Chapter 111 Tomb Road! (Fourth!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“I’m going! Come as you say it!”

Huang Bo was shocked, with a trace of fear in his eyes, such a violent sand and snowstorm, let alone a person, even if the convoy came in, it was difficult to get out!

“Oh my God!”

Huang Lei’s face was sluggish, how could he have seen such a scene, people seem so insignificant and powerless in the face of natural forces!

The three girls of Fat Di are much better than when they were just buried in the tomb, but in the face of this terrifying scene, their faces are still a little pale.

“It’s over! It’s over! Everyone has to die!”

Rexi suddenly pulled the camel and ran forward desperately.

Seeing this, Tubal hurried to catch up.


Sun Honglei shouted, their equipment is still on it!

However, Rexi, who was already terrified, was willing to turn back and quickly disappeared into the wasteland and cliffs.

“Everyone, don’t panic!”

Zhang Chen looked at the sand and snow storm that filled the sky with a dignified expression to the extreme. There are wasteland cliffs everywhere. Once engulfed by the sand and snow storm, there is indeed only death!

“Zhang Chen, what should we do now?”

Huang Lei stared at Zhang Chen excitedly and asked, he couldn’t go back, but there was a group of rock rats in front of them, and the sand and snow storm came in, and they were dead!

“Move forward!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment.

Everyone was stunned, there was a black rock rat group in front of them!

“Zhang Chen, are you sure you want to move forward? We’re not enough for the hundreds of thousands of gerbils to stuff their teeth, right?”

Huang Lei said in disbelief.

In the live broadcast screen, the commentators fell into silence for a while, and they had no good way to do this.

Even if there is, according to the program rules, you can’t tell the guests!

Everything depends on them.

“Let’s trust Zhang Chen!”

After a long time, Fang Tangyi said.

“Yeah! Believe in Zhang Chen and hope he can create miracles!”

Shen Mingdao.

The barrage is full of expressions of prayer.

“Only by walking forward and entering the cave of the rock rat can you have a chance to survive!”

Zhang Chen said solemnly.

Everyone was startled again, and they all looked at Zhang Chen in disbelief.

They can’t handle the rock rat on the ground. If they enter the cave of the rock rat, they have to deliver it to the door?

“Zhang Chen, aren’t you kidding? We’re not going to die when we enter the rock rat cave.?”

Sun Honglei was surprised and said that although he always believed in Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen’s decision was really incomprehensible to him.

“Yeah, let alone entering the cave of the rock rat, even if you are close to the rat group, it is estimated that you will die!”

Huang Bo was a little desperate.

“Listen to Zhang Chen, his decision must be justified! Do you have any good ideas?”

Fat Di was in a hurry. Seeing that the sand and snow storm was coming, it was a waste of time to doubt Zhang Chen’s decision again. Although Zhang Chen’s idea was risky, in theory, there was still a chance of survival.

“Sand and snow storms are coming, and the rock rats do not enter the cave. Obviously, there are natural enemies they are afraid of or fear. Entering the cave is an adventure, but it is the only chance at present!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, everyone’s eyes suddenly lit up. That’s true. Normally, rock rats must enter the cave to avoid the storm, but they didn’t go in. Instead, they all gathered on the ground.

That’s weird in itself!

Zhang Chen speculates that there may be dangerous creatures in the rock rat cave, which is also very logicalEdit!

But doesn’t that mean that you first go out of the wolf’s den and then enter the tiger’s mouth!

But on second thought, it’s better than dying in the sand and snow!

Everyone was looking at Zhang Chen and found that he was already heading towards the rock rat group!

The picture of the camera quickly zooms forward along Zhang Chen’s direction!

The black rock rat group is displayed in front of all the audience!

At this moment, the audience watching the live broadcast, as well as the commentators, plus the members of the program team, no one is not gasping for breath!

The ground with a diameter of nearly one kilometer is full of rock rats, and this big disc is slowly getting bigger!

The camera zoomed in again, and everyone saw that in the middle of the group of rock rats, there were constantly rock rats crawling out!

“It seems that Zhang Chen’s analysis is correct. With so many rock mice constantly spewing out, it is clear that their natural enemies have appeared underground or they are afraid of something!”

Fang Tangyi took a deep breath and said solemnly.

“Such a huge group of rock mice has become an invincible existence in this land. Even elephants and rhinos will be buried by their terrifying numbers! I’m curious about what is in the cave?”

Shen Ming’s shocked voice also sounded at the same time.

“I’ll go! There won’t be monsters down there, right?”

“My intensive phobia is about to happen, Mom! Why are there so many mice!”

“It’s terrible! With so many mice, will Zhang Chen and the others really be all right?”


At this moment, Zhang Chen’s figure in the picture was already close to the group of mice, and I saw Zhang Chen pull out the ancient black gold knife from his back, and then strode toward the group of mice, as if he was about to kill a group of mice. Blood Road!

But a strange scene appeared!

Zhang Chen had just approached the group of rats, and the rock rats, which were the size of wild cats, suddenly seemed to encounter something terrifying, and they forcibly separated a passage!

Zhang Chen was also taken aback for a moment, he didn’t seem to have thought it would be like this!

However, the sand and snowstorm was already in front of him, so he didn’t have time to think about it, so he walked towards the center of the rock rat with the black gold ancient knife.

As Zhang Chen went deeper, the passage got bigger and bigger, and finally formed a triangular entrance!

Huang Lei and others who were following behind Zhang Chen looked shocked when they saw this strange scene. Is Zhang Chen really a god?

Are even rock rats afraid of Zhang Chen?

“¨. Everyone, please follow Zhang Chen, the sand and snow storm is coming soon!”

Huang Lei shouted to the crowd, and then followed Zhang Chen’s footsteps towards the center of the group of rats.

Zhang Chen walked to the center of the rat group, and as expected, he saw a large hole with a diameter of three meters. This is the general entrance to the cave of the rock rat. It is so wide that it is enough for them to enter!

Huang Bo glanced at the dark hole and touched the backpack subconsciously, but suddenly it sounded that all their supplies were pulled away by Rexi’s camel.

Zhang Chen looked back at (Wang De’s) and said to everyone, “I’ll take a gamble, I’ll jump first!”

After speaking, Zhang Chen jumped into the giant pit.

The atmosphere was suddenly silent, and no one knew how deep it was. If it was a deep pit of tens of meters, it would be dead if you went down!

About five seconds later, Zhang Chen’s voice came from the cave: “It’s safe! Come down quickly!”

Everyone’s faces suddenly showed joy, and they jumped in one by one.

After everyone entered the cave, Zhang Chen looked up and saw that the entrance of the cave had completely turned yellow-brown, and the sandstorm had completely engulfed the land above!

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, his life was on the line just now!

Huang Bo and Huang Lei turned on their flashlights, looked around, and suddenly said suspiciously: “No, why is this rock rat cave so big?”

Everyone looked up and found that the rock rat hole was three meters high and four meters wide, and it stretched far away!

“This is the cemetery!”

Suddenly, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded. .

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