Chapter 189 The abyss mouth! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen frowned, Chana’s eyes seemed to recognize this stone bead, and the look in her eyes seemed to be something she wanted!

But just for a moment, Chana seemed to have a premonition that Zhang Chen was looking at him, and looked at Zhang Chen suddenly, a look of panic flashed in her eyes.

“Hey, isn’t anyone here yet?”

At this moment, Huang Bo’s surprised voice suddenly sounded.Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at Huang Bo in surprise, as if he didn’t understand why this guy said this.

But he was stunned at a glance, only to see a dark shadow crawling towards them on the rock wall in Huang Bo’s line of sight!

The attention of Huang Bo, Sun Honglei and others were also attracted by Huang Bo’s words. They also looked at the shadow that was crawling towards them, and their faces showed surprise.

The route that the man climbed was exactly the same as the route they descended, but the strange thing was that all of them were here, and there was no difference at all!

“Isn’t that weird guy?”

Huang Bo looked around with a strange expression on his face.

“This bastard has tricked us all the way, let’s see how I deal with him!”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then suddenly rolled up his 21 sleeves and walked in the direction of the shadow!

“Come back! He’s not that weirdo!”

Zhang Chen suddenly roared.

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then turned his head in horror, with an expression like he was about to cry: “Well, it’s not a person!”

Everyone’s complexion changed greatly, and they looked in horror!

I saw the dark shadow behind Sun Honglei slowly revealing its true face!

“Crystal Ice Corpse?”

Lin Yu took a flashlight and saw in horror that a female corpse like a transparent water worm was crawling towards him!

Sun Honglei screamed and threw his feet away and ran.

If it were an ordinary zongzi, with Sun Honglei’s current character, he would definitely have gone up to both hands, but this dissolving crystal female corpse is so disgusting, it’s like a transparent slug!

“It should be the heat of the magma that roasted the female corpse!”

Zhang Chen said with a solemn expression.

Everyone slowly approached the center of the altar, daring not to provoke this strange crystal female corpse!

Zhang Chen didn’t plan to do anything either. They haven’t figured out what happened to the altar, and they rashly clashed with the female corpse. Once there is a change, it’s only them that will suffer!

However, the crystal female corpse didn’t seem to want to let them go!

Drag a wet trace on the ground and slowly continue to approach the crowd!

Zhang Chen frowned, a cold look flashed in his eyes, this female corpse is really afraid that he will fail!

The black gold ancient knife in his hand burned into flames!

Everyone was shocked and understood that Zhang Chen was ready to start.

However, what surprised everyone was that it seemed that the female corpse also felt the horror of the flames in Zhang Chen’s hands, and her figure suddenly stopped.

“I thought you were not afraid of anything!”

Sun Honglei endured his nausea and cursed at the female corpse!

But things don’t seem to be as simple as they appear on the surface. I saw the female corpse that stopped, and light blue spots suddenly appeared in her body!

Facing the change, everyone breathed slightly, and their eyes were full of surprise.

“Is she going to make a big move?”

Huang Bo said in surprise.

As soon as he finished speaking, the female corpse lying on the ground suddenly opened her mouth, and the light blue light followed her mouth and slowly flew into the air!

With the appearance of blue light spots, the temperature in the air instantly dropped a few points!

Huang Lei’s face changed greatly, trembling and pointing at the blue light spot: “Is this an ice ladybug?”

“Is this female corpse also from the nine-story demon tower?”

“Isn’t it a fire ladybug?”

“Why did the ice ladybug come out again?”

Huang Bo was shocked.

“Don’t move around, as long as you get on this ice ladybug, your body will be frozen into powder in an instant!”

Zhang Chen reminded, and at the same time, shock flashed in his eyes.

Before, he had never figured out why the cold air on the female crystal corpse could not even melt the magma. Now it seems that 80% of it has something to do with the ice ladybug in the female corpse!

Huang Bo, Sun Honglei, and Chana had never seen the ladybug, and when they heard Zhang Chen’s words, they shivered and leaned back involuntarily.

Zhang Chen’s ancient black-gold sword with flames in his hand was already in front of his chest, and he was ready to do it.

At this moment, he suddenly became a little nervous. He glanced at the blood-colored eyeball behind him, and saw that the crack on it had almost completely healed. Maybe it would take a few minutes for the blood-colored eyeball to return to its original state!

This crystal female corpse appeared at this time, which really gave him a headache!

But what made him even more headache was that the body of the crystal female corpse seemed to be like a ladybug’s nest, and there were more and more light blue spots!

Finally, it gathered in the air to form a huge blue light group the size of a water tank!

And the body of the female corpse is slowly wilting, and finally turned into a wrinkled skin!

“This dead woman took so much effort to bring us bugs?”

Seeing the shriveled female corpse, Sun Honglei immediately gritted his teeth.

Huang Lei 277 glared at Sun Honglei fiercely, signaling him not to disturb the group of ice ladybugs!

publicPeople hold their breath, although experienced, but the heart is still pounding!

This thing will die if it touches it, and it can fly in small numbers, which is extremely troublesome to deal with!

The huge blue light group is suspended in the air, and it seems that it will attack everyone at any time!

Zhang Chen stared at the light blue light group, and there were at least thousands of ladybugs in it!

Once dispersed, even he is not fully confident that they will be eliminated in a short period of time!

The other guests were even more nervous, swallowing their saliva and staring at the blue light group without blinking!

Just when the tension reached its peak, everyone suddenly noticed a great sense of oppression coming from behind the light group!

Although they can’t see anything, the sense of oppression is like reality, and countless goosebumps instantly appeared on their bodies!

The creepy feeling flooded all over the body!

“How is this going…”

Huang Bo exclaimed with difficulty, but just halfway through his words, his expression suddenly froze, and the light group suspended in the darkness suddenly disappeared…

Above the disappearance of the light group, a pair of gigantic eyes appeared! .

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