Chapter 149 The blood coffin is buried! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Fat Di was shocked and looked towards the lower level with a puzzled face!

“Go down and have a look!”

Zhang Chen hurriedly walked downstairs as if he had a premonition that something was wrong, and everyone followed nervously.

The second floor is quiet and empty!

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and his eyes turned to the entrance on the first floor again!

“On the first floor!”

After Zhang Chen said that, his figure flashed and he quickly reached the entrance of the first floor.

Everyone follows closely!

The lights on the first floor are bright, and the sound of fighting can be faintly heard.

Zhang Chen glanced at everyone and went down the stairs with a solemn expression.

Arriving at the exit, Zhang Chen suddenly showed a surprised look, and everyone also looked up, and their faces turned pale immediately.

I saw members of the guest group who looked exactly like them standing at the entrance on the first floor!

They all looked solemn, their eyes fixed on the stone cow and stone horse square!

Another black gold sword in Zhang Chen’s hand suddenly swung into the air!

I saw hundreds of flying snakes cut in half by Zhang Chen!

The other members of the guest group looked pale, and ran desperately to the second floor of 21!

Huang Lei was shocked: “Go back to the past?”

When everyone saw the members of the guest group who looked exactly like themselves running towards them, there was an indescribable strange feeling in their hearts!

But when the guest group arrived at the stairs, they suddenly stopped and saw dozens of flying snakes more than two meters long on the ground near the stairs!

This is exactly the scene they have seen on the first floor!

The only difference is that this time the guest group saw this group of flying snakes from the front!

Just as Flying Snake was about to attack the guest group, another Zhang Chen suddenly threw a nail from his hand!

The iron nails nailed the tail of the flying snake to the floor!

Zhang Chen on the stairs was startled. He was still thinking about who did these nails, but he didn’t expect the truth to be himself!

Huang Lei and others were also shocked. On the second floor, Zhang Chen once talked about the flying snake downstairs, but they couldn’t figure out what was going on.

I didn’t expect the answer to be like this!

Just when everyone’s thinking was stagnant, another group of guests suddenly rushed up. They opened their eyes and avoided them subconsciously!

But they are too fast, and the passage is very narrow, and it is impossible to completely avoid it!

A strange scene appeared!

I saw that the bodies of the guest groups who looked the same as them easily passed through them!

It’s like light and shadow, without any feeling!

Zhang Chen squinted his eyes and said to everyone: “The imaginary space has changed, keep up with them!”

Sun Honglei reacted the fastest and rushed towards the second floor in a hurry!

Soon everyone came to the second floor again!

only see twoThe scene on the first floor was exactly the same as what they saw for the first time. The group of guests who were exactly the same as them first checked it carefully, and then another Zhang Chen noticed the stone man in the corner was moving, and hurriedly got on the third floor. Floor.

“Now we can control the time scale, keep up!”

Zhang Chen said and quickly followed.

Soon, everyone came to the third floor again!

Now they have understood that these people are virtual existences, just like holographic projections. Although they look real, they can’t actually come into contact with them.

The hearts that were hanging in everyone’s hearts were also put down.

They had not seen the experience of these people on the third floor before. According to Zhang Chen’s guess, this group of people must have experienced something like an organ on the third floor.

Now there is a chance to watch it backwards, and everyone will definitely not want to miss it.

After reaching the third floor, everyone stood behind the group of guests and saw them talking to each other, it felt like they were familiar with each other!

Zhang Chen signaled everyone not to talk or move, just watch carefully!

Sure enough, it didn’t take long, the guest group suddenly tried to walk towards the stairs in the middle!


With a crisp sound, another Sun Honglei suddenly looked at everyone with a pale face and said, “I seem to have stepped on a trap!”

The dark hall suddenly became cold!

The stair dome is full of big, amazing scales!

The four walls are engraved with various reliefs of soldiers!

Similar to the relief frescoes I saw before, these people have huge eyes!

However, unlike the second floor, these people are all wearing armor and holding weapons!

The size and temperament are much more powerful than slaves!

The natural level is one level higher than that of slaves!

The guest group in the projection, after touching the organ, looked around cautiously!

Including Zhang Chen in the projection did not dare to move at will.

The roaring sound of the organ still sounded, and I saw the relief in the center of each wall suddenly collapsed!

Revealing four dark spaces!

Four pitch-black coffins shot out of the hole!

The whole coffin is shaking slightly, and the degree of shaking is getting bigger and bigger as time goes by!

In the light and shadow, the expression of the guest group froze, staring at the four coffins in shock, and no one dared to move.

At a certain moment, the four dark coffins suddenly stood upside down!

Stand upright all around!

Four huge blood-red eyes appeared on the coffin lid!

Everyone secretly sweated, Zhang Chen’s speculation of 810 was indeed correct, the third floor here is really not that simple!

They also realized that this was just a projection. Although they were nervous, they were not panicked. They were just staring nervously at the four coffins in the projection!

Those four blood-colored eyes are extremely strange. If you keep staring at them, you will find that the eyes composed of blood-red lines will slowly turn!

The minds and spirits of capable people are inhaled in it!

“The vibrating coffin will create the illusion of rolling eyes, and it will make people who are not strong-willed hallucinate!”

Zhang Chendao in the projection.

Sure enough, the guest group was stunned when they heard Zhang Chen’s words in the projection, and quickly put away their minds and didn’t look at those eyes!

In the projection, Sun Honglei looked nervous, but suddenly put away his feet, and the collapsed slate returned to its original shape again!

The shaking coffin is no longer moving!

However, everyone realized that this is not a sign of safety, but rather the tranquility before a greater danger comes!

Sure enough, the four coffin boards suddenly fell down at the same time!

The dazzling blue light lights up in the coffin!

The blue monster is extremely dazzling, and even the group of guests behind them feel a little dazzling!

Wait until everyone gets used to the dazzling light!

But I saw four dark blue eyeballs buried in the coffin! .

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