Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 787 Cliff

Evil energy will contaminate living beings, and the first among them are monsters. Once a monster is contaminated with evil energy, it will gradually lose its mind and wander around like a ghost zombie. There will be no other thoughts in its mind. Its only instinct is to infect the evil energy to others. Other living beings.

However, the last time Su Chen came to the Black Night Mountains, there was obviously no evil spirit here.

Could it be that something happened in the Dark Night Mountains during this time?


Those monster wolves surrounded by evil spirits had already charged towards Su Chen with bared teeth.

Su Chen swung his sword casually, and under the shining sword light, those monster beasts and wolves didn't even have time to hum, and their heads were suddenly missing.

As their corpses fell, a few strands of milky white essence floated out from their corpses and wrapped around Su Chen's sword.

Su Chen stretched out his hand and grabbed the few strands of essence in his hand.

"This is the essence of evil..."

Su Chen's eyes sparkled. Normal monsters would not have evil essence in their bodies. Only monsters polluted by evil would produce a ray of evil essence in their bodies, which would be released when they die.

The essence of evil energy is the favorite of alchemists, because the essence of evil energy can nourish the soul sea and is an important resource for alchemists to improve their soul power.

Moreover, this kind of resource is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought. Many alchemists will never come across it in their lifetime.

With a thought in Su Chen's mind, a suction force burst out from his palm, sucking the bunches of evil essence into his body. His soul power then surged out, wrapping and refining the evil essence.

After refining these strands of evil spirit essence, Su Chen could clearly feel that his soul power level had risen slightly.

"Although I don't know why the evil energy suddenly erupted in the Black Night Mountains, but with so much evil energy essence, it is simply an alchemist's paradise."

Although he knew that there was evil in the Black Night Mountains, Su Chen was unafraid and walked all the way to the depths of the Black Night Mountains.

Not only was the evil essence a good thing for him, but Su Chen's original plan was to cross the Night Mountains and then go to Winterland City. This way the journey would be shorter, and he would not change his plan.

As he went deeper and deeper into the Dark Night Mountain Range, Su Chen also felt a depressing and cold aura permeating every corner of the Dark Night Mountain Range.

The permeation of evil spirits gave the entire Dark Night Mountain Range a strange and depressing atmosphere.

Su Chen's figure jumped quickly in the dark night mountains, releasing his soul power as he hurried on, monitoring the surroundings.

Once a monster contaminated with evil spirits is nearby, he will immediately notice it. If it was a monster that was too powerful, he would take a detour. If it was an ordinary monster, he would kill it and absorb the evil essence.

In this way, while rushing on the road, his soul power level was also steadily increasing.

"I'm so lucky to have such an opportunity to hone my soul power before going to Danta. It seems that this Danta competition will be a stage for me to show off my skills."

Su Chen's eyes were bright, but he knew that the outbreak of evil energy definitely meant not only opportunities for the alchemist, but also risks.

Because monsters contaminated by evil spirits will be more ferocious than ordinary monsters, and will attack humans unscrupulously.

This also means that he must be very energetic to deal with these monster beasts, otherwise he may lose his life without tempering his soul power.

In this way, after two days of advancing at full speed in the Dark Night Mountains, Su Chen arrived at the depths of the Dark Night Mountains.

When we arrived here, there was a creepy evil spirit lingering around, and the whole world seemed to be shrouded in a hazy mist, which seemed gloomy and gloomy, giving people a great sense of depression.

At this point, even Su Chen had to run the "Chaos Immortal Record" to form a defense around his body to prevent evil spirits from entering his body.

This evil spirit is not as contagious to human warriors as it is to monster beasts, but it is not completely without influence. If human warriors are immersed in evil spirits for a long time, their minds will still be damaged.

Su Chen felt curious in his heart, where did this evil aura come from?

Looking at the concentration of the evil energy, Su Chen felt that he should be close to the source of the evil energy.

After walking forward for a while, Su Chen saw something vaguely dark and unknown in his sight.

When he got closer, Su Chen suddenly discovered that in this dark area, there were actually a lot of people gathered together, not knowing what they were doing.

"How come there are so many people gathering deep in the Dark Night Mountains?"

Su Chen thought to himself, are these people coming here for the evil spirits in the Dark Night Mountain Range?

He walked towards the group of people, and when he reached the group of people, he discovered that the place where the group of people were standing was unexpectedly next to a bottomless rift valley.

A few steps further, there is a cliff.

At this moment, everyone was craning their necks and looking down the cliff.

"It seems like the evil energy comes from under this cliff?"

"I don't know what is under this cliff?"

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