Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 98 Sky Fire

Feng Qixing frowned and said, "Master Su, I'm afraid there is a formation in this valley!"

As a person from the Imperial Capital, he has naturally seen the existence of formations. In the Imperial Capital, the headquarters of some major forces often use formations to ensure safety and prevent invasion by foreign enemies, including the headquarters of Wubaotang.

However, Feng Qixing was still very surprised that the formation existed in a small place like Qinghe City and in such a wilderness.

"Master Su, it's best not to walk in. This formation is like a maze. Although it has no lethality, you will get lost if you walk in. You may be trapped in it and never get out."

Feng Qixing reminded.

Su Chen looked at the mist in the valley and smiled faintly: "It doesn't matter, you stay outside and I'll go in and take a look."

The formation is naturally extremely dangerous to the people of Qinghe City. However, for Su Chen, daring to play with formations in front of his Chen Dan Emperor was just a trick.

In his previous life, Su Chen had a wide range of interests. Because he could not practice martial arts, he spent all his time studying other fields. In addition to alchemy, his attainments in formations were also impressive in the alchemy realm. People can excel.

In his previous life, he could easily arrange a hundred and eighty mazes of this level in front of him, and it would not be a problem for him at all.

Su Chen strode into the misty valley and felt the atmosphere of the formation around him. He frowned and murmured: "This... seems to be the Dragon Elephant Prison Formation!"

There was a look of disbelief on his face. This Dragon Elephant Prison Locking Formation was a heaven-level formation. How could it appear in the Yunyuan Empire?

In his previous life, he had never heard of such a high-level formation in the Xingyang Mountains. It seemed that many things had been ignored in his previous life. This Yunyuan Empire seemed to hide many secrets, and it was by no means as simple as it seemed.

Now, Su Chen started to get curious. He actually used an formation like the Dragon Elephant Prison Suppression Formation. What kind of treasures were buried in it?

Su Chen collected his thoughts and began to observe the formations around him.

In the heyday of the Dragon Elephant Prison Locking Formation, even an emperor-level powerhouse would be defeated if he walked into it. But the Dragon Elephant Prison Locking Formation in this valley has obviously passed an unknown number of years. The energy in the formation has been lost with the passage of time. There is no energy left, and the power is not even as powerful as it was in its heyday. Less than one percent.

Fortunately, otherwise, with Su Chen's current level of soul power, it would be absolutely impossible to break through the Dragon Elephant Prison Formation.

Not to mention Elder Chen, even if he was not killed by Su Chen, if he entered this valley rashly, he would definitely be trapped in it forever.

Su Chen's soul power was fully activated, and relying on his familiarity with the formation, he avoided disaster all the way without encountering any trouble.

Half an hour later, Su Chen arrived at the center of the valley, which was the center of the entire formation.

"Huh? There seems to be a very weak breath coming from underground."

Su Chen immediately noticed an extremely weak aura from the ground, which seemed to belong to some kind of creature.

"There seems to be some kind of creature sealed under the ground!" Su Chen murmured.


A voice suddenly sounded without warning, "How did you tell?"

Immediately afterwards, the ground rumbled and trembled, and suddenly countless spider web-like cracks opened around a point.

The next moment, a soaring red light rushed out of the crack like a red beam of light.

Under Su Chen's gaze, the red light quickly turned into a crimson flame, suspended three feet above the ground.

The flames twisted, and the shape of eyes and mouth emerged, just like a ferocious human face made of flames, looking down at Su Chen.

"Huh, it turns out he's just an extremely weak human being."

The flaming man looked at Su Chen with contempt and said solemnly.

"Well, it turns out to be a ball of sky fire trapped in the Dragon Elephant Prison Formation."

Su Chen was not afraid of this ferocious face at all, and said with a slight smile.


The flame man's face was startled, and the flames on his body suddenly trembled a few times, "Human, how do you know that I am a sky fire?"

"Isn't it difficult to judge? You have spiritual intelligence, what else is it if it's not heavenly fire?"

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders, as if the other party asked a mentally retarded question.

"Not many humans can recognize the identity of this Heavenly Fire!"

The flame man spoke with a solemn face. If it were an ordinary human warrior at this moment, he would probably be frightened when he saw its appearance, let alone recognize its identity.

In fact, it is a source of fire, and a high-level source of fire that has developed spiritual intelligence. In the world of martial arts, such a high-level fire source is called sky fire!

The source of fire is what alchemists dream of, because once the alchemist who condenses the elixir fire absorbs the source of fire, his own elixir fire will be upgraded and its power will become stronger.

If you absorb heavenly fire, there is a high probability that your own elixir fire can directly rise to heaven-level elixir fire and refine everything.

However, Sky Fire is extremely rare, and even few people at the level of Alchemy Emperor have refined Sky Fire.

Even though Su Chen's face seemed calm at the moment, in fact, his heart was in turmoil. He never expected that a ball of heavenly fire would be sealed in this place. This was something that all alchemists dreamed of and would snatch even if their heads were broken!

In Su Chen's previous life, he was promoted to Alchemy Emperor because he received a ball of heavenly fire. But he knew how much energy and price he had paid in his previous life in order to obtain that ball of sky fire.

But now, he encountered a ball of sky fire without any effort.

"No wonder there is a dragon-elephant prison formation in this valley. It turns out that it suppressed a ball of sky fire."

The power of the heavenly fire coming to the world is unparalleled, so in order to suppress it, it is normal to set up a dragon-elephant prison formation here.

"Dragon Elephant Prison Locking Formation? Human being, do you still know about the Dragon Elephant Prison Locking Formation?"

This time, Tianhuo became even less calm and roared, "How can you, a mere human in the Condensing Yuan Realm, know about an formation like the Dragon Elephant Prison Locking Formation?"

Su Chen did not answer, but asked: "Do you know what your name is?"

High-level fire sources all have names, and this is especially true for the heavenly fire that has evolved into wisdom. Even in the Dan Realm, some good people once created a Sky Fire List, which listed the ranking of the Sky Fire in the entire Dan Realm.

Tianhuo was asked this question. After being stunned for a moment, he seemed to be thinking seriously: "I seem to have had a name before, but I don't remember it."

Su Chen understood: "It seems that you have been imprisoned here for too long and have forgotten your name. However, your past identity should be very simple, otherwise you would not be placed in the heaven-level formation." , it’s blocked here.”

"Is it?"

Tianhuo was stunned for a moment when he was told that, and looked like he was thinking carefully. Then his whole body started to tremble violently, "My head hurts... I can't... I can't think of anything!"

Su Chen shook his head: "It seems that it is really too long ago, or for other reasons, you don't remember anything."

"Stop talking about this, let me ask you, don't you want to get out of this formation?"

Su Chen changed the topic and started to get to the point.

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