Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Two: Bravely Fighting the Dragons


Looking at the aggressive and falling Fulong guillotine mechanism in front of them, everyone felt worried.

This organ has a very advanced “induction system”. As long as the weight on the ground reaches a certain level, the Fulong Gull will fall!

Lin Yu and the others had to sigh again for the wisdom of the ancients.

So everyone habitually looked at Zhang Chen to see if he had any good way to let everyone pass.

Zhang Chen didn’t speak, but touched his chin with a contemplative look in his eyes.

Although he has the thunder and fire unicorn armor, he can resist the attack of the Fulong guillotine and will not be split in half.

But it’s not very pleasant to fall on the Fulong guillotine that weighs thousands of pounds!

Besides, even if he can force his way through, what should Sun Honglei and the others do? They can’t be left in place, right?

Wait until you come up with a surefire solution.

Zhang Chen’s eyes lit up when he noticed the interesting look in Zhang Qiling’s eyes.

How could he forget this guy, the little brother is an old river and lake!

They have eaten more salt than they have eaten, so there must be a way to get past this dragon gully.

So Zhang Chen asked, “Little brother, you should be able to take everyone there, right?”

Not surprisingly, Zhang Qiling smiled and said frankly.

“There are ways to do it, it depends on whether Da 03 dares to try it?”

“Oh, what can I do, let’s hear it?”

There is interest in Zhang Chen’s eyes.

“Two ways! One is to directly destroy the Fulonggu mechanism. If the mechanism does not exist, the risk will naturally be lifted.”

After a pause, Zhang Qiling continued.

“But this is not realistic! As far as I know, these organs are hidden in the thick mountains, and they can only be found after they are opened. It takes time and effort, and the gains outweigh the losses!”

The corners of Zhang Chen’s mouth couldn’t help twitching. You know it’s unrealistic and you still say, isn’t he nonsense?

However, Zhang Chen asked patiently, “What about the other way?”

“I just observed it carefully for a moment, these Fulong guillotine seemed to be chaotic when they fell, but there are actually traces to follow!

As long as you find the right time, when it rises, you can pass! ”

After listening to Zhang Qiling, everyone looked at each other!

Because it’s too risky, it’s not difficult to pass a dragon guillotine, but it’s difficult to pass continuously!

A little careless,It was the end of being split in half by Fu Long.

“Why, are you afraid?”

Seeing everyone’s expressions, Zhang Qiling understood what they were thinking, and couldn’t help but sneer.

Sun Honglei and the others smiled embarrassedly, because they were really scared!

“What’s the matter? It’s human nature. Those who don’t take their own lives seriously are stupid!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand, which was considered a relief for them.

Hearing what Zhang Chen said, Sun Honglei and the others nodded quickly.

At the same time, Sun Honglei couldn’t help complaining in his heart.

“You are a daring artist, of course you are not afraid! We don’t have the Qilin blood again, so Fulong chopped it down and said that if it was gone, it would be gone…”

However, Sun Honglei can only slander in his heart. Zhang Qiling is still an existence he can’t afford to offend.

Don’t look at Zhang Qiling’s good-natured appearance now, that’s just for Zhang Chen.

Ordinary people, do you try to provoke him?

“Then I won’t do it!”

Zhang Qiling spread out his hands, saying that he could do nothing.

After being silent for a while, Zhang Chen said.

“Now, I can only try it according to my brother’s method!”

“Zhang Chen, we all listen to you!”

Everyone nodded, looking at Zhang Chen with confidence.

So Zhang Chen and Zhang Qiling watched intently to see if they could find the regularity of Fulong’s falling.

Naturally, other people will not be idle, and when it is time to contribute, they will not be idle either.

After a period of struggle, the previously menacing Fulong Gu has quieted down!

And those guillotine knives that weighed thousands of catties also retracted into the mountain.

What makes Zhang Chen more satisfied is that.

After many blows, the Azure Dragon Yanyue Saber, which was thrown out by Zhang Chen and lay quietly on the ground, is still intact!

Completely worthy of the name of this treasured sword!

Although Fu Longguo was silent, Zhang Chen and the others did not dare to take it lightly.

They know that as long as someone steps on it, the dragon guillotine will fall again!

What gave Zhang Chen a headache was that he didn’t find the law of Fulong’s falling!

“This thing is even more difficult to deal with than ghost creatures!”

Zhang Chen pressed his forehead and couldn’t help but complain.

And Lin Yu, who was standing behind Zhang Chen, moved his lips, looking like he was hesitant to speak.

After seeing it, Sun Honglei on the side asked with concern: “Dr. Lin, do you see something coming?”

Seeing everyone looking over, Lin Yu blushed and waved his hand quickly: “No, no, don’t get me wrong…”

He did see something, but he was not very confident and did not dare to steal the limelight at this time.

“Dr. Lin, if I’m here, you can say it directly without worrying too much about it!”

Zhang Chen said with a serious expression.

“Yes, Dr. Lin, if you have any opinions, feel free to say them!”

The crowd cheered.

Hearing what Zhang Chen said, Lin Yu’s back straightened unconsciously.

After hesitating for a while, he said, “I did find a pattern just now, but I’m not too sure! Zhang Chen, can you let that Fulong guillotine fall again?”

Zhang Chen readily agreed to Lin Yu’s request.

He walked over directly, picked up the Qinglong Yanyue Saber from the ground, and stood there for a few seconds.

Immediately, the sound of machine turning came from his ears!

Immediately afterwards, the guillotine above his head suddenly fell!

Zhang Chen, holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber, flashed back in an instant, passing the guillotine blade.

Seeing Sun Honglei, they broke into a cold sweat.

It’s also Zhang Chenyi’s daring masters, if they were, they wouldn’t dare to play like this!

The daunting Fulong guillotine formation rumbled down again.

After Lin Yu observed it for a while, her eyes became brighter and brighter.

“That’s right, it really is…”

Lin Yu murmured in a low voice.

Zhang Qiling glanced at Lin Yu with interest.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yu turned around and said to Zhang Chen: 997 “Zhang Chen, I’m 90% sure that I will pass this mechanism!”

“90%? Not bad!”

There was a smile on the corner of Zhang Chen’s mouth, and he couldn’t help but pat Lin Yu’s shoulder.

“Tell me about it.”

After being praised by Zhang Chen, Lin Yu was as excited as if she had been beaten with blood, and said her discovery in an excited voice.

After listening to Lin Yu, Zhang Chen’s eyes became brighter and brighter!

Sun Honglei is usually most afraid of doing this kind of mental work, but this does not prevent him from admiring such people.

So he patted Lin Yu’s shoulder fiercely: “Dr. Lin, great job!”

Lin Yu was in pain from being filmed by Sun Honglei, and she couldn’t help baring her teeth: “Brother Hong Lei, please be gentle! ”

Although Sun Honglei’s praise was far less than Zhang Chen’s, he was so excited, but it also made Lin Yu feel very useful.

Zhang Chen took the lead and planned to be the first person to break through the dragon guillotine organization!

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Chen walked out according to what Lin Yu just said.

Others also watched nervously, especially Lin Yu, who instantly became extremely nervous!

If Zhang Chen succeeded in breaking through, then he would be the biggest contributor.

If what he said didn’t work, Zhang Chen would be injured, or even have bad results!

Then Lin Yu is the biggest villain, and it is estimated that everyone will not forgive him.

Even if he didn’t say it, he would definitely scold him in his heart.

“Zhang Chen, you must break through safely!”

Lin Yu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and prayed silently in his heart. </p>

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