Chapter 111 Military base? (Fifth!)|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“The tomb?

Huang Lei looked surprised, and immediately reacted, yes, how could such a wide passage be dug by a rock rat the size of a wild cat!

They must only be living in the graveyard!

“I know, these rock rats refused to come down even if they died. It must have been the dumplings from the tomb! That’s why they climbed up desperately!”

Huang Bo looked surprised as if he realized something.

Everyone stared at Huang Bo in surprise.

Sun Honglei scratched his head and looked at Huang Bo and asked, “Brother Bo, does this dumpling eat mice?”

Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, scratched his head and said, “Should I eat it? After all, this place is here.There doesn’t seem to be anything to eat…”

“It seems that dumplings don’t eat anything, they only eat people…”

Lin Yu was also a little confused by the issues discussed by the two of them, and scratched his head.

Huang Bo was stunned again, and said suspiciously: ‘It seems to be true! ’

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

“Right now, I’m still in the mood for nonsense. Zongzi are zombies and don’t eat anything!”

Huang Lei glared at everyone and said helplessly, he had seen the introduction of Zongzi in the 020 ancient book before, and he knew more secrets than them.

Huang Bo and Sun Honglei also seemed to find it boring to discuss this issue, so they stopped talking.

Zhang Chen stared at the depths of the tomb passage, and his eyes became solemn again. He found that even if he had night vision, he still could not see the end of the tomb passage!

Obviously, the length of this tomb passage should be more than 200 meters!

Just how big of a tomb has such a long tomb?

There is another question that Zhang Chen can’t figure out, whose tomb will be built in the wasteland and cliffs?

And the architectural orientation of the tomb does not follow the classical Feng Shui at all!

But since you can’t figure it out clearly, go in and take a look and you’ll know!

Zhang Chen burrowed into the depths of the dark tomb.

Everyone followed Zhang Chen with flashlights. Huang Lei used flashlights from time to time to carefully observe the walls of the tomb passage. He made up for the knowledge of ancient institutions for a week.

But after looking for a while, I didn’t find the existence of an organ. I only saw that there were mouse burrows all over the walls of the tomb!

Feeling a little disappointed.

In the live broadcast, Fang Tangyi’s voice was filled with excitement: “I didn’t expect the guest group to find the tomb by accident!”

“Professor Fang, can you tell what dynasty the tombs under the Gobi Desert belong to?”

Shen Ming asked.

“It is difficult to analyze from the information currently available, because it is located in the Kunlun Mountains, and the time of the tomb is unknown, so if you guess it out of thin air, there is no way to guess it!”

Fangtang is righteous.

“So, we can only get more useful information by continuing to observe from the perspective of the guest group!”

Shen Ming smiled.

“Zhang Chen, why do I think this tomb passage is a bit strange!”

Suddenly, Huang Lei quickly followed Zhang Chen and pointed his flashlight at the surrounding walls.

“What did you find?”

Zhang Chen glanced at Huang Lei and said.

“Maybe it’s my lack of knowledge, but I remember that there are usually mural inscriptions on this ancient tomb passage. Why is this tomb passage so strange? Not only does there not even have mural inscriptions, but even the organs do not exist, it seems that it is not a tomb passage but a It’s the same hallway!”

Huang Lei scratched his head and said.

“You’re right! This is indeed a corridor!”

Zhang Chen stopped and pointed to the wall not far away.

Huang Lei took a flashlight and was surprised to find that there was a gas lamp on the wall!

He sucked in a breath: “Is this a secret base built by modern times?”

“It’s not like it’s modern, it’s a bit like World War II!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and said.

Huang Lei’s voice also startled Huang Bo and others who were following behind. Huang Bo hit the flashlight and saw that the wall in the distance was full of gas lamps!

“I’ll go, we’re not entering some state secret base, right?”

Sun Honglei also had a strange look on his face. He had accidentally bumped into the tomb by mistake, but unexpectedly, he encountered the secret base.

After noticing Lin Yu who was still on the wall in front of him, Sun Honglei patted Lin Yu’s shoulder helplessly and said, “Don’t check, this is not your specialty!”


Lin Yu raised his head suspiciously. When he saw that there was a gas lamp in the direction of Sun Honglei’s finger, his heart suddenly became half cold.

“Let’s go in and have a look, we can’t get out anyway, we have to go in even the secret base!”

Sun Honglei smiled helplessly.

In the commentary studio, Fang Tangyi also showed an embarrassed look. He just thought it was a tomb passage, but he didn’t expect the style of painting to change drastically.

The product of modern civilization actually appeared!

I didn’t know what to say for a while. If it was really a state secret base, the guest group rashly broke in, and the live broadcast screen shot the equipment in the base, I am afraid there will be many incidents.

Just when he didn’t know what to do, everyone in the picture suddenly stopped, and the director quickly switched the camera to Zhang Chen’s perspective.

A mummified corpse wearing a Japanese pirate uniform appeared on the screen, quietly leaning against the wall!

“Dear viewers, this is most likely a military base left by Japanese pirates in China during World War II!”

Fang Tangyi hurriedly said, since it is not a secret base of the country, there is no problem. .

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