Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty One: Fulong Gu|Tomb Robbery: Touching the Gold with the Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching the Gold with the Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read – Siku Bookstore


After he finished speaking, everyone else looked at him strangely.

“What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like that?”

Zhang Chen curiously touched his face, but there is nothing on his face?

“Zhang Chen, you must never learn Feng Shigu! He’s a scumbag, a scumbag who can’t be forgiven!”

Yaya said nervously.

“That’s right! Ah bah, this kind of scumbag, everyone gets it and kills it!”

Fat Di also said anxiously with the enemy, with resentment written all over her pretty face.

Zhang Chen looked strange.

The focus of the secret path woman is really different!

When you talk about other things that hurt the world, you don’t see such a big reaction from the two of you?

“Okay! Let’s get down to business, Zhang Qiling, do you understand? Let’s go when we understand it?”

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Qiling and asked.

“Almost there! Let’s go.”Zhang Qiling nodded and said to Zhang Chen, “How about I take this “Coffin ‘Nine Nine-Three’ Mountain Aspect’s House” first, which will make it easier for everyone to travel?”

“no problem!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand casually, he is not such a fussy person.

Speaking of which, “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” in Zhang Qiling’s hands may be able to play its role even more!

After passing through the Yin Pond, everyone encountered a fork in the road.

Zhang Qiling motioned everyone to stop, and he took out the “Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai Tu” and looked at it carefully.

Lin Yu felt like raindrops fell on his shoulders.

“What’s the matter, is it raining?”

Lin Yu thought so subconsciously, but he reacted immediately.

They are underground now, and even if it rains, it won’t fall on him.

So Lin Yu turned on a flashlight and shot it into the rock formations above!

I saw that in the rock formation above his head at this moment, sometimes the blood light floated.

A lot of dark red thick fog seeps out from the rock crevices, and you can smell a cold and fishy smell surging in the air.

It turned out that what just fell on his shoulder was a rain of blood!

This strange situation startled Lin Yu, and in a hurry, he quickly reminded Zhang Chen.

“Zhang Chen, there seems to be something wrong around here! What do you see above our heads?”

Zhang Chen hasn’t made a sound yet.

Zhang Qiling, who was carefully studying “The Picture of the Coffin Mountain”, looked over his head when he heard the sound.

Then his face changed and he said solemnly.

“This is the blood of the corpse on the armor of the nine dead! Be careful, don’t get hurt by this thing!”

Hearing what Zhang Qiling said, how could Lin Yu be careless.

He wasn’t completely healed from the injuries he suffered in the Cannon Temple.

Huang Lei and Huang Bo also hid aside in time!

“Nine Death Jingling Armor is a copper etched from corpse blood, shaped like coral thorns and plant roots.

Buried in the soil, it will grow longer and longer. The liquid secreted by this plant is almost corpse blood, extremely poisonous! ”

Zhang Qiling was afraid that Lin Yu and the others didn’t know what the Nine Death Jingling Armor was, so he explained it to them succinctly.

“It seems that Jingling Armor has already penetrated the rock formation and is gradually proliferating into Coffin Mountain. It may not be many years before the entire Dixian Village will be engulfed by bronze blood erosion.”

However, this matter has little to do with him. It is estimated that he would have taken the baby to the next place by then.

Nine Deaths Jingling Jia was waiting around, Zhang Chen always felt uneasy in his heart.

After all, the Nine Deaths Jingling Armor is too large, and if you want to eliminate it completely, you can only find the consciousness of the Nine Dead Jingling Armor.

But this is almost impossible!

Because the consciousness of Nine Death Jingling Armor can be continuously transferred within the body!

Since you can’t afford it, you can only hide.

However, Zhang Qiling was watching “The Picture of Coffin Mountain Xiang Zhai” seriously, and he looked even more anxious than Zhang Chen, so he was naturally embarrassed to urge him again.

Actually, it’s not Zhang Qiling’s fault. After all, it was too short a time for him to get the “Coffin Mountain Xiangzhai Tu”.

“Sorry for taking everyone’s time! Now I almost figure it out, let’s go this way!”

Finally, Zhang Qiling smiled in relief and pointed his finger to the fork on the right.

Zhang Chen nodded and walked first, while the others quickly followed.

This is a tomb passage that can be walked by three people side by side. The tomb passage is very long and cannot be seen at a glance.

On both sides of the tomb passage, inlaid with luminous ores!

“Wow, these stones are so beautiful, they can actually shine!”

Fat Di sighed uncontrollably.

Yaya also looked at those glowing stones with bright eyes, and her face was heartbroken.

It seems that I want to bring a few pieces back.

So Yaya and Fat Di looked at Zhang Chen pitifully.

The meaning is self-evident!

The corner of Zhang Chen’s mouth couldn’t help twitching, and the woman really couldn’t refuse these sparkling things.

“I’ll pick a few for you later!”

For Zhang Chen, this is a trivial matter that is not worth mentioning, and there is no reason to refuse.

He’s not an impersonal person!

“Zhang Chen, thank you, I knew you were the best!”

Fat Di said in a sweet greasy voice 0

Anyway, she is also a beautiful beauty, and the bones of a few big men are crisp!

Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, and Huang Lei looked at each other sadly. Isn’t the difference in treatment too big?

Everyone has been together for so long, and Fatty has never treated them like this before.

However, they are very self-aware. Comparing with Zhang Chen is the most meaningless thing!

Who makes people so attractive?

At this time, Zhang Chen noticed the unusual marks on the ground, and his brows suddenly raised!”Wait, don’t move!”

Zhang Chen waved his hand to stop everyone who wanted to move forward.

Everyone didn’t know why, but they also knew what Zhang Chen had seen, and they all looked around with alert expressions.

In fact, the nerves have been tense all the time, which is very difficult for ordinary people!

Fortunately, after so many days of accumulation, everyone has gradually honed it, otherwise it would have to be neurasthenia.

“Zhang Qiling also narrowed his eyes, obviously seeing something.

Faced with some doubtful people, Zhang Chen didn’t explain anything.

Instead, he picked up a stone on the ground and threw it out.

The stone fell to the ground, made a crisp sound, and rolled out far away, but nothing unusual happened!

“Am I worrying too much?”

Just now, Zhang Chen’s heart palpitations flashed for no reason.

Only then did he speak to stop the crowd. Zhang Chen had always believed in his own intuition.

This time it must be right, there must be something strange hidden in this tomb!

“Zhang Chen, is there any mechanism here?”

Sun Honglei couldn’t help but ask.

37 Zhang Chen nodded.

Since the power of the stone is not enough, let’s get a bigger one.

So Zhang Chen took out the Azure Dragon Moon Sword from the system space!

“This time, the portion should be enough, right?”

With a murmur, Zhang Chen threw the Qinglong Yanyue Sword out.

The powerful Qinglong Yanyue Saber fell to the ground, and suddenly made a heavy “banging” sound!

After a while, in the terrified expressions of everyone!

More than a dozen huge guillotine knives that seem to weigh thousands of pounds, one after another, falling and rising one after another, and so on!


What’s even more exaggerated is that these guillotine knives can even change their orientation, which seems impossible to guard against!

“This is the organ ‘Fulong Gu’!”

Zhang Qiling recognized it at a glance.

“Fortunately, Zhang Chen just told everyone to stop! Otherwise, I might have become a mashed meat now!”

Everyone thought in unison. </p>

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