Time Traveler

Chapter 83: huge gain

Woke up in a daze, stretched out his hand and groped for a while, but there was no one around, where would the two girls go in the middle of the night, but don't let anything happen... Thinking of this, Li Yunfei sat up suddenly, and suddenly saw the familiar In an unfamiliar room, I was stunned when I saw the movie The Walking Dead was still playing on the computer.

"Is it just a dream? By the way, the storage space!" When he came back to his senses, he quickly remembered the matter of opening the storage space. Just a thought, the huge storage space was really opened.

Looking at the familiar interface, and at the familiar room, I pinched myself again, not a dream, I really came back, and the storage space is also a real existence, and opening and closing is still just a thought... …

Seeing this situation, I can’t tell in my heart whether it’s exciting or sad. I can return safely and get huge benefits. Of course, this is something to be happy about. When I touch the Edman alloy sword again, I still endure it. I couldn't help but get excited, it was all real.

But when they think about whether they will see Anna in the future, they can't guarantee it, and their hearts are always empty. But now, thinking about this matter seems to be only asking for trouble.

She quickly flipped through the new series of information on the task notebook...

Completing the survival mission will reward you with 20 points.

Complete the task of destroying zombies and successfully destroy 312,540 zombies. The task rewards 92 points.

Complete the rescue mission, save people 106 times, and the mission rewards 53 points.

Completing the guardian mission will reward you with 50 points.

Completing the ultimate mission will reward you with 100 points.

The total number of points is 315...

Items in the storage space, if no items beyond the limited rules of this time and space are found, they will be preserved. If the tester passes the test, there is no need to format the relevant memory, and the next test will be opened after ten days...

As expected, there is no free lunch in this world, and the failure of the mission is likely to format the memory and take back everything.

Continuing to scroll down the attribute information, I saw a surprising and depressing scene. The surprise was that it was really possible to add more points. The depressing thing was that it was too expensive...

Strength 9, +1 point requires 10 points

Agility 8, +1 point requires 10 points

Stamina 9, +1 point requires 10 points

Spirit 26, +1 point requires 100 points


If it's 10 points plus a point, then the price is okay, but why does it take 100 points to add a little bit of spirit, then the ultimate mission reward points can only be added a little bit? Oh, it's not right to say that, there is also an eternal crystal coin. In this way, that inconspicuous little thing is actually several times more than all the points that he has been busy with for a whole year. I really can't see it... The attribute points are all increased to 10 points, which is necessary. Just look at adding a little more, and it has increased tenfold in a few minutes. Really can't afford it, it's too expensive and not worth it. Maybe it's because you want to break through the limit attributes of normal people, so the price will be so high!

The page-turning sign below has been lit, indicating that you can turn pages, a total of 6 pages, so continue to look down, the first page is the introduction of the character's basic attributes and the exchange of attribute points. On the second page of daily necessities exchange, I saw some very interesting things, but now is not the time to enjoy it, so I just turned it over. Consumable item exchange, cultivation technique exchange, weapon preparation exchange, item strengthening and upgrading, open these pages, and look at all of them. There are many kinds of exchangeable materials, firearms and ammunition, but there are many other options. Most of them are in a gray non-convertible state, and many more are blank.

For example, in the cultivation technique column, there are only two most basic things that can be exchanged, but compared to other things, these two things are very worthwhile to exchange.

Primary internal strength: If you keep practicing for half an hour every day, you can generate internal power in one year, you can reach the first level of qi training in three years, and you can reach the 10th level of qi training in 30 years. If you continue to practice for 9 years, you can reach the innate foundation... Talent is based on talent needs.

What is the concept of innate? It seems that in all martial arts novels, innate is very powerful. All you need to do is to persist for half an hour tomorrow. There are no other requirements, and the price is only 50 points, which is simply too cost-effective.

This one must be exchanged, without any hesitation, just click the exchange confirmation button after reading the introduction.

It wasn't a book in the imagination, but a golden light appeared out of thin air and directly irradiated him. It was actually infused directly into his body in the form of energy infusion. This was indeed high enough.

Originally, I didn't feel the meridians in my body at all, but under the radiation of golden light, the meridian points in the body gradually appeared, and special meridian channels were formed rapidly. Although those meridian channels were very small, they passed through. After the infusion of this golden energy, it clearly sensed its existence.

There is also a lot of relevant knowledge in my mind. In the future, my thoughts only need to follow those meridians to form a big cycle. I insist on once a day in the morning and evening. It only takes about three months to have a real sense of qi. There can be real infuriating.

With infuriating qi, one can be immune to all diseases, become strong and strong, and prolong life. If the infuriating qi is great, it can reshape the body, rejuvenate and rejuvenate, and increase the upper limit of life essence by more than two times... This primary internal strength is simply priceless. , just stick to it, no other requirements, this is too important.

It is now after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night. Li Yunfei, who was happy to see the hunter, went straight to the first exercise. After half an hour, he was satisfied and finished work, feeling refreshed. He felt that it was quite good. Although he was sitting seriously, his legs were a little numb.

I used to meditate because I was afraid of numbness in my legs while sitting, so I deliberately avoided that sitting position and came up with a way to exercise while lying down. However, in the initial 100-day foundation-building stage, this primary internal skill cannot be so messed up. After the real qi begins to swim in the body, there is no requirement for posture, and it is enough to guide directly with the mind. Although it was already one o'clock at night, but still no sleepiness, I picked up the tablet again and continued to check...

Elementary Meditation: 50 points, stick to half an hour a day, you can release basic high-temperature ion **** (also known as fire balls) for one year, long-term practice has the effect of increasing spiritual power...

It's a bit surprising to see Li Yunfei~www.wuxiamtl.com~ No matter how I look at it, I imagine that the meditation technique is my own. The meditation technique I practiced seems to have the bonus effect of improving the spiritual power, although the spiritual power is now increased. The speed has slowed down a bit, and now it has only increased 1 point of mental power for nearly three months.

Maybe this professional thing will be better, and it seems to be very good to exchange it. You can set fireballs in a year. Although the fireballs should not be as convenient as rifles, but with fireballs, it is also much easier to pretend to be a ghost... …

"Well, this can be exchanged!" After thinking for a while, I decided to exchange it. In fact, there is no other more suitable thing to exchange, so I can only exchange these most basic things.

Another white light suddenly appeared and shone on the center of his eyebrows. He still taught the exercises by means of energy infusion. In fact, the meditation technique was really simple. It was just a little bit different from the transformation meditation technique that he created. It’s just different, the key is how to use the mental power, what kind of energy array is directly portrayed in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, that is a mass of energy, the system insists that it is an energy array, let’s call it an energy array!

That thing can gather mental power, and then form a high-temperature ion ball... To successfully release the fireball technique, you only need to reach 20 mental points.

The system calculates based on its own 26 points of spirit, the power of the high-temperature ion ball is 7 points, the attack distance is 26 meters, and the attack frequency is 7 times per minute... (for each additional point of spirit power, the release frequency per minute increases by 1, and the attack frequency increases by 1 time per minute. The distance increases by 1 meter, and the power increases by 1 point)

Although I really wanted to try this fireball technique, I saw that it was quiet all around and everyone was asleep. It would be bad if there was any small accident, so I'd better wait for a chance to find an empty place and try again. Better to try.

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