Top of Qinglian

Vol 3 Chapter 3281: Tamaso combination

The eighth-order monsters are so powerful, and the Mahayana monks are definitely more powerful.

"If you can meet the Lord Xuanji, try to get him to do the math for us, and I don't know if the Lord Xuanji has entered the Mahayana period!"

Wang Ruyan said curiously.

Wang Changsheng nodded: "I hope we can let him figure it out for us!"

In another cabin, Ni Nihuang was talking to the silver-robed old man, and a tall young man in blue-robed robe was standing beside him.

"Ancestor Wu Ting, is the Lord Xuanji really in the Xuanguang Continent? We won't make another trip in vain!"

Ni Nihuang said curiously.

"I hope he is in Xuanguang Continent! Ancestor Hongyun asked Xuanji Shenjun's master to do divination, and only then did he get a great opportunity, so his cultivation base advanced greatly, he advanced to Mahayana, and led our Ni family to glory, but unfortunately his old man died in the alien Mahayana. in hand."

Ni Wuting said at the end, his face full of regret.

"The master of the God of Xuanji is so powerful. He should not be far behind. We paid a huge price to buy the news of the God of Xuanji from Qiyuelou, hoping to find this person and divination for our family."

The young man in the blue shirt said with a smile.

"Hope it! By the way, Nixuan Nihuang, you have a good relationship with Qinglian Immortal Companion, there is no harm in making a few more friends, maybe I can help you in the future, Qinglian Immortal Companion has actually cultivated to the late stage of fusion, The chance is not small! According to the information collected by Nihuang, they have only entered the integration period for more than ten thousand years."

Ni Wuting ordered.

"What? It's only been more than 10,000 years since he entered the fusion period, and then he has cultivated to the late fusion stage?" Ni Nixuan said in surprise.

Wang Changsheng used the treasure to hide his cultivation, Ni Nixuan couldn't see Wang Changsheng's specific cultivation, but Ni Wuting could see Wang Changsheng's specific cultivation.

"They won't have a spiritual body like the ancestors of Yongnian! Or is there another chance?"

Ni Nihuang's face was full of curiosity. Even if she took the Nine Dragons Pill, it could not guarantee that the descendants would definitely have a spirit body. The appearance of a spirit body was completely a probabilistic event. Four people.

It is good to say that Qinglian Immortal Companion has a spiritual body, both of them are spiritual body, it is difficult for people to accept, after all, the background of the Wang family is shallow, if Qinglian Immortal Companion is from a big family, it is understandable.

"Who knows! It has nothing to do with us. Everyone has a chance. Our Ni family has a chance, and others will have a chance. There are still many capable people in the Xuanyang world. Don't underestimate the world."

Ni Wuting ordered, "Yes, the ancestor of Wu Ting." Ni Nihuang and Ni Nixuan agreed.

The cross-ling treasure ship sailed fast and disappeared in the vast sea... Xuanling Continent, Cang Ape Mountains.

Wang Moshan, Wang Qingcheng, Sun Yuejiao and Duan Tongtian stood at the top of a peak, looking at the seven-color thunderclouds in the sky, with solemn expressions.

Wang Yulan is entering the fusion period. As the second spirit of the Wang family, the clan attaches great importance to Wang Yulan's impact on the fusion period.

The king ape has entered the integration period, and the number of integrated monks in the clan is increasing. Wang Qingfeng, Dong Xueli, and Wang Zongyan led the team to the Qingli sea area to collect immortal cultivation resources and prepare for the next trip to Wanling Market.

Wang Qingcheng, Wang Mengbin, Wang Yidao and other integrated cultivators stayed in the Xuanling Continent. The Xuanling Continent is very stable now. The Jinghuo Yasha clan, the Jinlin clan and the Silver Shark clan are very honest and have not done anything major.

Wang Yulan attracted nine seven-colored divine thunders, and the family handed over the Thunder Transformation Formation to her for use.

The rumbling sound of thunder sounded, and a thick seven-color lightning pierced the sky and slashed downward.

A small valley surrounded by mountains, many blackened cyan vines and some broken cyan flags can be seen on the ground.

A silver light curtain covered Wang Yulan, Wang Yulan was holding a silver formation plate in his hand, and his face was solemn.

The seven-color lightning struck the silver light curtain, and there was a muffled sound, the silver light curtain shook slightly, the seven-color lightning burst, and the dazzling seven-color thunder light enveloped the silver light curtain.

Soon, the second seven-color lightning struck down, followed by the third and fourth... The sound of thunder was incessant, the ground shook slightly, and smoke filled the sky.

When the eighth seven-colored divine thunder struck down, the seven-color thundercloud rolled violently, turning into a huge seven-color thunder tiger, rushing down from the sky.

The Seven-Color Thunder Tiger just approached the Seven-Color Thunder Light, and a thick red fire shot out, hitting the Seven-Color Thunder Tiger.

With a loud bang, the seven-color Thunder Tiger's body burst open, the ground shook violently, and a huge seven-color scorching sun appeared high in the sky.

It didn't take long for the crack to heal and disappear.

A flash of light flew out from the thunder and landed in front of Wang Qingcheng's four people, it was Wang Yulan.

She successfully entered the integration period, and with the Thunder Transformation Formation in hand, she easily survived the Seven and Nine Thunder Tribulations. Wang Moshan breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Congratulations! Yu Lan!"

"The damage to the Thunder Formation is a bit serious."

Wang Yulan frowned and said, took out a silver formation plate and handed it to Wang Moshan.

There are more than a dozen small cracks on the surface of the silver formation plate. Currently, only three people have used the Thunder Transformation Formation, namely Wang Mengli and Wang Yulan.

"As long as you're fine, you can continue to practice when the Thunder Formation Array is scrapped." Wang Qingcheng comforted. "Go back to consolidate your cultivation first! You'll be busy in the future."

Sun Yuejiao suggested.

Wang Yulan nodded, agreed, returned to her residence, and consolidated her cultivation...

In Tianyinfang City, a manor covering an area of ​​100 acres, Wang Yidao and Du Xueyao were sitting in a hexagonal blue stone pavilion, and the two were drinking and chatting.

Wang Yidao is currently in the middle stage of fusion, Du Xueyao is in the middle stage of virtual refining, and there is a big gap in cultivation.

Du Xueyao is now the first winemaker of the Wang family, and can brew a variety of sixth-order spirit wines. They took Jiulong Dan and shared the same room, but they failed to give birth to a child and a half-daughter. It may be because of their high cultivation.

"The other materials for the Eight Treasure Glazed Glass Brewing are almost collected, and there are only five elixir. The other elixir is not bad, but the most difficult one is the Eight Treasure Glazed Glass Lotus."

Du Xueyao frowned and said.

Babao Liuli Brewing is brewed with Babao Glazed Lotus as the main material. Babao Glazed Lotus grows a lotus leaf for 3,000 years. .

The Eight Treasures Glazed Lotus can only be cultivated with some kind of spiritual water, and it is very difficult to cultivate artificially.

"Take it easy!"

Wang Yidao comforted and said that there are more and more cultivators in the Wang family, and it is much more convenient to collect immortal cultivation resources. It will be a problem sooner or later to gather the materials.

"I hope to gather the materials as soon as possible! Brew it as soon as possible." Du Xueyao was full of anticipation, and she also wanted to contribute to the family. "Well."

Wang Yidao nodded, picked up the wine glass, and drank the spirit wine in the glass.


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