Chapter 196 Hold me tight! This king is afraid of water! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and stared at Zhang Qiling in surprise!

The people who were still in shock saw Zhang Qiling carrying the coffin and walking towards the Queen Jingjue step by step, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

It’s Chana lying in that coffin!

I saw Zhang Qiling suddenly put down the coffin after getting close to Queen Jingjue, shaking her body a few times, turning her head with some difficulty and staring at Queen Jingjue: “Come here!”

Having said that, he bit his fingertips again and drew a blood line at the feet of the coffin and the Queen Jingjue!

Queen Jing Jue’s almost virtual body walked towards the coffin along this black blood line!

Under the shocked eyes of everyone, the phantom of Queen Jingjue lay in the coffin!

“This is….”

Zhang Chen looked at Zhang Qiling in surprise.

But Zhang Qiling didn’t answer, just looked down at the coffin and nodded at Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was startled, and looked at the copper coffin!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

I saw a Chana with a phoenix crown on her head suddenly do it, her eyes were closed, and there was a black eyeball-shaped pattern on the center of her eyebrows!

It looks very weird!

“You sealed her here?”

Zhang Chen was surprised.

Zhang Qiling nodded and glanced at Zhang Chen with a deep meaning: “She can’t die yet!”

Zhang Chen was startled, his brows furrowed slightly. Although Queen Jing Jue was also a zongzi, she had rescued him several times. Although he was not a person who loved children, he would not be indiscriminate.

It’s just that Zhang Qiling sealed the spirit of the vigilant queen in Chana’s body, which may be a little unfair to Chana!

Zhang Qiling seemed to see Zhang Chen’s doubts, and said solemnly: “This girl is a descendant of the Ghost Cave clan, and the blood in her body will not reject the essence of the Queen Jingjue, and it is the only possibility for the Queen Jingjue to survive!”

“As for whether Queen Jing Jue will occupy the magpie’s nest, it depends on her mood!”

As soon as Zhang Qiling said these words, not to mention Huang Lei and others, even Zhang Chen was slightly surprised. Queen Jing Jue had a proud personality, and no one could stop what she wanted to do.

Once it is really bad for Chana, it will be really troublesome!

But after all, Queen Jing Jue is kind to Zhang Chen and everyone. Being in Chana’s body is her only way to survive, and everyone can’t say how to stop it.

Right in the midst of a dilemma.

Zhana suddenly opened her eyes, a look of confusion flashed in her eyes, and when she saw Fat Di, Zhang Chen and others, she immediately ran towards everyone excitedly.

“I thought I was dead, but I’m so happy to see you guys!”

Chana excitedly gave Zhang Chen a hug. Zhang Chen saw the black eyes between Chana’s brows, and he was a little resistant, but he was afraid of hurting Chana’s fragile self-esteem, so he reluctantly said.

“Dare to mess around, be careful I’m welcome!”

When Chana’s head was buried in Zhang Chen’s chest, a small but slightly hostile voice suddenly sounded in Zhang Chen’s ear.

There was a bit of bitterness on his face, and he secretly said that he would be annoyed with such a thing by his side in the future!

Zhang Chen pushed Chana away, glanced at Fat Di and Yaya and motioned for them to pull Chana away.

The three girls were in a good relationship, and after a warm hug, the atmosphere quickly became active.

It’s just that when Chana asked what happened during her comatose period, Fat Di and the others faltered to hide the fact that Queen Jing Jue existed between her eyebrows.

Fat Di and Yaya are not good at lying, and Chana also saw the clue, with a suspicious look on her face.When Huang Lei and Huang Bosun Honglei saw this, they stepped forward and flickered around.

The three of them are all veterans when it comes to fooling people, plus Chana has a natural sense of trust in the three of them, and with a few words, Chana’s doubts are dispelled.

Seeing the enthusiasm of everyone talking, Zhang Chen turned his head to look at Zhang Qiling, only to see Zhang Qiling standing on the edge of the altar with his back to everyone, looking at the abyss into which the black snake fell!

Zhang Chen was taken aback, what is he doing?

He took a few steps forward and just wanted to ask about Zhang Qiling’s injury, but he saw Zhang Qiling take one step forward and plunged deeper into the dark abyss!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed greatly, he quickly stepped forward and wanted to hold Zhang Qiling to ask how to get out of the imaginary space, but it was too late!

Zhang Qiling’s figure has long since disappeared into the bottomless abyss!

(cbbf) A gloomy and slightly fishy dark wind gushes out from the abyss!

Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed with deep shock, and he murmured, “Is there wind?”

“Is this an exit?”

The hot people chatting, also noticed Zhang Chen’s strangeness, and hurriedly gathered around!

“Did that person jump off?”

Huang Lei looked surprised, just now he saw a black shadow jump into the abyss.


Zhang Chen nodded and turned to look at everyone: “The exit from the imaginary space is the Ghost Cave Abyss!”

Huang Lei was startled, and looked at Zhang Chen in surprise: “What do you mean, if we want to go out, we just jump down like the person just now?”


Zhang Chen nodded again.

“Grandma’s, and it’s a little scary!”

Sun Honglei rubbed his hands together, stretched out his head and forgot to glance at the abyss, and said nervously.

“There is wind below, there should be an outlet, and the taste of the wind is a bit salty, as if there is sea water below…”

Lin Yu sniffed with a look of surprise on his face.

“Really! This fishy smell is designated as the sea below!”

Huang Bo also affirmed that his home is near the sea, and the taste of the sea breeze is as familiar as breast milk. This taste can not be wrong!

“Okay, get ready to go!”

Zhang Chen was basically sure that this should be the exit, so he urged everyone: “Old rules, who will come first?”

Everyone immediately took a step back, Zhang Chen’s eyes fell on Sun Honglei, and he nodded slightly: “Hong Lei is the first!”

After that, he carried Sun Honglei and threw it into the abyss!

From below came Sun Honglei’s screams and curses: “Huang Lei, Huang Bo, I’m not finished with you!”

“Hong Lei is gone, let me accompany him!”

After a long time, Huang Bo rubbed his hands and volunteered after hearing the slight splash of water from below.

After saying that, he waved to the crowd, pinched his nose and jumped upside down.

After hearing the sound of water splashes in the abyss again, the expressions of the rest of the people relaxed slightly.

Zhang Chen didn’t even write any ink, he threw everyone into the abyss with one in each hand, like cooking dumplings.

The timid Chana was last in line, Zhang Chen gave her a complicated look and said, “It’s alright, it’s safe!”

Saying that, he was holding Chana’s waist and preparing to throw Chana in!

But Chana, who looked nervous, suddenly wrapped her arms around Zhang Chen’s neck and stared at Zhang Chen coldly: “Hold me tight, this king is afraid of water!”

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, staring at Chana in shock. At this moment, the eye stripes between her eyebrows had mysteriously disappeared…

(Organize the plot and update it tomorrow! Zhang Qiling is the foreshadowing of the follow-up!).

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