Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3292: Immortal people contact the Ye family

Chapter 3309 Immortal people contact Ye Family

The Ice Soul Mountains are located in the northeast corner of the North Cold Ice Field. This is the ancestral land of the Ye family of the true spiritual family. It is covered with snow all year round, and the temperature is frighteningly low.

A team of Ye family cultivators are patrolling, and under them is a giant white lion. The giant lion has two wings on its back.

The leader is a white-shirted youth with a jade tree facing the wind. Judging from his aura, he is a late-stage cultivator.

The Ye family is the well-deserved overlord of the North Cold Icefield. No faction in the North Cold Icefield dares to take the initiative to provoke the Ye family, let alone attack the Ice Soul Mountain Range.

A golden escaping light appeared in the distant sky, and the speed was very fast.

"You clan elder is back."

The young man in the white shirt said.

It didn't take long for the golden light to stop, and it was a magnificent palace with three big characters "Xuanji Temple" written on the plaque.

Wang Changsheng and others stood at the door of Xuanji Hall with different expressions.

The Four Seas Zhenjun looked excited, he never imagined that one day he would be able to go to the ancestral land of the Ye family of the Zhenling family.

Ye Xuanji took them away from the Xuanguang Continent, crossed the sea, and forcibly requisitioned several large teleportation formations of different races, saving a lot of time.

Ye Xuanji was relatively strong, so he went directly to the alien's lair, learned from the alien Mahayana, defeated the alien Mahayana, gave some things as the cost of using the teleportation array, and borrowed the other party's large teleportation array to hurry.

If it wasn't for this, they wouldn't have spent more than a thousand years rushing to the Northern Icefield.

"Who is coming!"

The young man in white said solemnly.

"Ye Xuanji, you go and tell those clan elders that I, Ye Xuanji, are back."

Ye Xuanji's voice came from Xuanji Hall.

Her physical body was destroyed, the clansmen could not recognize her, and it was not easy to enter the Ice Soul Mountain Range.

The young man in white shirt was stunned when he heard the words "ye Xuanji". He was no stranger to this name, and all the Ye family members had heard of Ye Xuanji.

He hurriedly took out a white light flickering Dharma plate, entered a Dharma formula, and gestured for a while.

"Congratulations to the ancestor Xuanji to go home."

The young man in white said politely.

No one dared to go to Ye's ancestral land to pretend to be Ye Xuanji, that was courting death.

"Congratulations to the ancestor Xuanji to go home."

The Ye family members said in unison, and their voices reverberated for thousands of miles.

Wang Changsheng and others were stunned, Ye Xuanji was so valued in the Ye family?

After a while, more than a dozen escaping lights flew out from the mountain range and stopped. The escaping lights converged to reveal a dozen or so cultivators, headed by a graceful young woman in a white dress.

Ye Ruoxue, the head of the Ye family, in the late stage of the fusion.

"Congratulations to the ancestor Xuanji to go home, the ancestor of Yuhuan has been waiting in the ancestral hall for a long time."

Ye Ruoxue said respectfully.

"Don't you need to censor my identity? Just let me in?"

Ye Xuanji walked out of Xuanji Palace with an indifferent expression.

"Ancestor Xuanji is joking. Who dares to pretend to be you, if he has the courage, I'm afraid he won't be able to leave alive."

Ye Ruoxue explained with a smile.

"Hmph, you already knew that I was in the Xuanguang Continent, just don't look for me, don't think I don't know anything."

Ye Xuanji snorted coldly.

"Ancestor Xuanji, stop joking with the juniors, talk to the ancestral hall! Ruoxue, settle the people brought by Ancestor Xuanji, don't neglect."

A clear female voice came from the sky.

Wang Changsheng and others flew out of Xuanji Hall one after another, and Ye Xuanji put away Xuanji Hall and turned into a golden light and flew towards the depths of the mountain range.

Ye Ruoxue breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the five Wang Changsheng, and asked, "Are you all the subordinates of ancestor Xuanji?"

"I am, Daoyou Wang they are not."

Shangguan Tianhong explained.

"Under Wang Changsheng (Wang Ruyan), I met Mrs. Ye."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan reported their names and said politely.

"Come with me!"

Ye Ruoxue waved her hand and went back the same way, Wang Changsheng and the others quickly followed.

After flying for more than a million miles, you can see a large number of buildings and monks, as well as some exotic animals, many of which are seventh-order spirit beasts.


A deafening dragon roar sounded, and Wang Changsheng and the five were taken aback for a moment. The Ye family also kept Jiaolong?

Ye Ruoxue placed them in a white manor covering an area of ​​1,000 mu, and told them not to run around. Naturally, the five Wang Changsheng would not move around.

Ice Soul Peak, one of the forbidden areas of the Ye family.

A huge white pagoda with a height of more than 100 feet has two characters "Ancestral Hall" written on the plaque.

On the top floor, Ye Xuanfeng, Ye Yuhuan, and Ye Xuanji stood in front of a square white offering table. On the stone wall in front of them was a portrait of a graceful young woman in a white dress, looking into the distance. It's Fairy Flowing Cloud.

There are dozens of spiritual tablets placed on the white offering table, and all the monks on this floor are worshipped, and they are no longer alive.

"Xuanji, are you really going to the underworld? The dead cannot be resurrected. If you can fly to the immortal world, there may be a way to do it."

Ye Xuanfeng sighed.

"If you don't give it a try, who knows! How can it be so easy to ascend to the Immortal Realm! In the past 100,000 years, some people in our clan have ascended to the Immortal Realm?"

Ye Xuanji disagreed, if it was so easy to ascend to the Immortal Realm, she would not be willing to stay in the Lower Realm.

The Ye family has built the clan for so long, and fewer than five people have successfully ascended to the Immortal Realm.

"Even if you find the Xuanxuan ancestor in the underworld, he just looks alike, not the Xuanxuan ancestor. His body was destroyed by the enemy, and there is no way to revive him in the lower world."

Ye Yuhuan persuaded.

"The things I have decided will not change. When I come back this time, I want to take some things from the family treasure house and refine a few treasures to prepare for my trip to the underworld."

Ye Xuanji said in a deep voice.

Ye Xuanfeng sighed and said, "What do you want? Make a list, I will send someone to collect it, and collect it for you as soon as possible. You rarely come back, so just stay in the clan!"

Ye Xuanji came back on her own initiative, which showed that she had the Ye family in her heart.

"Ancestor Xuanji, let me go to the underworld with you! I can help!"

Ye Yuhuan took the initiative to ask Ying.

"No, this time I go to the underworld, I don't know how long it will take to come back, I can go by myself, I can handle it."

Ye Xuanji refused outright, she hesitated a little, looked at Ye Xuanfeng, and asked, "Have you contacted our clansmen in Immortal Realm?"

"I have contacted. According to Sheng Hong's ancestor, Zhenxian has a way to resurrect a dead monk, but the conditions are too harsh, even for him, it is difficult for him to do it, so I said, you go to the underworld for nothing."

Ye Xuanfeng sighed.

"There is no way to contact the ancestors?"

Ye Xuanji pointed to the portrait of Fairy Liu Yun and asked. UU reading

"The ancestors are practicing in seclusion, and it is very good for us to be able to contact the ancestors of Sheng Hong."

Ye Xuanfeng explained.

He knows Michelle Ye's temper, and she must do what she thinks, and it's useless for anyone to persuade him.

"I brought back a person, he is a bit special, do you know the reason?"

Ye Xuanji talked about Wang Changsheng's situation.

Ye Xuanfeng frowned, he took out a golden dharma plate, typed a magic formula, and ordered, "Yuxuan, come to the ancestral hall, Xuanji has something to ask you."

"Yes, Xuanfeng ancestor."

A respectful male voice came from the golden dharma plate.

Old Wang is not a great power to rebuild, it is just the same name as the mysterious ancestor of the demon world. It is the pig's foot of my first book, a talisman, and there are some intersections. It is only the same name. True immortal relatives, there are really, there is no need to develop so hard at all, just give something, the Wang family takes off

(End of this chapter)

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