Chapter 133 Another illusion! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Exquisite Queen?”

Everyone was stunned. It was the first time they heard the name. At first, they only knew that there was a tomb here, but they didn’t know that the owner of the tomb was Queen Jingjue!

Jessie and Batur were also taken aback, as if they were unfamiliar with this name!

They only heard that there are monsters hiding under the Kunlun Glacier, but they don’t know what the Queen is!

“Zhang Chen, what are you talking about?”

Sun Honglei said curiously.

Everyone was also staring at Zhang Chen, as if they were eager to know the answer!

“Queen Jingjue is the queen of a small country in ancient times. She belongs to the ghost-Dong ethnic group. It is rumored that Queen Jingjue has a pair of magical eyes that can transfer anything she sees into the mysterious imaginary space!”

Zhang Chen explained.

“Then what Rexi saw was the Queen Jingjue?”

Sun Honglei was taken aback.

“August 47” Zhang Chen shook his head with a slightly complicated expression on his face. He pondered for a moment and continued, “I’m not sure yet!”

“Why can’t you be sure?”

Sun Honglei was taken aback.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously.

“I have read records about Queen Jingjue in ancient books. It is rumored that Queen Jingjue’s tomb is in the deepest part of the Taklimakan Desert!”

“No one can find it there!”

“But I also found a clue, you just want to find the tomb of Queen Jingjue, you must first find the Kunlun Glacier and crack the secrets of the Kunlun Glacier!”

Zhang Chen said.

It was only then that everyone was surprised. It turned out that Zhang Chen brought them to Kunlun Glacier for this purpose!

But immediately, Lin Yu noticed something was wrong. He looked at Zhang Chen and said, “Didn’t you just say that Queen Jingjue’s tomb is deep in the Taklimakan Desert?”

“Why did Rexi see the Queen of Jingjue here?”

Everyone was stunned for a while, thinking yes!

Sun Honglei stared at Re Xi and said, “Tell me honestly, do you know the legend of the Queen Jingjue, the nonsense that you made up on purpose to make me believe it?”

Rexi hurriedly shook her head and said, “I really saw a three-eyed woman who drew us here! If you don’t believe me, you can ask Tubal!”

Sun Honglei looked at Tubal and said disdainfully, “You brothers are complicit, I ask him what’s the use!”

But Tubal was not angry this time. Instead, he looked suspicious. He stared at Rexi and murmured, “I don’t seem to see a woman with three eyes, but a giant python!”

“But that giant python does have a mysterious eye between its eyebrows!”

Rexi was dumbfounded and looked at Tubal: “Are you sure?”

Tubal nodded heavily: “Of course it’s confirmed!”

Everyone frowned, the two brothers had completely contradictory words, and one of them must have lied!

Huang Lei glanced at Zhang Chen and said, “Who of them said the truth and who said it was false?”

Zhang Chen frowned, and from Tubal’s eyes, he could see the slightest concealment, and it didn’t seem like he was lying!

“Brother, you won’t hurt me on purpose to please them, right? It’s obviously a woman with three eyes!”

Rexi said excitedly.

“Brother, I didn’t lie to you, what I saw was a black python!”

Tubal also said anxiously.

“Give your brothers five minutes to discuss how to make up the nonsense, and tell us after you make it up!”

Sun Honglei said disdainfully.

The two were stunned for a moment, and instantly fell silent, but they seemed to be wary of each other.

After a while of silence, Zhang Chen suddenly said, “Maybe neither of them lied!”


Huang Lei looked at Zhang Chen with wide eyes, neither of them lied?

“No… I’m turning my head slowly, Zhang Chen, please clarify, what do you mean by not lying? Are they both true?”

Huang Bo also had a confused look on his face.

“Mr. Zhang, did you infer something?”

Rexi looked at Zhang Chen nervously, he didn’t believe that Tubal would demolish his stage at this time!

“Although neither of them lied, neither of them is necessarily true!”

Zhang Chen nodded.

“What do you mean? Why am I getting more and more confused?”

Huang Lei scratched his head, feeling that his smart brain was not enough.

Zhang Chen turned his head and said to everyone, “You should remember the golden pupil below, right?”


Everyone nodded.

“Illusion! Both of them are in some kind of mechanism and have hallucinations. Although they are experiencing the same thing, they see something completely different!”

Zhang Chen speculated: “But what is certain is that they must have fallen into a space related to the Queen Jingjue, and then entered a certain passage in the hallucination and slipped here!”

“Of course this is just my speculation, but as long as we go to the opposite side and check if there is an exit, we will know if my speculation is correct!”

After everyone heard it, they all showed a stunned expression, as if only this explanation was reasonable!

“It seems reasonable!”

Rexi nodded slightly after hearing this. He glanced at Tubal and said, “Did you pay attention to whether there was an exit on the other side?”

“I didn’t even notice!”

Turba shook his head… .

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment, and suddenly seemed to think of something. He stared at Rexi and said, “I ask you, have you heard the legend of the Queen Jingjue?”

Rexi was taken aback for a moment, sighed and said, “Yes, but I only know a little…”

Zhang Chen didn’t say anything, instead he stared at Turba and said, “What are you most afraid of?”


As if realizing something, Rexi said suddenly.

Tubal also opened his eyes wide and surprised Zhang Chen: “You mean, we have all seen what we fear most in our hearts?”


Zhang Chen nodded, looked at the opposite side and said, “I can basically conclude that there must be an exit on the opposite side, and that exit must return to the space where you fell!”

4.6 …………………………………………

See how lively the comment area is,Let me explain, I don’t know why the votes sent before are not displayed!

I also said in the testimonials that I used the original book for the story background of the novel, but the plot, as well as the plot of the tomb organization and the pig’s foot experience, will all be original, and you don’t want to see me copy the TV series and novels again. !

In a word, the background will not change, but the plot will change!

After all, the pig’s foot is Zhang Chen, not Hu Bayi, the age is different, and the background of the characters is different, so it is impossible to write it according to the original!

The ancient city of Jingjue is in the Taklimakan Desert…..Kunlun Glacier has no Jingjue Queen…..


The place where you misunderstood has been corrected.

Just keep watching, there will be surprises! .

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