Chapter 148 Past guest group? | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Okay, Bo Ge! That’s a good idea! It doesn’t matter if they are us or not, as long as we live well? They can’t see us anyway!”

Sun Honglei’s eyes lit up, and he suddenly said excitedly.

Huang Lei also gave Zhang Chen a thumbs up.

It’s just that only Zhang Chen and Lin Yu showed some serious expressions.

“not that simple!”

Zhang Chen suddenly shook his head.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously, not understanding why Zhang Chen didn’t agree with Huang Bo’s statement.

“I don’t think it’s that simple either!”

Lin Yu also said that he felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if something was wrong, but he just couldn’t tell.

“How long has it been since you saw the other me going up the stairs to when we actually “zero one zero” we went up the stairs?”

Zhang Chen stared at Huang Leidao.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

“About three minutes…”

Huang Lei made an estimate, but there was still a hint of suspicion on his face. He didn’t quite understand what Zhang Chen wanted to express.

“Let’s count on a three-minute scale. We see that our future self is after three points. According to common sense, if we are not in danger on the third floor, should we go directly to the fourth floor?”

Zhang Chen continued.

Everyone nodded, that must be the case.

“Just now you also saw that we are on the fourth floor in the future. From our current position, we will go to the middle passage. It may only take one minute to walk straight there, and there is a deviation from the scale of three minutes!”

Zhang Chen continued to analyze.

“You mean that the time interval between us and the future will gradually shorten?”

Lin Yu said in surprise.

“It may become shorter, or it may become longer, but no matter which, it is certain that the time scale changes!”

Zhang Chen said.

After everyone listened, they showed a puzzled look. Zhang Chen’s words were a little difficult to understand. They could understand it when it was shortened, but what does it mean when it became longer?

Soon Huang Lei seemed to have realized something, and said to Zhang Chen in surprise: ‘You mean, we may have experienced some accident here in the future, but when we came up, we only saw their backs after dealing with the accident and leaving ? ’


Zhang Chen nodded and said: “This is what worries me the most. Huang Bo’s method sounds feasible, but in fact, it lacks the problem of time scale. If this scale is quietly extended, then it will give us a situation where there is no danger ahead. delusion!”

“Once you rush up the stairs leading to the fourth floor, accidents are likely to happen.”

After hearing this, everyone suddenly became stunned. This is really brain-burning.

Huang Bo frowned. He really didn’t think so deeply just now. When Zhang Chen said this, he realized that his thoughts were too naive!

“Then what do we do now?”

Huang Lei asked.

Everyone’s eyes turned to Zhang Chen again.


Zhang Chen said.

“Wait for those people to come down?”

Huang Lei was stunned, what if those people don’t come down, although they are their future selves, they don’t know what they will experience in the future and what choices they will make…


Zhang Chen shook his head and said: “I just suddenly thought of something, if my guess is correct, then we must be sent into the imaginary space by the power of the demon tower in the future, that is to say, we will definitely do something after entering the demon tower. Some kind of wrong choice!”

“If we follow the footsteps of the future, we are bound to repeat the same mistakes, so we need to make some changes!”

“You mean the past changes the future? If we don’t move forward on purpose, we will change the imaginary space, or even disappear?”

Lin Yudao.

“It can also be said that in the future, we are a lesson from the past!”

Zhang Chen nodded.

Lin Yu nodded slightly, showing an expression that seemed to understand but did not understand.

The other members of the guest group looked blank, as if they didn’t understand Zhang Chen’s statement at all…  

But they didn’t understand, they still obeyed Zhang Chen’s arrangement, sitting on the slate, took out food and water, and replenished their physical energy while waiting.

timeMinutes and seconds have passed, and the change they were waiting for still hasn’t happened.

Everyone used their flashlights to look around and found that the third floor was a little smaller than the first two floors, and there seemed to be no other difference!

Empty with nothing!

“Why do I feel that something is wrong? The first floor is the stone sculpture of animals, the second floor is the stone sculpture of slaves, how come there is nothing on the third floor?”

Huang Bo said suspiciously.

“There may be an agency!”

“Didn’t Zhang Chen just say it? The time scale is getting longer, which means that we must have experienced something on the third floor. Now it’s empty and looks very safe, which also proves the existence of the agency in reverse!”

Lin Yudao.

“Then why isn’t the time scale shrinking?”

Sun Honglei said suspiciously.

Lin Yu smiled, glanced at Zhang Chen and said, “How is this possible! If the time scale is getting shorter, we have waited for so long, and the future of us has long since become the past!” 2.6

“And now they haven’t come back, which shows that the timescale is extending faster than the normal time flow rate!”

Sun Honglei understood the first half, but didn’t understand the second half at all, so he scratched his head and said, “You mean they will come back?”

“There is such a possibility!”

Lin Yu nodded.

Sun Honglei tilted his head and thought for a while, but he didn’t seem to come up with a reason, so he shook his head and continued to wait.


Suddenly a scream came from behind them.

Everyone suddenly stood up and looked downstairs nervously. It was only them. Why was there someone screaming below, and the voice was familiar to them, very similar to Fat Di’s voice! .

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