Chapter 305: Evil Ghost with Cannon


Her rich and fat cheeks, a big face with heavy powder makeup, is so white that it oozes.

The weird facial features seem to be embedded in a white meat plate!

The eyebrows and eyes are very slender and long, and the little blood-red cherry mouth is out of proportion to the whole huge face.

Sun Honglei turned his head and looked at ~ this belly fairy face to face.

Although I was well prepared, I was still startled!

Duxian gave him a grim smile, and the tongue wrapped around Sun Honglei’s neck was even harder.

Sun Honglei subconsciously wanted to use the shattering pupil light to deal with the belly fairy.

But the ghost eyes are on Sun Honglei’s forehead, and he can’t do anything about the belly fairy behind him!

Not for a while.

Sun Honglei’s face turned into a pig’s liver color, and his expression looked extremely painful.

“help me……”

Sun Honglei looked at Zhang Chen for help.

Zhang Chen didn’t try to help Sun Honglei right away.

Seeing that Sun Honglei is dying!

Zhang Chen’s figure flashed, and the palm of his hand carrying the unicorn fire directly grabbed the belly fairy attached to Sun Honglei’s back.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the belly immortal immediately gave up on Sun Honglei and escaped into the ground.

Let Zhang Chen miss this shot!

Sun Honglei, who was saved, showed the joy of the rest of his life in his eyes, and gasped heavily.

Yaya and the others hurriedly sent them to comfort them.

Li Yunyun snorted coldly, and stepped on the ground with her little foot.

The belly fairy, who had just escaped into the ground, emerged from the ground again, Douding’s big eyes, staring fiercely at Li Yunyun!

“Dare to stare at me?”

Li Yunyun’s pretty face was frosty, her palms stretched forward.

The palm generated a strong suction out of thin air, forming a vortex visible to the naked eye, facing the belly fairy on the ground.

Belly fairy realized that something was wrong and wanted to escape.

This time, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, unable to move an inch, and watched herself fall into Li Yunyun’s hands.”Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…”

Duxian’s eyes showed a look of begging for mercy, and she said vaguely begging for mercy in her stomach.

Li Yunyun was not merciful, but a destructive power suddenly erupted in her palm, directly smashing the belly fairy into scum!

Before her death, the belly fairy let out an extremely infiltrating scream, and completely dissipated into the world.

After doing this with a blank face, Li Yunyun turned her eyes to the evil ghost statue sitting on the main hall!

Sun Honglei also noticed Li Yunyun’s abnormal mood at this moment.

But his lips twitched a few times, but he still swallowed what he wanted to say.

Before Li Yunyun waved his hand and let him be deflated, the scene is still vivid in my mind.

He doesn’t dare to touch his bad head again now!

Unless one day he can beat Li Yunyun, of course, this is extremely unlikely!

“Come on, go to the second floor!”

Zhang Chen said something to Li Yunyun.

He also noticed that something was wrong with the statue of the evil ghost, but now is not the time to care about it.

For him, getting the Item Spirit of the Immortal Binding Lock is the most important thing!

After combining the Immortal Binding Lock with the Item Spirit, the quality of the Immortal Binding Lock will be improved qualitatively.

At that time, Zhang Chen’s overall strength will naturally rise.

Your own strength is the most powerful guarantee, everything else is empty!

Hearing Zhang Chen’s words, Li Yunyun glanced at him, then looked at the ghost statue.

From the looks of it, it is obvious that he is not willing to let it go.

But in the end, Li Yunyun nodded and obeyed Zhang Chen’s wishes.

Zhang Chen and his party just took a step, and the ethereal voice rang again!

This time Zhang Chen and the others could hear it more clearly, as if they were speaking in their ears.

“Since you are obsessed, then die!”

The evil ghost statue sitting in the hall suddenly flashed a red light in his eyes.

In Huang Bo’s terrified expressions!

The evil spirit suddenly raised the small artillery in his hand and aimed at them.

A crisis of death suddenly flooded into Sun Honglei’s hearts.

Almost without thinking, everyone immediately scattered and fled, only to be smashed into scum when they gathered together.

They are mortal bodies, not to mention that they were directly hit by the bomb, it was the debris generated when the bomb exploded.

It is also possible that they directly killed them!

The small artillery in the hands of the evil spirit directly blasted a cannonball that was completely concentrated by energy.

It landed at the place where Sun Honglei and the others just stood at lightning speed!

Sun Honglei and the others suddenly heard a deafening explosion, and the sky was filled with rubble!

If the eardrum was not protected in advance, it is estimated that it will be directly shattered.

Rao is like this, Sun Honglei and the others also have gold stars in their eyes, and there is only a buzzing sound in their ears.

Huang Bo and Huang Lei were even more unfortunate. They were hit by the gravel generated by the explosion, and they were immediately bleeding!

The only intact ones are Zhang Chen and Li Yunyun, which is reasonable.

Both of them are masters, Zhang Chen has the body protection of thunder and fire unicorn armor, and Li Yunyun has the body of half a corpse fairy.

Now that she has the strength of a top-level resentful spirit, as long as she is not at the center of the explosion, it will not cause damage to her!

Not surprisingly, Li Yunyun’s shelling by the evil ghost completely angered Li Yunyun.

When she raised her hand, the leaf-shaped purple crystals in her hands condensed, like a goddess scattered flowers, and shot towards the evil ghost holding a small artillery!

The evil spirit sensed the danger, and without hesitation, he took up the cannon and aimed it at the purple crystal lasing from the air, which was a cannon.

The cannonball and the purple crystal collided at first glance, like a thunder in the sky, and an extremely dazzling fire suddenly burst out!

In an instant, all the horses were in unison, and Sun Honglei and the others could no longer hear any sound, and only this amazing scene remained in their eyes.

“What’s the matter, am I deaf?”

Sun Honglei thought in horror.

Although the devil blocked most of the purple crystals with cannonballs!

But there are still some fish that slip through the net, passing through the block and bombarding the evil ghost directly.

Immediately, the evil spirit was bombarded wildly, and several large holes appeared on his body!

Seeing that the evil ghost was injured, Li Yunyun couldn’t help evoking a smug arc at the corner of her mouth.

With a wave of his hand, purple crystals all over the sky flew out!

Evil ghosts are obviously wise.

With a flick of the figure, he disappeared from the spot, and appeared three feet away the next moment.

Li Yunyun’s attack failed, and the purple crystal was castrated unabated, directly destroying the place where the evil ghost had just stood!

And the two red-haired little devils who originally stood beside the evil ghost.

Seeing that the coach was injured, he immediately picked up Guan Gong’s big sword enshrined on the side, and slashed at Li Yunyun with a strange scream!

Li Yunyun sneered disdainfully.Full of white hair without wind, rushing out like steel needles, directly piercing the two little ghosts.

The two little devils didn’t even scream, they turned into flying ashes!

And the Guan Gong broadsword with extraordinary texture fell to the ground, making a crisp clanging sound.

Li Yunyun glanced at it, and withdrew her gaze with a lack of interest.

This Guan Gong broadsword is a rare treasure for ordinary people!

But Li Yunyun’s vision is so high, naturally she doesn’t like it.

In the distance, Sun Honglei’s eyes are full of enthusiasm. This peculiarly shaped Guan Gong broadsword is so in line with his sudden aesthetic!

However, Sun Honglei can only have hot eyes.

He didn’t do much just now, so he was naturally embarrassed to ask for trophies. What did this make others think?

Sun Honglei doesn’t want to give the impression of being insatiable.

Seeing that his subordinates were solved by Li Yunyun’s wave, the evil ghost roared, and raised the artillery to aim at Li Yunyun! </p>

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