Sydney Yang was thinking that if there were really the bones of the Mi Army pilots in it, he would bury it temporarily and then take the identity tag out.

All that remains is to notify the U.S. consulate and let them come back to collect the bones, so that as discoverers, several of them can still receive some benefits.

And if something unclean is going to be in the cabin, then there will be a war!

And Jiang Han was naturally not as nervous as Sydney Yang, and saw a place where he could stay, Jiang Han stepped over to stabilize his body, and then opened the hole in the cabin.

The inside of the cabin was pitch black, as if it was integrated with the night, and it was impossible to see inside.

Sydney Yang’s heart was raised in her throat, and she leaned her head over.

The forest was unusually quiet, but there was a sound of bells in the cabin, each of which made Sydney Yang’s heart pound.

A flashlight shot into the dark cabin, and into the eye was a pilot’s flight helmet.

He lowered his head, his helmet was already disconnected from his body, as if his neck was broken when the plane crashed, and his head was hanging from his chest.

Due to the small space, it was impossible to see the appearance of the corpse under the helmet for a while, but what was certain was that this person had been dead for a long time.

Sydney Yang had the audacity to reach out to pick up the helmet, but who would have thought that the pilot’s helmet suddenly moved twice, and the movement seemed to raise his head!

“Back off!”

Jiang Leng drank, because the situation was already very obvious, this thing was no longer an ordinary corpse.

This corpse, the corpse has changed!

Jiang Han took off the pilot’s helmet, and quickly took the black donkey’s hooves from Sydney Yang’s hand, ready to insert them into the corpse’s mouth.

However, at this moment, a pair of golden eyes appeared under the helmet.

In his eyes, two icy golden rays burst out!

The zombie’s eyes looked at Jiang Han, and Jiang Han could be sure that this was definitely not the zombie of the American pilot.

Even, this eye does not belong to humans at all, it should be some kind of rare giant bird of prey!

Sure enough, the huge raptor poked its head out, its iron beak like a steel hook, and a semi-green lizard was hanging from it!

And behind the huge raptor, there was a hollow, presumably flying in from the other end of the cabin.

Before a few people could come to their senses, the golden-eyed bird of prey fluttered its wings and rushed out of the cabin and hit the façade of Sydney Yang.


Sydney Yang didn’t have time to dodge, and actually fell from the 20-meter-tall old banyan tree!

“I lean! What’s the situation? ”

The fat man under the old banyan tree was stunned when he saw that Sydney Yang was actually playing with the high-altitude human parabola.

At this time, a steel cable also fell from the sky, and in a very critical situation, it firmly entangled Sydney Yang’s body.

There is no doubt that it is Jiang Han’s Daming Fourteenth Trend.

At the moment of the attack, it was Jiang Han Sydney Yang again, if he fell, he would probably die.


And the huge bird of prey actually pounced and flew towards Jiang Han.

“It’s just an eagle owl, it actually grows such a big head!”

When Jiang Han rushed towards the eagle owl, he spit out a mouthful of flame and directly burned the eagle owl into a roasted pigeon and fell down.

Sydney Yang climbed back into the canopy along the rope.

“Lao Jiang, what kind of bird is this, it actually grows so big.” Sydney Yang was still a little shocked.

“It’s just a carved owl, it’s actually a kind of owl, and there’s only this kind of thing left in the forest that can move in the evening.”

“Chief of Staff Yang, are you all right?!”

And at this time, the fat man and Lao Hu under the tree also shouted out, although I don’t know what happened above, but the scene where Sydney Yang almost fell just now really scared several people.

These 20 meters high, fall down will definitely die.

“It’s okay, let’s see what’s in this cabin?”

“Forget Lao Jiang, let’s not study this owl first, and then see what else is in the cabin.” Sydney Yang said to Jiang Han.

Sydney Yang was a little undying, she didn’t believe that there was nothing else in this cabin except owls.

The Morse code just now, she didn’t believe it was issued by this owl.

Jiang Han nodded.

“Lao Jiang, did you find anything of value on it? Do you want me to go up and help?! ”

The fat man saw the two looking for something on it, and suspected that he had picked up some treasure.

Sydney Yang refused: “You two don’t come up first, in case of any situation, you two can pick it up below.” ”

As he spoke, Sydney Yang had already taken off his clothes, took all the excess items he carried, and carefully got into the cabin.

The cabin is very small, only the slender Sydney poplar can get in, and even if you get in, you can’t twist it sharply, you can only take a cursory glance at everything in the airport.

“Found something?” Jiang Han asked.

“There are no human bones here, the nose is flattened, there are no bodies in the cockpit, only two flight helmets.”

After Sydney Yang turned around, he came out helplessly.

There are only some weapons and explosives, and there are no so-called bones.

And when Sydney Yang came out of the cabin, suddenly a yin wind hit!

The forest has always been calm and windless, and suddenly there was a dark wind, which made people’s scalps numb.

Sydney Yang looked up and saw that it was the eagle owl that had just been burned to death by the fire, but now it had turned into a bald owl!

“Lao Jiang, get down quickly!” Sydney Yang exclaimed.

“This beast is not dead yet!”

Jiang Han had actually sensed the strange situation in the rear, and three steel knives flew out directly from the fourteenth posture of the Ming Dynasty, piercing the eyes and heart of the eagle owl with unmistakable accuracy.

This time, the giant eagle owl was completely killed, and fell to the ground with a “boom”.

“I rely on Lao Jiang, such a big night owl, are you two okay?!”

The eagle owl landed right at the fat man’s feet, thinking that this time there was game to eat.

“Lao Jiang, there are no bones here, could it be that your judgment was wrong?”

Sydney Young asked.

Jiang Han smiled slightly: “My judgment, when did I miss it?” ”

“Tick, tick…”

And at this moment, in the quiet forest, suddenly came the sound of electrical signals.

The source of the sound is the tree trunk under the wreckage of the cabin!

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