Chapter 276: Tomb Road Cry


In the tomb passage full of moss and sewage, this mural is particularly abrupt!

Everyone looked at it and was really surprised!

“Why do I think this mural looks familiar? Where should I have seen…”

Lin Yu, who had calmed down, said with a memory on his face.

“Forget it, don’t talk about it! This thing is very infiltrating, let’s go forward!”

The inexplicably disturbed Huang Bo kept urging.

He just glanced at the evil mural.

I actually found that weird fat woman and seemed to smile at him!

Just this moment, Huang Bo was frightened.

If there are any monsters and ghosts, he will not be so afraid, he is afraid of this kind of psychological horror!

Everyone walked cautiously along the slightly sloping tomb passage.

Along the way, those incomplete murals kept appearing!

All of them are a plump lady with a numb expression and that devil-like little old man!

These murals do not know what method “Nine Six Three” used, and in the damp and seepage environment, the colors are still bright as new

“I finally remembered it! I saw it in the museum. This is a mural from the Tang Dynasty…”

Lin Yu shouted suddenly.

Huang Bo, who was originally nervous, was taken aback by Lin Yu.

“Dr. Lin, can you remind me before you speak, it will scare people to death, you know?”

Huang Bo gave him a complaining glance.

After reacting, Lin Yu smiled embarrassedly.

“I can understand that the Tang Dynasty regarded fat as beauty. What does the little old man on the tongue mean?”

Sun Honglei asked Lin Yu puzzled.

“This…I don’t know…”

Lin Yu shook his head and turned his inquiring eyes to Zhang Chen.

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know!

What I’m wondering now is, isn’t Feng Shigu from the Ming Dynasty? How come there are murals of the Tang Dynasty here? ”

Zhang Chen’s expression was slightly solemn.

Everyone shook their heads in confusion!

“Wait, listen, what’s this sound?”

Zhang Chen suddenly stopped and put his ear against the wall of the tomb.

Others have followed suit!

“I heard someone shouting, is it calling for help?”

Lin Yu listened carefully.

The voice came from the depths of the tomb, although it was not clear.

But it’s definitely a human voice, and it’s a woman’s voice!

Sun Honglei and Huang Bo also heard it.

“Strange, is it possible that besides us, other people have come in here?”

Sun Honglei asked suspiciously.

Listen to the voice, that person will definitely not be the little brother, it will only be another group of people!

“probably not!”

Zhang Chen shook his head, denying this possibility.

It is so difficult to enter the ancient tomb of Dixian Village. If there is another group of people, it is impossible to leave no trace!

At least Zhang Chen hasn’t found it yet.

If the other party has Zhang Chen’s elusive strength, then he doesn’t say anything!


Zhang Chen saw Yaya trembling slightly!

“Yiya, what’s wrong with you?”

Zhang Chen’s expression froze, and he asked with concern.

“Live… Live…”

Yaya said with a terrified expression on her face.

“WhatNow, Yaya, can you make it clearer? ”

Huang Bo signaled Yaya not to be nervous.

“Then… the old man on the mural is alive!”

Yaya pointed to the top of their heads.

Sun Honglei took a picture with a flashlight.

The mural on the top of the head is still evil, but nothing unusual happened!

“Yiya, could it be that you read it wrong?”

Lin Yu swallowed and said cautiously.

In this weird atmosphere, the slightest mistake will make people’s heart beat faster!

“No, I am different now from before, and I will never read it wrong!”

Yaya didn’t say much, but looking at her expression, she definitely didn’t lie.

Sun Honglei on the side was silent.

Quietly closed your eyes and used ghost eyes to look at the mural on top of your head!

Sun Honglei exclaimed: “If Zhang Chen is in a situation, the old man on the mural is indeed alive!”

Sun Honglei clearly saw it with his ghost eyes.

The little old man on his tongue was staring at his group.

In the big eyes of mung bean, there is clearly malicious intent!

Hearing what Sun Honglei said, the others became nervous.

Huang Lei looked at Zhang Chen with inquiring eyes.

Zhang Chen answered him with action.

I saw Zhang Chen’s figure suddenly activated, his hand condensed into a knife, and he slashed behind Huang Lei!

“Zhang Chen, what are you doing?”

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment. He didn’t understand why Zhang Chen suddenly attacked himself!

“Ah, Huang Lei, be careful behind you!”

Yaya exclaimed in panic.

A bright red tongue appeared silently behind Huang Lei and rolled towards his neck at an unknown time!


Zhang Chen slashed the bright red tongue with a knife, just like cutting tofu, cut it into two pieces at once!

The tongue dropped the broken part and quickly retracted!

At the same time 0

There was also a sharp scream of a middle-aged woman, echoing in the tomb!

It seems that not only the strange old man is alive, but also the lady on the fresco has become evil!

And the broken tongue twisted and struggled a few times on the ground like an earthworm, and it completely turned into a pool of pus!

Huang Leihou reacted with hindsight, and a cold sweat broke out behind him!

If it wasn’t for Zhang Chen’s quick-witted eyes, he would have encountered an accident now, right?

“Where did this tongue come from? It’s not the one on the mural, is it?”

Fat Di’s red lips parted slightly, and he said naively.

“Nine times out of ten!”

Sun Honglei nodded with a serious expression.

A few people formed a group and stared at the surroundings with a wary expression!

It seems that if they don’t solve the danger hidden in the dark, they can’t get out smoothly!

Hey hey hey-

A sinister smirk resounded in the darkness, and a foul stench came to my face!

Before Zhang Chen and the others, a thin black shadow quickly passed by, and the sound of sharp weapons passing by one after another sounded!

When the black shadow passed by, Huang Bo felt a numbness on his face, followed by a sharp pain!

“Ah, I’m injured, everyone be careful!”

Huang Bo touched his face and felt sticky, only to realize that he was bleeding!

“Me too, it must be the little old man from 37, I’m going to kill him!”

Hong Lei roared angrily!

Zhang Chen just chopped off the fat woman’s tongue with one blow.

This ghost old man must be venting his anger for the other party!

Just when everyone was concentrating and waiting for the little old man to attack for the second time, there was no movement!

“What’s the matter, why doesn’t it move?”

After a while, Lin Yu, who was in the center of everyone’s protection, asked weakly.

“Should you be frightened by Hong Lei just now?”

“Huang Bo, make me less happy!”

Sun Honglei doesn’t think Huang Bo is complimenting himself.

“Since it doesn’t take the initiative, I’ll find it out!”

Sun Honglei said angrily, then closed his eyes and began to use ghost eyes to find the trace of the ghost old man!

Who knows what will happen next.

Let Sun Honglei open his mouth wide, unable to believe that what he saw was true! </p>

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