Chapter 195 Golden Dragon blood! Broken holy beads! Solitaire arm! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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The severe pain almost knocked him out!

The unicorn phantom on his body was instantly annihilated, and his body fell uncontrollably toward the altar below!

The people on the altar below them cried out in horror, and Zhang Chen, who had always been invincible in their hearts, actually lost an arm in an instant!

Fat Di and Yaya almost fainted.

A look of surprise also flashed in the eyes of Queen Jing Jue, as if she did not expect that even with the three of them working together, they would still end up in a disastrous defeat!

The black snake with golden scales is already invincible!

Her beautiful eyes flickered, and she controlled the power of the void to slow down the falling Zhang Chen!

Zhang Qiling clutched his chest and barely stood up from the ground, black blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth, and the black lines on his body had disappeared!

However, the skin is much paler than before!

His dark eyes were dim, looking at the golden body of the black snake, a fiery light suddenly flashed in his eyes!

Zhang Chen’s body landed on the altar smoothly under the support of the Queen Jing Jue!

His face was pale, blood was oozing from the corners of his mouth, his pupils were a little slack, and losing an arm was tantamount to a serious injury to Zhang Chen!

Not only is there no way to exert the power of the fire unicorn, but it is extremely difficult to stand up at this moment!

And the body of the black snake in front of him has come out of the abyss!

Now that the three of them are wounded, plus a group of guests with almost zero combat effectiveness, the ending may really only be death!

“Zhang Chen…”

Fat Di and Yayaban knelt beside Zhang Chen, tears pouring down like rain.

Sun Honglei’s eyes were red, his lips moved a few times, and he suddenly said solemnly: “Don’t cry, it’s a big deal to die together!”

“Along the way, we have all been teammates who depended on each other for life and death, and we were mentally prepared before coming in!”

“Just die!”

“But before he died, I also plucked out a dragon scale and played with it!”

There was a ruthless look in Huang Bo’s eyes, and he looked at them approaching the black snake fiercely!

“Exquisite Queen!”

“You broke the agreement!”

“I want you to see everyone die in front of you!”

“And then kill you again!”

The black snake spit out human words, giantThe tail swept past, the remains of the ghost cave shattered instantly, and the bodies of countless ghost cave clansmen turned into powder!

“The Ghost Cave Clan imprisoned me for three thousand years~!”

“These three thousand years of hatred will be completely liquidated today!”

The black snake’s voice was full of rage and strong sarcasm.

Queen Jingjue’s face was pale, especially when she saw her ghost cave city collapsed under the giant tail of the black snake, her eyes instantly filled with a strong sense of despair!

“Black snake!”

Suddenly, Queen Jing Jue looked at the black snake angrily and roared!

Zhang Chen turned his head to look, and saw that Queen Jing Jue’s body suddenly became ethereal and strange, and a light blue light lit up around her body!

“what are you going to do!”

Zhang Chen gritted his teeth and exhausted the last bit of strength.

Queen Jing Jue looked at Zhang Chen, her eyes firmed again!

After seeing the change of Queen Jing Jue, the violent black snake was stunned. Her huge eyes were fixed on Queen Jing Jue, and her voice was full of shock and panic!

“Are you crazy?”

With the sound of the black snake, time seemed to stand still, and everyone felt that their bodies were completely immobile except for their thoughts!

The body of Queen Jing Jue was gradually enveloped in blue light, and her body became more and more blurred!

“I place a curse in the name of the Absolute Queen!”

The ethereal voice of Queen Jing Jue resounded.

Zhang Chen felt his scalp go numb for a while, and looked at Queen Jingjue with a dull gaze, and saw an extremely strange power emanating from Queen Jingjue’s virtual body!

Any object that this force touches, including space and time, will instantly freeze!

The huge body of the black snake froze instantly!

The scarlet eyes are still staring at the Queen Jingjue!

The body of Queen Jing Jue slowly ascended into the sky, and her body became thinner and thinner!

Zhang Chen was horrified, Queen Jing Jue was using her own life as the price for the curse!

The altar under her feet burst into flames!

The virtual energy poured into the altar, and a monster phantom emerged from the altar!

“Those who destroy my ghost cave will be devoured by ten thousand ghosts!”

That voice seems to have drained the last trace of Queen Jing Jue’s strength, her body has been blurred to the point of being transparent!

Just as she was about to disappear, Queen Jing Jue’s eyes suddenly turned to Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen seemed to see a trace of reluctance in her eyes!

He was suddenly shocked, and the blood in his chest suddenly became restless, and the golden liquid in the system space appeared in front of his eyes!

The system once said that the golden liquid in this small bottle can only be used in moments of life and death!

Don’t need to use it at this time!

Zhang Chen suddenly drank the golden liquid!

“Congratulations to the host for taking the blood of the golden dragon!”

The system prompt sound suddenly sounded!

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, golden dragon blood?

He looked down and saw that his weak body suddenly became full, and a strange and majestic sense of power surged throughout his body!

The wound on the broken arm slowly healed, but no new arm grew!

He was slightly disappointed!

However, it is not bad to be able to take out the trump card of a life-and-death struggle!

He suddenly found that with the flow of golden blood essence, his body was actually free from the curse of the Queen of Essence!

Queen Jing Jue seemed to sense Zhang Chen’s change, and looked at Zhang Chen with complicated eyes!

I saw that Zhang Chen’s body was filled with golden light, and a pure and awe-inspiring aura emanated from Zhang Chen’s body!

Before he took a step, a dragon roar sounded!

A thick fear flashed in the eyes of the black snake who was cursed at the cost of the Queen’s life!

If it weren’t for the control of the Queen’s Curse, maybe it would have already surrendered to the dragon power around Zhang Chen!

Zhang Chen stepped on the void and walked slowly!

Just a few breaths, hovering in front of the black snake!

His face was as cold as ice, and his right hand turned into a knife and slashed down!

The golden raised claw was instantly cut off by Zhang Chen’s knife!

The eyes of the black snake who lost the golden claws instantly dimmed, and the color of endless pain circulated in the scarlet eyes!

Zhang Chen didn’t stop his movements, his fingers were like sharp knives, and he swiped lightly on the belly of the black snake, and a terrifying crack appeared suddenly!

A golden bead rolled out of the crack!

Zhang Chen squeezed the holy bead with two fingers, and suddenly the holy bead shattered into ten thousand golden lights!

I saw Zhang Chen smear gold on the wound of his broken arm, and then stick the golden giant claws on it!

I was still immersed in the excitement of everyone. After seeing Zhang Chen’s actions, they were all dumbfounded!

Is this going to take over the dragon arm?

The golden light completely wrapped Zhang Chen’s arm!

After the golden light dissipated, a flickering golden scale arm reappeared!

Lost the Orb and the Golden ClawBlack snake, the breath quickly wilted!

The body of the Queen Jingjue has been transparent to the point where it is almost invisible!

The power of the curse can no longer be maintained!

Zhang Chen shook his hand and regrew his arm, a little excitement flashed in his eyes, the power of squeezing everything was simply unbearable!

He raised his hand and patted the black snake’s head!

He only used three points of strength in this palm!

I saw the black snake’s eyes instantly lose their luster, and the huge body was like a flying underground missile, and instantly fell into the endless abyss of ghost holes!

The neighing sound of thousands of ghosts resounded in the abyss!

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and fell back into the altar!

He stared at the Queen of Essence who was about to dissipate, and a little complicated color flashed in his eyes!

“¨.Cough cough!”

“Let me come!”

Zhang Qiling’s slightly weak voice suddenly sounded, and I saw him dragging his weak body and carrying Chana’s copper coffin on the ground with a little effort!

Step by step towards the Queen of the Perfection! nagging.

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