Chapter 188 Abyss Altar! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone was stunned, as if they didn’t expect Zhang Chen to be so decisive, so he threw Sun Honglei on it!

I saw that Sun Honglei was holding the crystal ice corpse desperately, but he was actually lying on it!

Seeing this, Zhang Chen turned his head to look at everyone, his eyes seemed to be asking who came first!

Everyone subconsciously took a step back, with a look of horror on their faces, not to mention that there is no magma below, or there is nothing, lying on the crystal ice corpse is quite scary!

When Zhang Chen saw the crowd retreat, he couldn’t help frowning slightly.

“I see it like this…”

Huang Lei just came up with a safe idea, but just after saying a few words, Zhang Chen suddenly grabbed his arm, and then slammed it!

Huang Lei’s body instantly shot onto the crystal ice corpse!

Huang Lei was frightened half to death, desperately hugging Hong Lei’s thigh, only then did he barely stabilize!

Zhang Chen didn’t even look, his eyes fixed on Huang Bo. “Eight Five Zero”

“I will do it myself….”

Huang Bo swallowed a mouthful of saliva, took a few steps back nervously, then quickly took a few steps, and suddenly jumped towards the crystal ice corpse!


Huang Bo’s body landed precisely on Sun Huanglei’s butt.

Seeing this, Zhang Chen nodded to the rest of the crowd, one in each hand, just like throwing a duck, leaving the rest of the crowd on the crystal ice corpse!

Finally it’s him!

He jumped up suddenly, his body jumped a dozen meters high, and then he stepped on the crystal ice corpse suspended on the magma!

The crystal ice corpse is extremely strong, and the huge impact force did not cause any damage to the crystal ice corpse, but the force still pushed the crystal ice corpse down!

The fiery magma completely wrapped the crystal ice corpse!

However, before the magma approached, the cold air on the crystal ice corpse spurted out, forming a cold air barrier of about three meters with the magma!

Everyone closed their eyes and screamed!

The crystal ice corpse descends rapidly like a lonely boat carrying everyone!

Zhang Chen’s heart is also very uneasy, his strength can only support the crystal ice corpse to drop about ten meters!

If the magma is more than ten meters deep, their lives will be in danger!

However, Zhang Chen was fortunate that after descending about seven or eight meters, a magma vortex suddenly appeared around, and the crystal ice corpse fell uncontrollably toward the center of the vortex!

After a few seconds, everything suddenly became clear!

The space in front of me has changed dramatically, surrounded by endless darkness, and the fiery red magma slipped into the bottomless abyss like a red thread.

There are black vines all around!

Zhang Chen suddenly grabbed the vine and wrapped it around the crystal ice corpse. After shaking a few times, the crystal ice corpse stabilized.

Everyone’s faces were pale and their eyes were closed!

When I found that my body had stopped, I opened my eyes in fear!

When I saw their bodies fall in mid-air, I realized it was safe now!

The vines around are extremely dense, and the dense ones don’t know where to extend!

The magma waterfall above roared into the endless darkness, looking extremely eerie!

The scene here is different from what Zhang Chen expected. He thought there should be a tomb here, but he didn’t expect it to be another abyss.

Since it can pass through the magma, it also proves that Zhang Chen’s idea is right!

That weirdo must be here too!

From the time they fell into the abyss to the time they passed through the magma layer, the path of all of them was guided by that eccentric!

Zhang Chen couldn’t guess what his intention was, but he knew that following him would definitely find a way out of the imaginary space!

He looked around a few times, and found that the vines on the right side were shaking slightly, and several vines were obviously broken.

He was slightly taken aback, as if this was another road sign given by that eccentric!

“Follow me!”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he grabbed the vine and crawled towards the depths.

Everyone has lost their minds at this moment, and a sudden emotion shrouded everyone’s heart. Seeing Zhang Chen crawling into the depths without looking back, they had to keep up.

Zhang Chen’s speed was very fast. After about 20 minutes of climbing, Zhang Chen found that he had reached the end. He stepped on the rock wall, fell onto a raised rock, and then followed the rock and quickly climbed down.

About half an hour later, Huang Lei and others followed Zhang Chen’s footsteps and fell to the bottom of the abyss!

They looked up and saw that the fall point of the lava waterfall was in the center of the bottom!

Following the dark red light of the magma, they found that it seemed to be a huge altar!

The magma waterfall is continuously injected into the magma pool in the center of the altar, and the blood-colored eyeballs are suspended above the pool strangely for a moment!

The fiery heat wave slowly entered the blood-colored eyeballs!

“Is this the eyes of the Queen of Jingjue?”

Huang Bo looked surprised and said in shock…  

Everyone was stunned, how could they think that there are man-made buildings in such a strange place!

Zhang Chen looked carefully, and saw that the bloody eyeball was very familiar, very similar to the one he crushed in the ninth-story demon tower!

And what surprised him even more was that the blood-colored eyeball was covered with tiny cracks, and as the heat of the magma entered the eyeball, those cracks were slowly being repaired.

It seems that with enough time, this eyeball will be restored to its original state!

He was suddenly shocked, he didn’t expect the bloody eyeballs to be here!

“This seems to be the bead in the hand of the great elder!”

Huang Lei also recognized the strangeness of the eyeball-shaped bead and lost his voice.

Lin Yu, Fat Di and Yaya also nodded. Several of them have seen this eyeball stone bead, and according to the records of the stone carving, this eyeball-shaped stone bead has the ability to open the imaginary space!

It also proves that they came in the right direction, and it is possible to get out of the imaginary space only by finding the stone beads.

Although Sun Honglei and Huang Bo had never seen this bead, they had heard people talk about this bead, and their faces were shocked.

“If we find this stone bead, we can reopen the imaginary space?”

Lin Yu stared at Zhang 5.3 Chendao excitedly.

“It might work!”

Huang Lei also showed a look of anticipation.

Zhang Chen nodded slightly and said, “It should be possible!”

“Then what are you waiting for, let’s hurry over and look for the instruction manual for this stone bead, I’m really tired of this ghost place!”

Sun Honglei said anxiously.

But Zhang Chen Yaoyao: “No hurry!”

“The stone beads were crushed by me before, and now they are being repaired by the power of the altar!”

“Wow, this altar also has this ability!”

Huang Bo looked surprised.

Huang Lei and others recalled the scene where Zhang Chen squeezed the stone beads and everyone was sucked into the imaginary space, and nodded secretly.

“It should be almost ready…”

Chana suddenly muttered.

Zhang Chen turned his head suddenly and saw that Chana was staring at the stone bead, with a fiery light flashing in his eyes…

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