Chapter 304: Wu Shengzhenjun | Tomb Robber: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days | Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read


But on closer inspection, nothing happened.

Since entering the passage, Li Yunyun has been inexplicably silent!

Zhang Chen looked at her suspiciously.

Sensing that Zhang Chen was watching her, Li Yunyun raised her head and said, “Going further is the Cannon Temple!”

Zhang Chen looked at her and nodded.

His mood also became tense, and he didn’t know whether he would succeed or not.Get the artifact of the Immortal Binding Lock!

But what makes Zhang Chen a little strange is that when he just looked at Li Yunyun, he saw the coldness in Li Yunyun’s eyes flashing away.

“I shouldn’t have read it wrong, why did she have such a change?”

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank slightly, and he looked up at Li Yunyun’s graceful back.

Show a thoughtful expression!

“You’d better not play tricks, otherwise…”

The light in Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed away.

Following Li Yunyun’s footsteps, after turning a corner, everyone’s eyes lit up.

In front of them, there is an ancient hall.

On the plaque of the main hall, there are three gilded characters “Cannon Temple”!

“Cannon Temple? What kind of temple is this, why have I never heard of it?”

Sun Honglei glanced at it and couldn’t help muttering.

He thinks he is well-informed, but he has never heard of the Cannon Temple since 983!

Temples are generally related to Buddhism, and gun temples sound nondescript.

Unlike Sun Honglei, Lin Yu has a thoughtful expression on his face, he should be thinking of something!

Li Yunyun easily pushed open the door of the main hall and walked in.

The others hesitated for a while, and quickly followed.

As before, as Zhang Chen and the others entered, the oil lamps in the hall seemed to be manipulated, and instantly lit up.

Seeing this strange scene, Huang Bo only felt his scalp tingle!

Fortunately, along the way, he has seen all kinds of incredible pictures, and he quickly calmed down.

Just as Zhang Chen and the others were looking at the situation in the hall, the door behind them was automatically closed without any wind.

Sun Honglei was startled, and subconsciously rushed over to open the door.

However, I found that the door of the palace that Li Yunyun had opened with a single push was not moving at all at this moment!

Zhang Chen frowned. Ever since he stepped into the gate of life with Li Yunyun, there was a strangeness everywhere.

And Li Yunyun’s appearance is also very wrong!

“Forget it, the soldiers will block, the water will cover! I want to see, what kind of tricks Li Yunyun is playing!”

Soon Zhang Chen calmed down, as long as he has enough strength, he can adapt to changes without change!

“Strange, why is the Martial Saint True Monarch enshrined in the Cannon Temple?”

Lin Yu’s surprised voice pulled Zhang Chen’s thoughts back.

Zhang Chen looked up.

I found that sitting above the hall was a big man with lying silkworm eyebrows, red phoenix eyes, a face like a jujube, and a long beard fluttering!

It is the martial sage Guan Yu who has shaken the past and the present, the second master of Guan!

On both sides of Second Master Guan, Zhou Cang and Guan Ping also stood.

Since ancient times, Erye Guan has been the nemesis of all evil spirits!

When everyone saw his idol, they instantly felt a lot more relieved.

It’s just that Lin Yu still can’t understand, what is the connection between Guan Erye and the Cannon Temple!

“Since I saw Second Master Guan here, it should be incense sticks!”

Huang Bo said with a smile in order to seek the blessing of Second Master Guan.

But he looked at Zhang Chen, trying to get his approval.

There is no need for Zhang Chen to make things difficult for Huang Bo!

He nodded cheerfully, but still told Huang Bo to be careful.

“Hong Lei, come with me!”

Huang Bo thought about it, and asked someone to accompany him to be more confident.

Don’t think about Zhang Chen anymore, Sun Honglei’s strength has increased greatly now, and he is a good candidate!

“no problem!”

He is quite loyal in the rivers and lakes, and it is naturally obligatory to pay respects to the second master of Guan.

“Li Yunyun, where is the spirit of the Binding Immortal Lock you said?”

Previously, Li Yunyun said that the spirit of the bundle of immortal locks was hidden in an ancient painting in the Temple of Cannons.

However, Zhang Chen watched the Cannon Temple again.

I haven’t found anything like paintings, but I saw quite a few when I came here before.

Li Yunyun silently pointed to the top.

Zhang Chenshun (addh) looked in the direction Li Yunyun pointed, it was the top of the hall, and there was nothing special about it!

“Are you kidding me?”

Zhang Chen’s face sank.

The reason why he believed Li Yunyun’s words was because she swore to the sky in the name of the corpse fairy!

And he also had induction at that time, and that induction still exists!

It stands to reason that Li Yunyun will not lie to her, because the price is too heavy!

“Where do you want to go! I mean on the second floor!”

Li Yunyun rolled her eyes and said angrily.

Zhang Chen’s expression looks a little better.

He had so much hope and spent so much effort!

If Li Yunyun lied to him, Zhang Chen didn’t know if he would go berserk on the spot.

“Ah, ghost ghost… ah! ”

At this moment, there was a terrified shout from Huang Bo’s side.

Then Huang Bo rushed towards Zhang Chen!

The unhappy Sun Honglei followed closely behind.

“Damn, even Wu Sheng has fakes!”

While walking, Sun Honglei complained.

Zhang Chen turned his head to look.

It was only then that I discovered that the statue of the Martial Saint that was sitting in the main hall disappeared without a trace.

It was replaced by a sturdy, black-looking, angry-eyed evil spirit, holding a small cannon that was as black as dead wood in his arms.

Mud looks red and blood-like, looking down, it falls directly on Zhang Chen and the others!

And Zhou Cang and Guan Ping, who were originally standing on both sides of Wu Sheng, did not know when they became ghosts in the underworld.

Wearing red robes all over, with braids tied to the sky on the top of his head, his face is terrifying!

No wonder Huang Bo looked like this just now.

Originally, I was putting on the incense well, but when I looked up, I was worshipping an evil ghost. The difference can be imagined!

“He Fang Xiaoer, dare to trespass the Cannon Temple? Retreat quickly, Rao Er will not die!”

In the originally silent hall, a majestic voice suddenly sounded, like a glorious sky.

Bring Zhang Chen and the others a full sense of oppression!

This voice is unpredictable, it seems to be close at hand, and it seems to be far away.

“Ah, don’t pretend to be a ghost in front of my brother Hong Lei, there is a way for us to make a gesture!”

Sun Honglei raised his head and looked around, gritted his teeth.

“Hong Lei is still as reckless as ever!”

Huang Lei thought silently.

Just now he was scared by the voice and didn’t dare to say anything.

However, Sun Honglei dared to confront him face to face. I don’t know whether to call him a daring artist or a brainless man!

Zhang Chen smiled, obviously supporting Sun Honglei to do so.


The voice roared angrily.

Sun Honglei smiled disdainfully.

If he confirms the opponent’s position, he will not hesitate to send a burst of pupil light to the opponent!

Let it taste the power of laser therapy!

“Hong Lei, be careful!”

The anxious and worried voices of Yaya and the others suddenly sounded in Sun Honglei’s ears.

And Sun Honglei also felt that his breathing tightened, as if something was entangled in his neck!

He looked back with emotion.

I saw that there was a “belly fairy” posted behind it at some point! </p>

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