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3293: 3 possibilities

Chapter 3310 Three possibilities

"Divination attracts thunder calamity? Fairy Yuxiao in Qianguang Realm seems to have encountered such a situation."

Ye Yuhuan had a thoughtful expression on his face.

The Ye family is a family of true spirits, and they have treasures such as the World Breaking Plate in their hands. They also have a good relationship with the Jiuyuan Business Alliance.

If a Mahayana cultivator wants to advance, it is not enough to rely on penance alone.

"Dry Light Realm? Fairy Yuxiao?"

Ye Xuanji was confused. She had been away from the Ye family for many years and didn't know much about other interface high-level monks.

"Fairy Yuxiao is a Mahayana loose cultivator in the Qianguang Realm. She has been practicing Taoism for more than 40,000 years. She is a sound cultivator. I heard that she asked Grandma Tianji to fortune-telling. After that, Granny Tianji didn't do divination for Mahayana monks, and some people said that Granny Tianji was acting with Fairy Yuxiao, using secret techniques or treasures to attract thunder calamity, so as to find an excuse to refuse to do divination for Mahayana monks."

Ye Yuhuan explained.

Granny Tianji is a Mahayana monk, from a super sect, she divinations for Fairy Yuxiao, which led to thunder tribulation, and Granny Tianji almost died.

This was what Ye Yuhuan heard from other Mahayana monks, and it was widely circulated among the Mahayana monks in the Qianguang Realm.

"Mother-in-law Tianji! How could this happen?"

Ye Xuanji wondered.

"I don't know, Yu Xuan is a fortune teller, maybe he knows it!"

Ye Yuhuan guessed.

There are specialized and professional things in the art industry, and they are handed over to professional people.

Not long after, a respectful male voice came from outside.

"Yuxuan, come in and talk."

Ye Xuanfeng ordered.

A tall and straight young man in a golden shirt walked in, with a Chinese character face and a white face, he was a fit cultivator.

"Grandson pays respects to ancestor Xuanji and ancestor Xuanfeng."

Ye Yuxuan bowed and saluted.

"A fortune-teller in the fusion stage fortune-telling for the cultivator, which led to thunder tribulation. What's going on?"

Ye Xuanfeng asked. When the Ye family traveled to other interfaces, they usually brought the juniors with them. The Ye family juniors could get to know young talents from other major forces, and also broaden their horizons and enrich their experience.

Ye Yuxuan has communicated with many fortune-tellers, and the innate conditions are stronger than the mysterious gods.

"Attracting thunder calamity? He is involved in a lot of cause and effect, so this situation occurs, such as leading the interface war, the great power to cover up his fate, or his close people are related to the survival of billions of creatures. ."

Ye Yuxuan explained.

"It's about the survival of billions of beings? What does that mean? He's going to kill billions of beings, so this happens?"

Ye Xuanji wondered.

"No, it's his behavior that is related to the survival of billions of creatures. For example, he is the head of a big clan and intends to invade other interfaces and personally lead this battle. This will happen. Just participating in the interface war will not this circumstance occurs."

Ye Yuxuan explained.

"The great ability to cover up the fate, can it be done by a true immortal?"

Ye Xuanji continued to ask.

Ye Yuxuan explained: "I don't know, but as far as I know, it's very difficult to hide the fate."

Ye Xuanji wanted to ask something else. Ye Xuanfeng took out a nine-angle magic plate with white light flashing, and punched in a magic formula. Ye Tianxue's voice sounded: "Patriarch Xuanfeng, the people of the fairyland take the initiative to contact us."

"What? The clansmen in the fairyland took the initiative to contact us? I know, I'll go over immediately."

Ye Xuanfeng's expression changed, and he agreed with a full mouth. This was the first time I had seen such a situation.

"Xuanji, come with me! You ask face to face how to revive dead clansmen."

Ye Xuanfeng suggested.

Ye Xuanji nodded and agreed.

In a white manor, the five Wang Changsheng were sitting in a white stone pavilion, talking.

"Friend Wang Dao, your chance is not shallow!"

Shangguan Tianhong said in an envious tone, he thought that he was doing things for ye Xuanji, just hugging a big thick leg, but Wang Changsheng did not expect that a true immortal relative would appear directly.

"Friend Shangguan is joking, it's hard to tell what the truth is."

Wang Changsheng disapproved and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He was afraid that the Ye family would find out about the Qinglian Fortune Ding. If Cheng Yao didn't attract thunder tribulation, it had nothing to do with the Qinglian Fortune Ding!

Taking a step back, even if the Qinglian Fortune Ding is an immortal weapon, Wang Changsheng is only a fit cultivator, and it is impossible to recognize the master immortal tool. Can the Qinglian Fortune Ding conceal the fate?

Wang Changsheng noticed something and looked towards the sky, Ye Xuanji and Ye Xuanfeng descended from the sky and landed in front of them, their expressions solemn.

They got in touch with the Ye family's clansmen in Immortal Realm and had a conversation.

"Meet Senior Ye!"

Wang Changsheng's five people hurriedly bowed and saluted, with respectful expressions.

"Wang Xiaoyou, find out why you attracted thunder tribulation, the cause and effect involved in the fortune-telling for you are too great, there are three possibilities.

"First, you or someone close to you may lead the interface war, which is related to the survival of billions of creatures, and deducing your fate will be involved in this matter; second, there are powerful spells who can exchange fate with you. Ge, to deduce your destiny is to deduce a powerful destiny. If the difference in strength is too large, it will lead to thunder tribulation, at least a true immortal; the third type, you have an immortal weapon that conceals your destiny, but you are only fit. Cultivator, it is impossible to recognize the master immortal weapon, we prefer the first one."

"Senior Xu didn't say that the true immortal relatives took action to cover up the fate?"

Wang Changsheng wondered.

"His knowledge is limited, do you really think that a true immortal can cover up his fate for his relatives in the lower realm? Our clansmen in the immortal world said that this matter is also very difficult for Jinxian. If you are in the immortal world, a true immortal who knows the art of divination It can be done, but if the magic is cast across the border, it will be difficult for Jinxian to do it.”

Ye Xuanfeng explained.

If a qi cultivator masters the Tongbao formula, it is impossible to drive the heavenly spiritual treasure. Similarly, a Mahayana cultivator who masters the method of controlling the immortal device cannot drive the immortal device. The reason is very simple. Mana, without immortal energy, cannot drive immortal weapons.

They also guessed that Wang Changsheng is the immortal world's great power to divide the soul into the lower realm. However, according to Ye Shenghong's explanation, even if it is a golden immortal, it is very difficult to separate the soul into the lower realm. It needs to use a special array to assist, and the failure rate is still the same. It is relatively high, and with Wang Changsheng's cultivation, it is not like the immortal world's great power to divide the soul into the lower realm.

It is really the power of the immortal world to divide the soul into the lower realm. Wang Changsheng at least has the combat power of the Mahayana period, not a fit monk.

As for the exchange of fate between Da Neng and Wang Changsheng, Wang Changsheng, a small integrated cultivator, can't get into Da Neng's eyes at all. There is a great risk in exchanging fate. If one of them dies, the other will also be affected.

Therefore, even if it is an exchange of fate, Da Neng will not exchange fate with Wang Changsheng. If Wang Changsheng dies, Da Neng will also be affected.

Not everyone can cast spells to exchange fate. It must be done by someone who understands the technique of divination, and it is too difficult to cast spells across borders.

Three possibilities, the first one is more reasonable.

Wang Changsheng's uncles are all dead, and the nephews and nephews are only in the fusion period. Without this condition, it is difficult for Jinxian to cast a spell to conceal Wang Changsheng's fate.

Besides, everyone has the ability to cast spells to conceal Wang Changsheng's personality. It is better for Da Neng to bring Wang Changsheng to the fairy world or destroy Wang Changsheng, so that others are even less likely to follow Wang Changsheng to find Da Neng.

(End of this chapter)

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