Chapter 216 Huang Bo singles out the black-haired dumplings! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“I’m going, I’m in trouble?”

Huang Bo’s face turned pale, the densely packed mummified corpses were extremely terrifying. If these mummified corpses turned into dumplings, wouldn’t it be over!

“none of your business!”

Standing on the side, Zhang Chen shook his head solemnly and looked behind the glove box in the distance.

Just when Huang Bo was puzzled, a dry, dark hand suddenly protruded from the back of the glove box!

The hand is huge, the fingers are extremely long, and there is only a layer of skin like old tree bark attached to the bones!

Huang Lei and Huang Bo were startled by the hand, and their eyes stared at the palm with a little panic.

“There are really dumplings!”

Huang Bo was surprised.

“Do not talk!”

Huang Lei was a little anxious towards Huang Bodao, his expression seemed to be afraid of being heard by Zongzi.Huang Bo quickly shut up, even holding his breath!

But the hand didn’t seem to stop, and it climbed up the box full of it, just when the three thought that the zongzi was about to come out!

Suddenly, a loud noise came from behind the box!

The zongzi seemed to be dragged by something, and the palm disappeared instantly!

Then the sound of the beast biting again sounded from behind!

The sweat beads on Huang Lei’s face came out, and he felt as if a vicious zongzi would run out from behind at any time!

“How many years has this zongzi not eaten meat, even mummified corpses!”

Huang Bo’s face was not as ugly as Huang Lei’s, but he didn’t look good either. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in surprise. Hearing the biting sound made his scalp feel numb.

Zhang Chen’s expression was solemn, but he ignored the words of the two and just stared at the back of the box.

After the biting sound ended, the messy box was suddenly pushed open by a huge force!

A zongzi with a body more than two meters tall, as strong as an ox, and covered in golden hair, walked towards them naked!

This guy has a dark body and an unusually strong figure, and unlike other zongzi, this guy’s body is not dry, but like water, his muscles are full!

He raised his strong arms high, and his throat roared with a penetrating cry!

Looks remarkably like the Rikong Gorilla in the South African forest!

“Damn, this guy is really strong.~!”

Huang Bo spit and scolded, but his eyes calmed down. He has also seen a lot of powerful zongzi with Zhang Chen.

According to his experience, the zongzi that is practiced is just to coax people, but it is not very good!

But he rubbed his hands, rolled up his sleeves, and said to Zhang Chen, “I’ll try it with him this time!”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly, he could see that this was the black-haired zongzi, and his strength was not that strong. Huang Bo’s hands and feet could be used to deal with it!

“Look good!”

Huang Bo raised his chin at Huang Leiyang, and walked towards the dumplings with some arrogance!

Zongzi seemed to be provoked by Huang Bo’s appearance, and the roar in his throat became even louder!

He raised his hands high and approached Huang Bo angrily!

However, the huge size limits his ability to move. Although he is moving with all his strength, he still looks a bit clumsy and slow!

With Huang Bo’s agility, it is enough to avoid Zongzi’s attack!

“Come on, grandpa will play with you!”

Huang Bo made a Mongolian wrestling pose and jumped in front of the dumplings.

Zongzi fluttered to the left and grabbed, but he couldn’t touch Huang Bo at all!

During this period, Huang Bo tried to use the space to attack the body of the zongzi, but the muscles of the zongzi were like stones and could not be kicked at all!

After going back and forth, Huang Bo felt a little tired. Zongzi’s physical strength is infinite, but he is not. Once his physical strength is exhausted, he is afraid that he will be embarrassed!

However, he had already shown off in front of Zhang Chen and Huang Lei just now, and he was embarrassed to ask them to help him, so he had to bite the bullet!

“Brother Bo, if you can’t do it, come down. This kind of black-haired zongzi can be solved by Zhang Chen with one punch!”

Huang Lei also seemed to see Huang Bo’s difficulty and shouted.

“No, I just don’t have a weapon in hand. This guy’s body is like a stone. I’m looking for his weakness. When I find it, I’ll kill him!”

Huang Bo said hard.

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes. The strength of this black-haired zongzi was somewhat beyond his expectations. Huang Bo was indeed a little difficult to deal with, and he didn’t want to waste time on such a black-haired zongzi.

Then he said to Huang Bo: “His weakness is at the back of his neck with three fingers!”

“Xiaobo get out of the way and watch me finish him with a knife!”

At this moment, Sun Honglei’s voice suddenly came from the dome, Huang Bo raised his head in surprise, and saw that Sun Honglei, who had been hanging on the dome, suddenly fell straight down.

Sitting precisely on the shoulders of that diamond-like zongzi!

Sun Honglei’s movements were too fast, or it may be that Huang Bo didn’t react at all, he felt that after hearing the sound, he brushed it, and a black shadow came down like this.

And the strange thing is that when Sun Honglei sat on Zongzi’s shoulder, the madness suddenly withered in Zongzi, and he stood there in a daze!

Sun Honglei gritted his teeth with a look of deep hatred. He digged a hand under his butt, and then jumped off Zongzi’s shoulder nimbly.

He clapped his hands, glanced at the zongzi, and saw that the zongzi fell straight to the ground!

After making a muffled sound, Huang Bo came back to his senses. It turned out that there was a dagger stuck in the position of the three fingers on the back of Zongzi’s neck!

“¨. Hong Lei, you bastard! Steal my limelight!”

Huang Bo hated his teeth so much that he cursed loudly.

“Okay, it’s just a black-haired zongzi. If you want to practice your skills, I can give you all the zongzi you encounter later!”

Zhang Chen watched aYellow eye channel.

“Forget it, I’m just talking…”

When Huang Bo heard this, he felt a little sluggish.

“You just said there was a zongzi fight below, did you mean this black cat zongzi?”

Zhang Chen stared at Sun Honglei and asked.

Sun Honglei was stunned, then shook his head: “No!”

“what is that?”

Zhang Chen narrowed his eyes.

“I said Hong Lei, can you finish the sentence in one breath!”

Huang Bo seemed to be still resenting that Sun Honglei stole his limelight, and asked angrily.


Sun Honglei suddenly opened his eyes wide and pointed to the hidden dark road around him.

Huang Bo became nervous again. He followed Sun Honglei’s line of sight and saw a bloated body like a fat pig suddenly crawling out of the dark corner!

And the mummified corpse that fell from the dome before slowly got up from the ground!

Zhang Chen frowned and murmured, “How could a collective corpse turn into a corpse?”.

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