Chapter 217: Undersea Tombs

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“I’m going, I’m going to poke a hornet’s nest!”

Huang Bo’s expression changed slightly, watching the mummified corpses of the passengers on the boat turn into zongzi, his eyes were full of horror.

“Xiaobo, I’m sorry for what happened just now, and now is your chance to act!”

Sun Honglei snapped a steel pipe from the power unit, handed it to Huang Bo and gave him an encouraging look.

“Bo Ge, you can do it!”

Huang Lei also nodded.

“I can be your uncle!”

Huang Bo yelled, he couldn’t handle so many dumplings even with three heads!

“Is there an entrance to the underground?”

At this moment, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Huang Lei and the two saw Zhang Chen staring at Sun Honglei, and immediately looked towards Sun Honglei.

Sun Honglei was so nervous at the moment, he didn’t understand why Zhang Chen didn’t want to solve the zongzi at this time, why he still asked this question, he recalled it, and suddenly shook his head and said, “I don’t know, when I came in, I saw the zongzi cheating the corpse, so I just Hide up there!”

“Where did the zongzi come from?”

Zhang Chen asked again. He looked solemn and seemed to realize something very important.

Sun Honglei also seemed to sense that something was amiss, he scratched his head, carefully recalled the position where his finger just came out of the vajra dumpling, and said, “It’s from there!”

“Zhang Chen, why are you asking this?”

Sun Honglei was a little puzzled.

“So many zongzi turned into corpses at the same time, there must be corpse gas pouring into here, there is a tomb under the cabin in my arms! And it was opened!”

Zhang Chen said with a solemn expression. He asked Sun Honglei where he first discovered the dumplings, because he wanted to determine the location where the corpse gas poured in.

If you find the location where the corpse gas is pouring in, you are likely to find the entrance to the tomb!

Since entering Haiyan, Zhang Qiling, Fat Di and the others seem to have disappeared without a trace everywhere, but his intuition tells him that Zhang Qiling is probably here!

“There are really underwater tombs here?”

Huang Lei was taken aback and felt a little unbelievable. How could someone be so powerful that they could build a tomb in Haiyanzhi!

Even in modern times, submarine infrastructure is still a major technical problem, not to mention the ancient times when technology is backward!


Zhang Chen didn’t answer, he walked directly into the darkness, and the front was full of corpse dumplings.

But as Zhang Chen walked, a light blue unicorn phantom suddenly appeared on his body!

With the appearance of the blue unicorn, the light blue thunder light slowly spread in the air, with a radius of ten meters, and all the rice dumplings touched by the thunder light instantly turned into a void!

“I’m going! Are these zongzi made of paper?”

Huang Bo was taken aback, stunned for a moment, and hurriedly followed Zhang Chen’s footsteps.

The route that Zhang Chen traveled has now become a safe passage!

Although there are a large number of zongzi, none of them dare to approach. Although they are an alternative life form without wisdom, they will instinctively avoid danger!

Hundreds of rice dumplings at a distance of fifty meters, none of them dared to come forward!

Soon the four of them passed through the dense zongzi and came to the depths of the zongzi group!

Zhang Chen stopped, the light blue unicorn still shrouded his body, and Zongzi roared to avoid it!

In front of him, an underground passage entrance appeared!

The rich corpse aura slowly gushed out!

“It should be here!”

Zhang Chen secretly said.”Sure enough, there is a tomb!”

Huang Lei showed a surprised expression. To him, the tomb in front of him was really incredible. Not to mention that the tomb was built on the bottom of the sea, and the location of the sunken ship was also incomprehensible.

The bottom cabin just covers the entrance to the tomb!

This weird coincidence makes people think that this cruise ship was deliberately driven here!

Huang Bo looked around, shock flashed in his eyes, he seemed to have noticed something strange, stared at Zhang Chen and said in surprise, “Is this ship a tomb robber ship?”

Although everyone had such doubts in their hearts, when Huang Bo said it, they were shocked again!

If this cruise ship is really a tomb robber, then (cbea) must have been a shocking move at the time. What is the purpose of such a large-scale operation?

Although they don’t know who the owner of the tomb is in front of them, they are looking forward to it in their hearts!

This tomb is likely to be a large tomb!

“By the way, I saw a map on the safe, and now it seems that it may have something to do with this tomb!”

Sun Honglei suddenly said.

“What map?”

Zhang Chenben didn’t have much interest in these guesses. Why this cruise ship is not important here, the important thing is what is in the tomb, but Hong Lei’s words undoubtedly made him a little interested.

“I don’t even know what map it is. There is a large vortex on it that looks like a sea eye, and in the center of the vortex, there is a glowing mirror!”

Sun Honglei recalled.

“Didn’t you take down the map?”

Zhang Chen’s eyes lit up and asked.

“The map is engraved on the side wall of the safe, I can’t get it out!”

Sun Honglei looked depressed.

“Look at how promising you are!”

Huang Bo said depressedly, there was an important clue just now, but Sun Honglei ignored it unexpectedly.

There are so many dumplings behind him, unless Zhang Chen takes action, it will be difficult to take out the safe.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the dome of the cabin suddenly made a cracking sound. They raised their heads in amazement and saw a gap cracked above the dome. The gap spread extremely fast and spread around like a spider web.


The cracking sound of the dome, the sound is in the ear!

“It’s broken, the cabin is going to collapse!”

Huang Bo’s face changed greatly, and he hurriedly shouted.

Zhang Chen greeted everyone to jump into the tomb passage, but beyond Zhang Chen’s expectations, the dome collapsed faster, and the sound of the dragon’s spine breaking violently sounded!

The dome of thousands of square meters suddenly smashed down!

A black box sputtered in the direction of everyone!

The box was ejected by the broken dragon’s spine, and the speed was comparable to that of a bullet. With the weight of dozens of pounds, the power was no less than that of a howitzer!

“Come on!”

Zhang Chen let out a low voice, spread his arms, and jumped into the tomb with everyone in his arms!

There are steps above the tomb passage, and the angle is about forty-five degrees. People can safely come down from above, but because they took refuge and jumped down, the four of them are rolling in the tomb passage at the moment!

After tumbling more than ten meters, the four stopped on the wall.

Zhang Chen’s problem is not big, Huang Bo and Sun Honglei have thick skin and no problem, but Huang Lei can’t do it, especially after hitting the wall, he immediately fainted.

Zhang Chen slowly stood up and looked up at the top of the tomb passage. The dust and debris had been blocked by the tomb passage, and the violent vibration sounded like thunder.

A deformed iron box in sight made a clinking sound, and rolled straight in front of him from the tomb!

“Isn’t this a safe?”

Before Sun Honglei got up, he saw the safe rolled in front of him, and was immediately surprised. .

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