In the darkness, there was another clear ticking sound from the old banyan tree.

Jiang Han and Sydney Yang were unprepared, how suddenly this signal sounded again.

“This sound is very different from the sound of eagle owls, there must be something in this woods.”

Jiang Han said in an affirmative tone.

The fish eye mixed beads quieted down on the side, listened carefully, and decoded in their hearts as they listened.

Morse yards this kind of thing, Sydney Yang has also heard of it, and after listening to it for a while, her face can’t help but show a look of horror.

“Lao Jiang, did you hear clearly, this is only a repeated Sherlock Holmes code signal, but the content of this signal has changed completely.”

Jiang Han also nodded, this time it was not the previous three short and three long, it was much more complicated than the previous signal, and it could be heard that the signal was repeated.

“Tick tock… Drip…… Tick…… Tick tock…”

“This is indeed different from the previous distress ghost signal, this time it is a death signal sent by the revenant!”

Jiang Han said.

At this moment, the forest is dark and deep, there is no wind sound, only the ticking sound from this tree trunk, which is very clear over and over again, and the judgment of the two will not be wrong.

Sydney Yang also nodded, he was exactly the same as Jiang Han heard.

The two did not dare to act rashly, holding flashlights to shine at the place where the sound was made, but the old bark looked like a hideous face under the light of the flashlight.

“Could it be that a pilot from the United States fell into a tree hole and sent a distress electrical signal before he died? The sound echoes here? ”

Sydney Yanggang questioned, but quickly denied himself, “Probably not, when I searched in the wreckage just now, I didn’t see any crew members’ bones, let alone parachute bags, so I concluded that the pilot parachuted and escaped before the crash, but how can this signal come out of the tree trunk?” ”

“The previous string of signals meant SOS, but now it’s DEAD, so maybe there’s some connection.” Jiang Han said.

Sydney Yang said, “There is not even a shadow in this deep mountain forest, let alone someone who can understand the communication code of Falls.” ”

Jiang Han nodded, “Then this proves even more that there are definitely dead people in this trunk.” ”

Sydney Yang said: “Some scientists have made experiments that the soul of the human body has weak radio waves, even extremely small energy, which can be stored for a long time in a specific environment. This may be the case with this ghost signal, but the question is what does this death code mean? Is it a warning to us? ”

Jiang Han smiled, things had come to this time, and it was impossible to retreat.

“It’s useless to guess, go down and find out!”

Shiria nodded, adjusted the climbing headlights, pulled the safety rope, and the two prepared to lean into the tree trunk.

The two of them walked from the left and right directions to the branches of the husband and wife tree, and came to the place where the wreckage and the big tree were connected.

As you get closer to the canopy, the ticking sound becomes clearer and clearer, and it is very good to hear.

Li Yang had already pointed the pistol at his eyes, and if there was something different, he was ready to pull the trigger at any time.

Jiang Han took out a golden short knife and quickly cut off the surrounding plants, and found that there was a natural tree hole in the trunk.

This tree hole is about the size of a human head, and because it is too old, it has been covered with parasites and other plants.

Sydney Yang found it incredible.

I didn’t expect that this hole would be so small, there are many such tree holes in this old couple’s tree, and such a hole is estimated to be able to pass through a squirrel tree lizard and the like.

When the two were about to take a closer look, the tree trunk behind them suddenly swayed, and it turned out that the fat man and Lao Hu climbed up with a safety rope.

“Old Fatty Hu, didn’t I let you pick you up below? How did it come up? Sydney Yang questioned.

“Chief of Staff Yang, it’s really not that I want to come up, and you don’t know that I have a fear of heights, but the problem is that the forest below is haunted, I have to be with you, it scares me to death just now.”

Sydney Yang and Jiang Han frowned.

“What happened?” Jiang Han asked.

“Just now I watched under the tree that you climbed around and didn’t make any fame, I was bored to see it, so I smoked a cigarette to relieve my fatigue, and suddenly I heard women crying around, the cry was a miserable ah, almost scared the fat master to death, there are definitely female ghosts around.”

The fat man said eagerly, and Huba Yi next to him also nodded.

“Female ghost, where did the female ghost come from?” Sydney Yang Road.

“Don’t believe you listen to yourself, you listen, here it is again!” The fat man said.

Sydney Yang has been paying attention to the ghost signal, and the female ghost cry that the fat man said really didn’t pay attention.

After a moment of silence, there was indeed a whimpering sound floating in the forest all around.

There is no wind in the forest, definitely not the sound of leaves rubbing or the like, the sound is very miserable and makes people’s hearts bristle.

“Don’t worry, this is not a female ghost, but a similar kind of eagle owl that was killed before.”

Compared to the intersection of several people, Jiang Han looked as usual, this voice will still be familiar, but it is just the same kind of damn eagle owl, presumably coming to them to take revenge.

“It turned out to be a night owl.”

Sydney Yang took the trouble to take out a signal gun from his backpack, and then shot it in the sky, and the flares instantly illuminated the entire forest.

The light shone in the forest like day, and every corner was illuminated in a miserable white.

At this time, the forest also became silent, and the cry of the female ghost before also stopped, and they could even hear the heartbeat and breathing between each other.

These insects and birds that move at night are particularly afraid of light, and the eagle owls are estimated to have been shocked by the light and retreated into the darkness.

The light of the signal gun gradually dissipated, and at this time, the morning sun in the sky also cut through the clouds, and the morning came.

The crowd collected their hearts and turned their attention to the hole in the trunk.

Inside the cave was a smooth crimson stone that was emitting a faint red light.

At this time, the bottom of the treetops “clicked” and broke, this old banyan tree has not known how many years, carrying the weight of four people plus the bomber’s cabin, finally can not support the break.

Fortunately, the safety ropes of several people were fixed to the trunk of the old banyan tree, which was very thick, and although the treetops were broken, several people slipped safely under the tree.

Looking up at the inside of the tree after the old trunk was cracked, everyone was stunned!

“I lean, what is that? It seems to be quite valuable, did we send it?! ”

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