Chapter 213: A desperate fight! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everything is too fast!

Everyone didn’t have an urgent response, and Sun Honglei just disappeared in front of them!

That huge sea eye is still spewing steam!

It’s just that Sun Honglei has long since disappeared without a trace!


“The island is falling faster and faster!”

Huang Lei felt the heat wave hit, turned his head and saw the magma was accelerating towards him, and suddenly shouted anxiously!

Sun Honglei’s life and death is still unknown, but if they don’t want to escape, there is only one way to die!

Right now they don’t have time to think too much!

Both of them are looking at Zhang Chen!

Although Zhang Chen had a look of surprise in his eyes, he quickly regained his composure. He pondered for a moment, and suddenly pointed at the sea-eye mouth spouting steam: “There is still a chance to go in!”

Huang Lei and Huang Bo were immediately stunned when they heard the words. Just now, Hong Lei fell into the eyes of the sea, and “293” Zhana and others were also in the eyes of the sea. Maybe this is the fateful passage to escape from life!

After Zhang Chen said that, he jumped in the direction of Haiyan!

The two quickly followed!

Soon, the three of them came to the sea!

The hot water vapor sprayed on the faces of the three of them, and the damp and slightly salty feeling made people feel extremely uncomfortable!

However, at this moment, life-saving is the most important thing, and Zhang Chen didn’t care about that much. Taking advantage of the gap between the steam jets, he jumped in!

Seeing this, Huang Lei and Huang Bo took a deep breath and jumped down with Zhang Chen!

The timing of the three people’s jumps happened to be the interval between the jets of the sea eyes, and the huge suction force instantly sucked the three people’s bodies into the depths.!

The space under Hai’s eyes far exceeded the expectations of the three of them. I saw that it was in the shape of a gourd. The further down you went, the larger the space, and the depth was extremely deep!

Although this place can indeed resist the invasion of magma, the result of this vertical acceleration will also cause everyone to fall to pieces!

Even the three of them felt that Sun Honglei, Yaya and the others had already died here!

But it seems that it really corresponds to the saying that there is no way, and everyone quickly sees that something is not right!

Below the fall, a wave of air suddenly surged!

After the air wave appeared, it rushed straight into the sky like a giant dragon!

The three people have been accelerated to the extreme by gravity and suction, because the air wave has slowed down again!

“I’ll go! I won’t be burned to death!”

Huang Bo saw that the air wave was formed by the seawater evaporated by the magma, and his face changed greatly. The sea eye channel in the shape of a chimney gave the seawater vapor sufficient cooling time, so everyone was not scalded by the water vapor when they fell!

But now it’s different. This strong uncooled sea water vapor is enough to scald people to death!

The space at the bottom of the sea eye is extremely wide, and there is no focus!

Wanting to avoid in the air is tantamount to a fool’s dream!

But what surprised Huang Bo was that after the steam wrapped his body, he did not feel the expected hot and high temperature!

“catch me!”

Just when Huang Bo was puzzled, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded, he suddenly raised his head and saw Huang Lei hugging Zhang Chen’s waist and flying past him!

“I go!”

Huang Bo was startled again, can this morning be able to fly?

But he didn’t have time to think about it, he hurriedly grabbed Zhang Chen’s arm and flew to the right with Zhang Chen’s body!

After the three people staggered from the frontal impact of the steam, Huang Bo saw that Zhang Chen was holding a black rope in his hand!

The rope is hanging on the rock wall in the distance, and the length is extremely long!

It turns out that when the water vapor was hitting upwards just now, the rope was also brought up by the impact force of the water vapor!

This gave them a chance of life!

And Zhang Chen’s vision is sharp, and his skills are excellent to seize this only opportunity!

Zhang Chen grabbed the rope hanging on the rock wall, swung an arc in the air, then released his palm at the highest point and landed safely!

After landing, Huang Lei and Huang Bo instantly lay on the ground, gasping for breath, looking exhausted!

Seeing that the two of them were not injured, Zhang Chen turned his head to look up, and saw that the life-saving rope just now was stuck on the rock wall with a dagger!

The dagger was inserted so deeply that only the handle of the dagger was exposed!

And the position where the dagger is inserted is at the corner of the rock wall, and there is no focus at all around!

Zhang Chen secretly guessed that the rope and the dagger were probably left by Zhang Qiling, who entered Haiyan first!

And he swung here through this rope!

Hong Lei may have swung from this rope too!

Zhang Chen thought like this, and then looked around, he found that this is a vast open space, the space is very large and wants to extend deep underground!

Zhang Qiling, Fat Di and others were the first to enter here. If they are all safe, they should be far away from here at this moment!

And Hong Lei came down before them. According to the time, he shouldn’t have gone very far. . .

He recalled what Zhang Qiling said at sea, here is what he was looking for!

Just what is that thing?

Another point, is the sea-eye channel like a big chimney in front of you man-made or natural!

If it is man-made, maybe there may be an ancient tomb here, and the background of the owner of the tomb must be very great!

But if it was formed naturally, there would be at most a few monsters here!

However, if the chimney-shaped sea eye is linked to Zhang Qiling’s words, Zhang Chen can analyze one or two!

He came here to look for something, it must have something to do with the ancient tomb, otherwise in the strange world under natural conditions, even if Zhang Qiling’s ability is monstrous, I am afraid that he will not be able to accurately find it in this vast sea.

It must have been found here by relying on clues such as rumors!

Huang Lei and Huang Bo lay on the ground for a while, and felt the fragrance of the soil coming from their nose and mouth, as well as the thickness of the ground beneath them, and then they felt that the seven souls and six souls had returned to the body.

“God bless you! I can survive this way, I think it’s a bit too much!”

Huang Bo got up and said with a helpless expression, in fact, when he jumped off, he already felt that his hope of surviving was lower than 10%!

When I saw that air wave, it was 10% and 50% less!

But I didn’t expect a miracle to happen in the end!

“I’m really convinced. It was like a roller coaster just now. The 4.7 of my soul was scared out. I didn’t expect my life to be so big!”

Huang Lei patted his bellySon, his expression softened, and then he seemed to realize something, and looked at the center of the sea in the distance, and said in surprise: “Hong Lei, that big fool, won’t be sucked into the magma, right?”

Huang Bo was also stunned for a moment. They couldn’t protect themselves just now, and they all forgot about Hong Lei. This guy was sucked in by Haiyan. He didn’t have such good luck and could be rescued by Zhang Chen!

Although this product has rough skin and thick flesh, if it falls into the steam layer inside the magma, it will definitely be scalded!

Although this guy is a bit nasty, it was all a joke among friends. It was really a matter of life and death, and they still thought about each other.

“Probably not, this guy has more lives than us!”

Huang Bo said with a complicated expression, but no matter what he said, it seemed to comfort him. This place is so dangerous, can Hong Lei really survive? .

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