Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 97 Misty Valley

Su Chen sat lazily on the ground, threw the remaining wolf leg bones aside, and said calmly: "I still said the same thing, if you don't want to die, don't provoke me, and leave my sight immediately. I can pretend you didn't see it. you."

This is his warning, it's up to the other party whether he listens to it or not.

If the other party insists on not heeding the warning, it's no wonder he is there. He will never be merciful to those who want to kill him.

"Arrogant, how dare you say such things in front of Elder Chen, one of the nine elders of our Iron Clothes Sect!"

"If we, Elder Chen, take action, you won't even know how you died!"

Elder Chen's face also darkened: "What an arrogant boy, I will kill you now to see if you are still arrogant!"

As he said that, Elder Chen took action in shock, and a pair of heavy palms struck out like thunder, making a harsh sound of wind howling, roaring towards Su Chen!

The peak of the fourth level of Condensation Realm!

Judging from the true energy released by Elder Chen, his cultivation has obviously reached the peak of the fourth level of Yuan Condensation Realm.

This kind of strength is slightly higher than the two-headed blood wolf just now, and with such speed and distance, Su Chen has no time to charge up and use "Large Wave Slash".

"Five Elements Fist!"

Su Chen used the Five Elements Fist to fight back, bang bang bang bang, and in the blink of an eye, the two of them were exchanging dozens of moves back and forth.

What shocked Elder Chen was that every heavy slap he slapped on Su Chen's body did not cause any damage. It was like hitting a large piece of metal, which was extremely hard.

What kind of body does this kid have? How come he has such a strong defense as if he were made of copper and iron?

"Boy, you're fine, but that's it for now!"

Elder Chen said coldly, he knew that Su Chen's strength was not low, otherwise he would not have been able to kill the two-headed blood wolf just now, so he did not underestimate Su Chen, but he did not expect that Su Chen's combat power was better than he imagined. Medium and stronger.

At that moment, Elder Chen suddenly retreated backwards, left the battle circle, and drew out a long sword that shone with cold light.

"Wake up!"

Elder Chen's palm sparkled with golden light, and the metallic essence poured into the long sword, as if he was brewing some powerful killing move.


On the other side, Su Chen also drew the Canghai Sword.

"Golden Light Cloud Top!"

Elder Chen suddenly shouted loudly, and dozens of rays of sword light suddenly emerged from the long sword. The golden sword light crisscrossed and formed a densely intertwined network in mid-air. Each ray of sword light contained considerable power, as if It was as if it could smash everything into pieces, and it rushed towards Su Chen with all its might.

"Boy, you're dead!" Elder Chen sneered in his eyes. His swordsmanship and martial arts are high-level yellow-level martial arts. Once he uses them, even the warriors who are at the fourth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm will have to stay away temporarily. The sharp edge, let alone Su Chen who was at the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

At this time, Su Chen also drew his sword.

"One sword and nine waves!"

The surging white sword light pushed out horizontally and collided with the golden sword light net.


The next moment, a scene that shocked Elder Chen appeared. He saw that his golden sword light net, under the impact of Su Chen's white sword light, was as vulnerable as a bubble and was shattered to pieces!

"How can this be?"

Elder Chen was extremely horrified. What kind of martial skill was Su Chen performing? It could actually shatter his "Golden Light Cloud Summit" in an instant!

However, before he could figure it out, Su Chen's Overlapping Wave Slash continued and struck Elder Chen hard in the chest!

puff! Elder Chen spat out a large mouthful of blood. A long and shocking crack was cut in his chest, and blood surged wildly.

Elder Chen's eyes were lifeless, and he fell down slumped, dead!

Before he died, he seemed to have not yet figured out how he could die in the hands of a third-level Condensing Yuan Realm person, especially since he did not underestimate the other party.

"You, how dare you kill Elder Chen!"

The other three people were extremely shocked. Elder Chen, one of the nine elders of the Iron Clothes Sect, would be killed at the request of a young boy who was still young.

"You are dead. If you dare to kill the elder of the Iron Clothes Sect, just wait!"

The three of them said that and immediately turned around and ran away to report the news to the others in the Iron Clothes Sect.

However, how could Su Chen let them run away? As soon as the three of them ran less than two meters away, two of them were struck by a sword from behind and died on the spot.

The last person left was terrified and trembling. Seeing Su Chen walking towards him with a sword, he quickly shouted: "Don't kill me. I have important information to tell you. I guarantee you are interested. Don't kill me." !”

"Huh?" Su Chen stopped.

The man quickly took out a piece of yellowed paper from his arms and said: "I am Elder Chen's confidant. Elder Chen got this ancient map by chance some time ago. This time he came to the Xingyang Mountains. He planned to I secretly searched for the place on this map without telling others."

Su Chen took the yellowed paper and saw that it was indeed a map, exuding traces of time. The place marked above is a place within the Xingyang Mountains.

"What's marked on this map?"

Su Chen asked.

The man shook his head: "I don't know, there is no explanation on the map. However, Elder Chen is very concerned about this map, and deliberately does not put it on himself, but puts it here with me, just to prevent anyone from stealing it from him. So I thought there must be something very precious in this place.”

"I accept the map."

Su Chen rolled up the yellowed map and said, "As for you, in order to thank you, I can leave you a whole body."

Before the man could say anything, he was hit in the heart by Su Chen. His heart was shattered and he died.

"No, don't kill me!"

The only woman left alive was really panicked at this moment. She originally thought that the appearance of Elder Chen and others was her life-saving straw, but she didn't expect it to end like this.

"I said it from the beginning, if you don't want to die, you should leave before the fight starts. Now, it's too late."

Su Chen shook his head and stabbed the woman to death with a sword.

"Perverted, absolutely perverted."

Feng Qixing could only sigh. When Elder Chen took action, he thought that he would definitely take action on behalf of Su Chen to deal with the opponent this time. Unexpectedly, Su Chen once again staged a good show of the weak defeating the strong. , with the cultivation level of the third level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, he defeated the peak powerhouse of the fourth level of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

At this moment, in Feng Qixing's eyes, Su Chen could only be described as pervert. It was hard for him to imagine what it would be like if Su Chen grew up in the future.

"Let's go and look at the place on the map."

Su Chen believed that there should be something worthy of special attention in the map that attracted Elder Chen's attention so much.

The place recorded on the ancient map is within the Xingyang Mountains. Immediately, the two of them got on the road and walked quickly to the location recorded on the map.

More than an hour later, the two finally arrived at the place recorded on the map.

However, this place is the entrance to a valley. The two of them stood at the entrance and looked into the valley. They could only see ten or twenty meters clearly, and beyond that there was a thick fog.

With such a scene, even the most obtuse person can tell that this valley is very abnormal.

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