Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3282: Mysterious God

In the southeastern part of the Xuanguang Continent, there is an azure sea, the sea breeze is blowing, and the sky is clear.

A huge silver ship appeared in the sky in the distance. It didn't take long for the silver ship to stop, and you could see a basalt pattern on the sail.

Hundreds of cultivators were standing on the deck, and Wang Changsheng was also inside. "Finally arrived at the Xuanguang Continent." Ni Nihuang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"It's time to trouble fellow Daoist Ni, otherwise we won't be able to reach the Xuanguang Continent." Wang Changsheng said gratefully.

Counting the time, it took them more than a thousand years to reach the Xuanguang Continent. It was still on the Ni Family Crossing Spirit Treasure Ship, otherwise it would take longer.

It seems that the master of the lizard clan died at the hands of the eighth-order monster.

Monk Miao De crossed the sea, but he didn't encounter this eighth-order monster.

True Monarch Sirius was in Xuanguang Continent, and Wang Changsheng wondered if he could meet True Monarch Sirius.

"Wang Xiaoyou, we have arrived in the Xuanguang Continent. We still have important things to do. You can do it yourself." Ni Wuting said.

As soon as Ni Wuting's magic trick was pinched, the silver giant ship suddenly released silver light, flew high into the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

The three of Taiyang Master breathed a sigh of relief, they were really worried that Wang Changsheng would tell the Ni family the news of Qiyan Jintao, but fortunately Wang Changsheng did not do so.

Wang Changsheng took out a blue animal skin, with mountains and water on it, and the word "Xuanguang" written on it.

This is the map of the Xuanguang Continent, marking the location of the major forces, as well as the information of the seven clans in the Xuanguang Continent, Ni Nishang gave it to Wang Changsheng together.

According to Ni Nishang, they spent a lot of money to purchase the detailed map and information of the Xuanguang Continent from Qiyuelou, and then sent a copy to Wang Changsheng. This kind of favor is too great.

Wang Changsheng was self-aware and refused at first, but Ni Nihuang said that he wanted to make a friend, so Wang Changsheng would not be able to refuse again.

Being able to buy the detailed map of the Xuanguang Continent and the intelligence of the seven clans from Qiyuelou is a testament to the strength of the Ni family. Wang Changsheng also had this idea. Qiyuelou would not be sold to him at all.

Rare things are precious. If anyone can buy information, it is not precious, and it cannot be sold at a high price. Qiyuelou is well aware of this.

The Wang family sells puppet beasts. Their positions and cultivation are different. The puppet beasts they sell are of different ranks. If they want to sell sixth-order puppet beasts, the deputy hall master has this authority.

"This is the territory of the Clan, let's get to the destination first!" Wang Changsheng suggested.

The cricket tribe is a relatively powerful race in the Xuanguang Continent. They are proficient in the art of repelling insects and beasts. The Qiyan Golden Peach Tree is tens of trillions of miles away, and they need to pass through multiple alien sites.

There are currently no Mahayana monks in the human race of Xuanguang Continent, and Wang Changsheng and others must act carefully.

The Wang family had dealt with the Blood Shadow Clan in the lower realm. To be cautious, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan changed their faces to avoid being recognized by the Blood Shadow Clan.

Wang Changsheng sacrificed the Qingluan boat and walked up, followed by Wang Ruyan and the others.

As soon as his tactic was pinched, the Qingluan boat suddenly released a bright blue light, flew towards the distance, and soon disappeared into the sky.

In the southwest of the Xuanguang Continent, the Xuanhao Mountain Range. To the northeast of the mountain range, there is a huge valley shrouded in clouds and mist.

Passing through the clouds and mist, you can see a very wide manor, with small bridges and flowing water, and strange stones in the garden. Ye Xuanji and Xuanji Shenjun sat in a blue hexagonal stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

Divine Lord Xuanji exudes a powerful spiritual pressure, and he has entered the Mahayana period impressively. "You have entered the Mahayana period and are not leaving yet? Do you want to live in Xuanguang Continent for a long time?"

Ye Xuanji asked curiously.

"Jiuxuan Zhenjun has done a divination for this old man. This old man has a great opportunity in Xuanguang Continent, and meeting Fairy Ye is a great opportunity. This old man has just entered the Mahayana period and does not want to leave for the time being."

Xuanji Shenjun said with a smile. Michelle Ye has many treasures, even nine exquisite fruits.

The God of Xuanji helped ye Xuanji collect materials, and ye Xuanji gave the God of Xuanji a nine-curved exquisite fruit.

"Stop flattering, great chance! Could it be that Xuanling Tianzun's dojo will still exist in Xuanguang Continent? It seems that this has happened before, and it is very rare."

Ye Xuanji frowned and said.

Jiuxuan Zhenjun is the same as Xuanji Shenjun, both are fortune-tellers, but Xuanji Shenjun has a bigger name.

"It's hard to say, but I think it's a great chance to meet Fairy Ye here." Xuanji Shenjun said with a smile. "You can do the math for me again! Calculate my life and death."

Ye Xuanji said in a deep voice.

"Fairy Ye, take the liberty to ask, if you want to collect materials from the underworld, you won't be going to the underworld!"

Divine Monarch Xuanji hesitated for a moment, then asked cautiously. "Yes, what? You can't count?" Ye Xuanji showed a displeased look on her face.

"It's not impossible, dare not! Let's do it! I will let my disciples do the math for your subordinates, so that you can see some clues."

Xuanji Shenjun said with a smile, he did not dare to offend Ye Xuanji.

With Michelle Ye's temper, she really went to the underworld, and she still didn't know what troubles were going to happen. The Lord Xuanji did not dare to do divination for Ye Xuanji, and the backlash was too great.

Ye Xuanji rolled her eyes and said, "Then let your disciples come over and divination for my subordinates."

"Yao'er went out to do errands and hasn't come back yet. When she comes back, I will let her do divination for your men immediately."

Xuanji Shenjun explained that he is already a Mahayana monk, and it is impossible to fortune-telling for the integrated monk, and the integrated monk does not have such a big face.

Ye Xuanji frowned and said, "Okay! I'll do something first. I hope you don't lie to me. You know the consequences of lying to me."

"Don't dare, don't dare." The Lord Xuanji said with a smile. Ye Xuanji's face softened, and she got up and left.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, is the big chance you're talking about is Fairy Ye?"

Divine Monarch Xuanji muttered to himself, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

He took out a cyan magic plate, entered a magic formula, and instructed: "Tu Xiao, hurry up and find Yao'er, and let her do something."

"Yes, Master." A respectful male voice came from the blue Dharma plate...

A undulating green mountain range, a deafening roar came from the depths of the mountain range, the ground shook slightly, and a huge golden sun appeared high in the sky.

Deep in the mountains, there is an open field, the ground is pitted, and a large number of huge craters with black smoke can be seen.

Wang Changsheng stood in the air, frowning slightly.

When they passed by this place, they were plotted by the monks of the clan tribe, and two monks in the later stage of integration led the team.

Opposite him, there was a red giant elephant with a hideous human face on its head.

Looking at the aura of the red giant elephant, it was a seventh-order high-grade monster.

The trunk of the red giant elephant swept away suddenly, like a long red stick, and slapped at Wang Changsheng. Before the trunk of the elephant fell, a red flame came towards him.


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