Time Traveler

Chapter 84: Hardening is expensive

It can be said that this primary meditation technique is not much different from the meditation technique that I practiced. The real value of this exchange is still this fireball technique. The power of this thing can grow, and it will definitely be more powerful than firearms in the future. A lot, even before, it was actually much more powerful than a pistol. As for the frequency of release, the mental power will increase in the future, and the power will be enormous, and if it throws a few hundred rounds in minutes, you can completely transform into a human-shaped fort.

The two basic things were replaced, and the 100 points were gone, and there were still 215 points. If nothing else, first add all the attributes to 10 points. It’s not that I don’t want to add more. It’s really too expensive to add more than 10 points. If you add a little strength, 10 points, and when you add a little more, it will become 110. I only have so many points in total.

1 point of strength, 2 points of agility, 1 point of physical strength, spent 40 points, and pressed the confirm button.

In an instant, the golden light reappeared, as if it was similar to teaching basic internal skills. It directly irradiated the human body and entered from various acupoints of the body.

The nerve center began to strengthen, and at the same time spread to the whole body, some substances in the nerve center changed slightly, resulting in a significant increase in the transmission speed of the signal. This is the effect of increasing the agility attribute. Of course, bones, muscle tissue, body cells, and the body His internal organs, etc., were strengthened once by the golden light.

Li Yunfei doesn't know how much power he has increased, and it's not easy to experiment in the middle of the night now, but he can definitely improve a lot.

There are still 175 points. Looking at the common materials that can be exchanged, although the prices of those materials are extremely cheap, I can’t bring up the interest in exchange. The advanced things seem to be gray, maybe they will be unlocked in the future.

The most surprising thing is that I didn't find the use of the gratitude willingness. Which one has 855 points of gratitude and willingness. I thought it would be used as much as the points, but I didn't expect it to be completely useless. It's a little too depressing.

"Maybe you haven't unlocked any functions yet!" Li Yunfei comforted himself and continued to check all kinds of things that could be exchanged.

From those things, it can be seen that there may be more things in the future. For example, there are several types of bullets: ordinary bullets, pure silver bullets, bursting bullets, armor-piercing bullets, magic-breaking bullets, spirit-killing bullets, etc. Of course, every There are many types of bullets, and the caliber specifications are very complete. All kinds of bullets have different uses. For example, the most expensive spirit-killing bullet can actually deal with the legendary ghosts and spirits.

Since there are spirit-killing bullets, does this indicate that he will go to some worlds with ghosts in the future? With his own ability, it seems that he has no means to deal with ghosts, so this ammunition really needs to be exchanged for some and stored. This ghost is really difficult to deal with.

The soul-killing bullets with mysterious lines are very expensive to exchange. 1 point can only be exchanged for 100 rounds. There are many specifications. The price is uniform: 1 point and 100 rounds. ciphertext.

In many cases, pistols are more useful to deal with those kind of ghosts and ghosts, because of their fast response speed. Therefore, pistol bullets are mainly exchanged, and some other caliber bullets are also exchanged.

It's really distressing to spend 25 points just after redeeming a few thousand rounds of special bullets, but what I'm most afraid of now is encountering ghosts, such inexplicable things.

There are still 150 points. I have carefully checked the things that can be exchanged in the system. In all fairness, I am not very satisfied. I don’t know if the system is intentional. It's theoretically possible.

Even a set of the most basic power armor is not exchanged, but it seems that there are some things in reality that are low enough to be exchanged by yourself.

After looking carefully for a long time, there are only a few things that are not available in the real world, but can be exchanged for things. It is a kind of strengthening potion that can make people break through the limit. The price is 100 points. At least 5 points of attributes can be strengthened, and a person can only have one chance to strengthen.

As for what attributes to strengthen, it all depends on each person's local potential. Now one hundred points can only be added by one point, and this gene-enhancing medicine, at least five points, is of course very cost-effective, so I directly click the purchase confirmation.

After a while of light and shadow shaking, an injection with an air syringe appeared directly in the storage space.

There is no hesitation, just inject directly. Anyway, if the system wants to kill you, you will already be dead, so there is no need to doubt the efficacy of this injection.

A burst of heat spreads rapidly along the arm to the whole body, just like the feeling of electric shock, the whole body is numb, and the effect seems to be very good, especially the muscle shaking is extremely strong, and the time lasts for a full ten minutes, it is like The feeling of being electrocuted also disappeared.

The effect was better than expected. The strength increased by 2 points, the physical strength increased by 2 points, and the mental strength even increased by 4 points. Therefore, the power of the 'fireball' was directly increased by 4 points.

The longer the distance, the faster the launch speed, which can be said to be a real big profit. But it is still a pity, if these five points are added to agility, it may be more perfect.

There are still 50 points left, so don't use it for the time being, wait and see, maybe I will give a notification before entering the trial world, then it is better to do some corresponding things to exchange.

Now I'd better go to sleep first to calm down some of my uneasy emotions. Unfortunately, my mood is not at all casual at all. After practicing meditation for more than half an hour, there is still no trace of randomness, so I helplessly continue to stay awake. It would be great if Anna and Amy were by my side. I don't have to worry about not being able to sleep. It's a pity. Will it be sad to wake up and find that I am no longer... Maybe it will be alright after a while...

Lying on the bed alone, I think of the two girls in minutes. After all kinds of memories emerge when I think about it, I don't want to fall asleep. Had to sit up and get ready to find something to do.

After thinking about it, I finally found one thing, which is to install the smart assistant~www.wuxiamtl.com~ that has been modified for a long time on my mobile phone. It took me more than half a year to complete it. Transplanting Sakamoto, it should be able to run on the Android platform, but it has not been installed, so it is not clear, anyway, if you have time, if you can't, just do it slowly, just to pass this slow and long night with no one to accompany.

There are more than 600 megabytes of data, which contains many basic pronunciations of Mandarin, so it seems that the amount of data is relatively large. In fact, the amount will become larger and larger after the operation, because the intelligent assistant will also actively record each use. The owner's unique tone of voice, constantly improving to identify the meaning the owner wants to express...

Although there were some small problems encountered when loading the data, they were quickly resolved. Although the mobile phone I used has been in use for more than half a year, the performance is not bad, at least many are better than the computer in The Walking Dead World. few.

After restarting the phone, a smiley face icon appeared on the screen of the phone. Although it was very dirty, it was easy to use. Just click on the icon...

"What can Xiaowei do for you?" After the software was started, he took the initiative to ask a question, and the electronically synthesized voice even had a hint of tone, although it sounded a bit like his own, and it felt a little weird.

This is also a no-brainer. At that time, I could only input some basic pronunciations by myself, and then synthesize them through the software. If the software is to be popularized and used in the future, I have to find some professional voice actors to input it, but the software works quite well. of.

"Xiaowei, wake me up in 5 hours, and shut down in one minute!" Since it runs successfully, it means that the software runs without problems. Just try the functions of this software. Will it be confused with two consecutive missions...

"The alarm clock is set...the automatic shutdown starts, good night..."

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