Chapter 212 Sea Eye Jet! |Tomb robbery: touch gold with stars for 365 days|Tomb robbery: touch gold with stars for 365 days chapterFestival Reading-Siku Bookstore

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Sun Honglei, who was lying on the ground, suddenly raised his head when he heard this, and turned his head to see the army of zongzi rushing towards them!

His face suddenly turned pale!

He hiccupped, got up baldly, and ran towards the top of the mountain abruptly!

When Huang Bo saw Sun Honglei’s back like a rabbit, he scolded him loudly.

However, the feet are very flexible, and they ran towards the top of the mountain with Sun Honglei!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed slightly, and he glanced at Huang Lei who was stunned: “Come on!”

After that, he carried Huang Lei and rushed towards the top of the mountain!

He could see at a glance that the army of zongzi coming out of the sea were all ordinary murloc zongzi, no different from the murloc zongzi in the black coffins at the beginning!

The fighting power is not strong!

However, there are too many helpless, and I am not afraid of death!

And with so many murlocs running out of the bottom of the sea, there must be something below – what a weird one!

Although Sun Honglei’s approach is somewhat disgusting, it is the most effective method at present!

Everyone used all their strength to run up the mountain!

Although I didn’t look back, I could feel the earthquake-like footsteps behind me!

That huge sense of oppression and tension enveloped everyone!

It seems that Sun Honglei’s strength can’t be used up, and he runs as agile as a bald man!

Tossing and jumping, I was surprised to see Huang Lei and Huang Bo!

Zhang Chen saw this, a little surprise flashed in his eyes, this Hong Lei’s physical strength is obviously much better than before, and his physical fitness is also obviously improved, maybe the corpse pill he swallowed is merging with Sun Honglei’s body.

But now he doesn’t have time to think so much, he has to make sure that he can’t be overtaken by the Zongzi army behind him!

Otherwise, it will be troublesome!

When everyone ran to the mountainside, Zhang Chen felt the footsteps behind him weakened, so he looked back!

But just at this sight, he was stunned!

I saw that the world behind me had become a fiery red!

Those zongzi army were instantly swallowed up by the lava flames that surged up from the bottom of the sea!

The heat wave evaporates the sea water, making a horrifying babble!

No wonder Zongzi hurried to the island, it turned out to be a submarine volcano eruption!

But Zhang Chen felt a little surprised. The island under his feet looked like a volcanic crater. Logically, the eruption should have erupted from the Haiyankou behind him. Why is it erupting from the seabed on both sides?

Huang Lei and Huang Bo noticed that Zhang Chen had stopped and turned to look in surprise.

When they saw the magma on the seabed like a fire dragon devouring the Zongzi army, the eyes of the two flickered with a thick color of horror!

The dense army of thousands of zongzi was instantly engulfed by the fire dragon!

Their bodies were burned into nothingness in the scorching heat!

The pungent smell of sulphur fills the air!

“My mother, I thought it was some kind of monster, but it turned out to be magma!”

Sun Honglei was about to climb to the top of the mountain. When he stopped, he looked down at the scene behind him, his face full of shock.

When everyone secretly rejoices!

Zhang Chen suddenly sensed a trace of danger!

The magma on the bottom of the sea is rapidly approaching!

It looks like it won’t be long before the island will be buried!

“That’s not right! Didn’t you say that the water flows down low? How does this magma go up?”

Huang Bo’s face was pale, and his face was full of ghosts. He thought that the magma would stop after swallowing the zongzi army, but he did not expect to rush towards the top of the mountain!

This is so unscientific!

Although along the way, I have seen a lot of strange things, but magma is a natural phenomenon and cannot violate the laws of physics!

“Yeah! If this continues, won’t we be buried to death!”

Huang Lei took a few steps back and glanced at the top of the mountain that was still dozens of meters behind him. With the current rising speed of the magma, I am afraid that it will not be long before this island can be buried!

At that time, even if they were copper skin and iron bones, they would be burned into coke by magma!


Zhang Chen suddenly turned his head and looked behind as if he realized something!

“What… what’s wrong?”

Huang Bo was frightened by Zhang Chen’s appearance. He didn’t know what was going on, and looked at Zhang Chen dully.

Huang Lei was also puzzled, his brows furrowed, as if thinking about what Zhang Chen wanted to do.

“What’s wrong?”

Standing near the top of the mountain, Sun Honglei saw Zhang Chen looking in his direction, and he was also puzzled.

“Do not move!”

Zhang Chen pointed at Sun Honglei with a solemn expression.

Sun Honglei was stunned immediately, only his small eyes were rolling. He didn’t know what Zhang Chen was going to do, but he didn’t dare to go against Zhang Chen’s words.

Huang Lei and Huang Bo are still puzzled!A certain Zhang Chen pointed at Sun Honglei’s head and said, “Look, from our point of view, our eyes, Honglei’s head, and the upper mountain peak of the island are exactly in a straight line!”

The two walked to Zhang Chen’s side to take a look, and found that it was indeed the case!

・・・・ Flowers・・・・・・・・・

It’s just that they don’t quite understand what Zhang Chen means. The middle of the island is high and the two sides are low. They are below, looking towards the top of the mountain. The three o’clock and one line are normal!

However, the two of them didn’t speak either. They wanted to hear Zhang Chen continue. Zhang Chen must understand such a simple truth!

So what Zhang Chen wants to express must have a deeper meaning!

“You guys just stare and don’t move now! See what’s wrong?”

The two nodded and did as Zhang Chen said.

The lava behind them is still rising, getting closer and closer to them!

Even the heat wave makes their backs hurt when they are hot!

However, Zhang Chen didn’t care about this, but let them continue to stare.

Huang Bo was a little restless, he wanted to ask but didn’t know how to speak!

When the heat wave made him feel a little unbearable, Huang Bo finally said: “You let me…”

……… 0

However, he was stunned when he was halfway through. He saw that he was still on the top of Sun Honglei’s head and suddenly disappeared!

He was stunned, tilted his head and glanced at it, and found that the ears of Dingfeng and Hong Lei were three points and one line!

“The center of the island is sinking?”

Huang Bo said suddenly.

Huang Lei also saw the clue and stared at Zhang Chen with a shocked expression: “Is the upwelling of the magma related to the sinking of the island?”


Zhang Chen nodded.

“What are you doing, run!”

Standing above, Sun Honglei, who didn’t know what happened, shouted.

But Huang Lei and Huang Bo looked very ugly!

The center of the island is falling, surrounded by magma, unless they grow wings!

Otherwise, only death!

“how so?”

Huang Lei couldn’t understand why this strange island fell to the ground, it surfaced for a while, and then sank to the bottom of the sea again!

Zhang Chen shook his head, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.


At this moment, Sun Honglei’s scream came from the peak, and a white smoke suddenly spewed from the sea eye in the center of the island!

But the way it shoots is like an old tractor chimney!

Showing discontinuous intermittent shape!

After spraying, the white gas disappeared instantly!

The surrounding air suddenly shrank toward the sea eye, and Sun Honglei, who was unprepared, was instantly sucked into it!

This kind of change is in the blink of an eye!

The three didn’t even react until Sun Honglei was sucked into the sea eye! Son.

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