Chapter 277: You Are Not the Real Zhang Chen


Sun Honglei used his ghost eyes to see the ghost old man who was smiling evilly at him.

But when I opened my eyes, what I saw was Zhang Chen!

Doesn’t that mean that Zhang Chen in front of him is the ghost?Old man in disguise?

After thinking about it, a layer of goosebumps suddenly aroused behind Sun Honglei’s back!

He couldn’t help but took a step back and looked at Zhang Chen in front of him in horror.

“Hong Lei, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing Sun Hong’s thunder, Huang Lei asked with a little dissatisfaction.

Zhang Chen looked at the startled Sun Honglei inexplicably.

“He… he, he is that weird old man!”

Sun Honglei pointed at Zhang Chen and stammered.

“Hong Lei, are you confused? What nonsense are you talking about?”

Huang Lei and the others scolded Sun Honglei in unison.

“That’s right, how could Zhang Chen be a ghost?”

Yaya retorted angrily.

This is simply an insult to her idol!

After speaking, Yaya looked at Sun Honglei with suspicious eyes and muttered.

“Why do I think something is wrong with you, you won’t be possessed by ghosts, will you?”

“Really 03, I just saw it clearly!”

Sun Honglei vowed to pat his chest and assured.

He also didn’t want to believe that Zhang Chen in front of him was transformed by that strange old man, that would mean that they were not safe!

But Sun Honglei couldn’t deceive himself, his ghost eyes just saw it clearly.

“I support Hong Lei, I have long felt that there is something wrong with Zhang Chen in front of me!”

Huang Bo, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke at this moment.

There is a negative smell in the breath!

As soon as the words came out.

Immediately, Lin Yu and the others were shocked. Is this really Huang Bo’s voice?

Lin Yu and the others turned their heads to look.

Just saw Huang Bo’s face turning blue and grinning his mouth, how could he not have any good intentions?

“You also said that Zhang Chen was wrong, and it was you who I thought was wrong?”

Yaya they thought in unison.

So they hurriedly gathered behind Zhang Chen and looked at Sun Honglei and Huang Bo worriedly!

“What are you doing, come here, Zhang Chen will hurt you!”

Seeing everyone running behind Zhang Chen.

Huang Bo waved to them and said sadly.

The tone was indeed full of urgency, but Huang Bo had a gloomy smile on his face, looking extra weird!

“No, I don’t believe you, you are definitely not Huang Bo now!”

Yaya shook her head like a rattle and grabbed Zhang Chen’s arm.

“It’s okay, Hong Lei, even if they don’t believe me, it’s enough to have you by my side!”

Huang Bo smiled at Sun Honglei.

“Oh my mother, Bo Ge, are you really Huang Bo?”

Sun Honglei trembled uncontrollably and said with wide eyes.

As a brother who has been together for so many days, how could Sun Honglei not notice Huang Bo’s abnormality!

Usually Huang Bo is not so calm. If he encountered such a situation, he would have been trembling with fright, right?

Now it’s like nothing.

“Of course I am Huang Bo! Hong Lei, you must be confused by that strange old man, and even your brother doesn’t believe it!”

Huang Bo said with disappointment.

Seeing that Huang Bo’s expression doesn’t seem to be fake, now it’s Sun Honglei’s turn to be embarrassed. Who should he trust?

So before the chaos, Sun Honglei used his ghost eyes again.

Now he is sure.

That strange old man was standing in Zhang Chen’s position, facing him with a wicked smile!

Sun Honglei was more attentive and glanced at the place where Huang Bo was standing beside him.

Finding it was empty, Sun Honglei’s suspicion of Huang Bo disappeared instantly without a trace!

“Huang Lei, Yaya… Come here quickly, the current Zhang Chen is indeed that strange old man, you must be deceived!”

Sun Honglei was so anxious that he was about to cry!

Yaya and the others were unmoved. Instead, they asked Sun Honglei, “Since you said Zhang Chen was fake, where did the real Zhang Chen go?”

Now it’s Sun Honglei’s turn to choke!

Yes, Zhang Chen is so powerful, who can take him away without knowing it?

Sun Honglei thought of the most crucial place!

Why haven’t I noticed this, what is the problem?

At this time, Sun Honglei had a severe headache in his head.

However, Sun Honglei immediately raised his head and stared at Zhang Chen.

“Almost hit your point, you just want to mess up my thinking and take the opportunity to control me, right? I won’t be fooled by you!”

“I warn you, if you dare to hurt my friend a hair, I will never let you go!”

while saying this.

An unprecedented momentum began to condense on Sun Honglei.

He even hid behind Zhang Chen.Lin Yu and Huang Lei, who felt that Sun Honglei’s brain was burned out, were confused.

I can’t help but be moved by Sun Honglei’s sincere words!

“Zhang Chen, what happened to Hong Lei and Huang Bo, please help them!”

Yaya gently shook Zhang Chen’s arm and said with a prayer.

“It’s okay, they are not in danger for the time being. They should have been controlled by some kind of force and lost their ability to judge!”

Zhang Chen signaled Yaya not to be nervous and said calmly.

“Hey, evil spirits, if you don’t show your true form, don’t blame me, Hong Lei, for being rude!”

Sun Honglei clenched his fists, stared at Zhang Chen, and said decisively.

“Oh, why are you being rude to me, just use it to see!”

Zhang Chen crossed his arms and smiled provocatively at Sun Honglei.

While speaking, Zhang Chen glanced at Huang Bo next to Sun Honglei.

When Sun Honglei spoke harshly to Zhang Chen, Huang Bo’s eyes clearly had a hint of success in the conspiracy!

“Interesting, a little evil spirit dares to make an axe in front of me, Zhang Chen!”

Zhang Chen sneered to himself.

“Bah, little old man, you are so deceiving! You didn’t take my brother Hong Lei seriously at all!”

Sun Honglei spat on the ground and said fiercely to Zhang Chen.

“Why are you talking so much nonsense? Come here!”

Zhang Chen hooked his finger at Sun Honglei.

“Okay, today my brother Hong Lei doesn’t call 963, you are looking for teeth all over the place, I won’t be named Sun!”

Sun Honglei looked at Yaya and the others behind Zhang Chen and said solemnly.

“Dr. Lin, Yaya, you step back, I’m afraid I may accidentally hurt you!”

Yaya and the others looked at Zhang Chen with questioning eyes.

Zhang Chen nodded, Yaya they just stepped back a few steps!

Suddenly, Sun Honglei’s body rushed towards Zhang Chen violently, and he shouted in a powerful voice.

“Hee hee, what an idiot! You’ll be fooled by a little bewitching, and I don’t need to do anything!”

Seeing this scene, “Huang Bo” suddenly became excited.

Is there anything funnier than seeing peers kill each other?

Facing Sun Honglei’s aggressive kick, Zhang Chen stood there and didn’t move!

With such a fluttering punch, it hit Sun Honglei’s lower abdomen.

However, Sun Honglei seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer and flew back at a faster speed!

After rolling down the tomb path for a few laps, he stabilized his body.

Sun Honglei covered his stomach and coughed hard, and his internal organs were violently churning!

“Your Kuixing kicking is a complete mess!”

Zhang Chen looked at Sun Honglei condescendingly and mocked rudely.

Sun Honglei was angry and angry, and the ghost eyes on his forehead began to emit a strange red light!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Chen was slightly taken aback.

“Ghost eyes, are you finally going to wake up?” </p>

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