Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Second: The Queen of Absolute Essence! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen’s lips moved, and his eyes were full of shock. Zongzi won’t bleed, they are right!

Rexi was stunned when he saw Zhang Chendao raised in the air!

“Zhang Chen, why don’t you do it?”

Huang Lei shouted anxiously, for fear that Zhang Chen was caught in the illusion of Zongzi.

“They’re not zongzi!”

Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Huang Lei was startled and looked suspicious. He had just tested it, and neither of these two goods was answered correctly. It must not be the Rexi brothers!

“What did you all say…~…”

Sun Honglei looked at Huang Lei with a bewildered expression.

Huang Lei didn’t bother to explain to Sun Honglei, and listened to the big belly and walked forward quickly.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

“What’s the meaning?”

Huang Lei cautiously stared at the Rexi brothers and said to Zhang Chen.

“They both treated us as dumplings, so they lied!”

Zhang Chen squinted and pointed at the blood channel on Rexi’s shoulder.

Huang Lei looked surprised, and he saw the blood on Rexi’s shoulder, and his heart skipped a beat. That’s true, how could the zongzi bleed!

“Are you idiots!”

Huang Lei cursed angrily, and almost caused a fatal accident just now.

Rexi was scolded for being stupid, and it took a while to react: “So you are all living?”

“Nonsense! Are you looking forward to Lao Tzu’s death!”

Sun Honglei also stepped forward and scolded, although he didn’t understand what was going on just now, but when he heard Rexi’s words, he jumped up again.

“It turned out to be a misunderstanding! Alas, I was shot for nothing!”

Rexi stood up with difficulty and said in pain.

“Tell me, what’s going on?”

Huang Lei glanced coldly at the Rexi brothers and said.

“My brother was almost killed by you! We don’t know anything!”

Tubal suddenly said angrily.

Lin Yu had a hint of apology on his face. It was he who fired the gun just now and almost caused a fatal accident. Although this brother is hateful, he is not guilty of death.

He turned his head to Reba and said, “Is there still alcohol and cable ties?”

Reba nodded and handed the first aid kit to Lin Yu.

“I’ll wrap it up for you!”

Lin Yu stepped forward apologetically.

Seeing this, Rexi’s face softened and he nodded slightly.

“Just now Lin Yu beat you to death and you deserve it!”

“Don’t be shameless, just tell the truth if you tell me!”

Sun Honglei saw that Rexi was still wearing it, but he couldn’t hold his mouth anymore. When they encountered a sand and snow storm, the two returned the camels with their equipment and ran away. It was no different from murdering people for money. Even if they were shot, they would not deserve sympathy.

When Tubal heard this, he held the knife in his hand again!

But after seeing Zhang Chen’s calm eyes, the whole person suddenly wilted a little bit, then he sighed and said, “It’s all a misunderstanding! In fact, our brothers left halfway because of helplessness. That sand and snowstorm is terrible. You have also seen…”

“Say the point!”

Zhang Chen’s cold voice sounded again.

“You want to know how our brothers came here suddenly, right?”

Rexi bared her teeth.


Sun Honglei glared at Rexi.

“You may not believe it! We don’t know how we got to this place…”

A trace of bitterness appeared on Rexi’s face.

“Trick us, right?”

Sun Honglei immediately stood up and pointed his pistol at Rexi’s head.

But Rexi was not afraid, and pushed Sun Honglei’s pistol away with the armrest: “Who will scare you without bullets!”

After speaking, he glanced at Zhang Chen and said, “I’m telling the truth, you can ask Tubal if you don’t believe me!”

Tubal also nodded when he heard the words: ‘My brother is right! ’

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes; “What’s going on?”

A look of fear suddenly appeared in Rexi’s eyes, he shivered and lit a cigarette, took a deep breath and said, “Actually, not long after we left, we were surrounded by sand and snow storms, and we couldn’t find our way at all. I’m not scared, I won’t leave!”

“I was in a hurry. I didn’t want to die in the sand and snow, so I took a dagger and stabbed the camel’s butt!”

“I didn’t think so, the son of a bitch camel rushing towards me, and Tubal and I were running around like headless flies in the sand and snow storm, and we had no line of sight,I didn’t notice that I fell under the dunes! ”

“and then?”

Huang Lei couldn’t help it. What he knew was how these two goods got here, and it was about how they got out.

“Then we rolled into a hole and guess what we saw?”

Rexi suddenly opened her eyes wide and looked terrified.

“Look at your uncle!”

Sun Honglei cursed!

But Zhang Chen waved his hand and motioned for Rexi to continue.

Rexi swallowed and continued.

・・・ Flowers・・・・・・・・

“A woman with three eyes!”

“Rexi and I were terrified at the time, thinking that we had encountered a female ghost, we would get up and run away!”

“But her third eye suddenly opened, and a huge vortex appeared from her eye, and the two of us were drawn into it!”

“And here we are!”

Zhang Chen’s brows clenched, the three-eyed woman described by Rexi was very similar to the exquisite queen they were looking for this time!

“Fuck! Are you telling me ghost stories?”

The corner of Sun Honglei’s mouth twitched. He didn’t believe a single punctuation mark that Rexi said: “According to what you said, you were sent here by that three-eyed woman?”

“We want to go out, but we want to go to that three-eyed woman?”


Huang Lei was also unsure whether what the brothers said was true or false, and patted Sun Honglei on the shoulder to signal him not to get excited.

But to say that this brother is talking nonsense, how did they get in?

Unless there is an exit on the opposite side!

Rexi ignored Sun Honglei, looked at Zhang Chen and said, “I know you won’t believe it, but what I said is true!”

Zhang Chen raised his head and glanced at the Rexi brothers. From their eyes, he could see desire and sincerity!

Words can deceive people, but eyes can’t deceive people!

Zhang Chen has read countless people, and he can tell the truth at a glance!

It seems that the woman the brothers saw looked like a legendary queen!

Then the place they fell into should be the tomb of Queen Jingjue!

However, Zhang Chen was a little suspicious. According to his memory, shouldn’t the tomb of Queen Jingjue be in the Taklimakan Desert?

How did it appear in the Kunlun Glacier?

“Zhang Chen, these guys are just talking nonsense, you can’t trust them, I think it’s better to teach them a lesson so that they can be more honest!'”

Sun Honglei advised.

When Rexi heard Sun Honglei’s words, the corners of his mouth twitched.

He doesn’t believe lies, and he doesn’t believe the truth!

Lin Yu, Huang Bo and others also looked at Zhang Chen. They didn’t know whether Rexi’s story was true or not, so they could only wait for Zhang Chen to make up his mind.

“The three-eyed woman may be the owner of the tomb we’re looking for, the Queen of Essence!”

Zhang Chen’s solemn voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was startled! and.

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